Like the rest of us, you’re busy. You’re running kids to soccer, baseball, and ballet. Some days it feels like you’re living out of your car and well, it looks like it too. How can you declutter your car on the go? Is this even possible? Kathi and Tonya are here to give you car organization ideas and some very practical tips how to accomplish just that. Tune in now!

Click to download this handy at a glance checklist: 5 Ways to Declutter Your Car Download

Check out this awesome caddy I use in my car for all my items.


This is the car hook I use to keep my purse close by but out of the way.

Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. She and her husband, Brian, are raising two spirited girls in the agricultural heart of California. She writes about fighting the demons of comparison, clutter and compulsion on