organize the laundry room

Day six of the Spring Fling and it’s time to come clean … and organize the laundry room.

It is my pit of shame. Oh friends. I can’t even believe I am showing you the before picture…

laundry room

It Gets Better in the Laundry Room

Yes, my laundry area gets CRAZY, but the good news is that I know it will not be an all day project to get it back to functional. This is a picture of what my laundry area looks like after 30 minutes.

laundry room

When you know it will only take 30 minutes to get back to functioning, it’s easier to not put it off for months on end.


  • Set up your three boxes/totes and two bags.
  • Clear off one surface at a time – first the washer, then the dryer so you have a clear space to work off.
  • Condense boxes. Have a place for single socks (we all have them).

Don’t let outgrown/old/nobody wants them clothes linger in the laundry area. This is valuable real estate friend. Make it as functional as possible.


Once you clear the space, put something inspirational up there. I’m going to print off a sign with this quote by Fred Rogers:

I believe that appreciation is a holy thing – that when we look for what’s best in a person we happen to be with at the moment, we’re doing what God does all the time. So in loving and appreciating our neighbor, we’re participating in something sacred.”

I mean, won’t that make cleaning socks for those we love a holy act of service?

laundry room

Share Your Fling

After you fling, either tell us about it or share a picture in the comments. Remember, each day (at the end of the Fling) there will be one winner, randomly drawn from the comments, who will receive a copy of The Cure for the Perfect Life from Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory. So share below and tell us about your fling.