Is a Balanced Life Possible? Finding Peace in the Busy
Do you spend your days rushing from one task to the next, frantically checking things off your list? It’s easy to become so consumed with keeping it all together that you forget to seek God’s plan for your life. He has a much better vision for you—fulfillment and peace that only His grace can provide.
Join Kathi and author, speaker, and radio host Susie Larson as they discuss how to help you find balance within your hectic life. You will learn that being at your best doesn’t mean taking on every task, and meaningful satisfaction can’t be bought with a completed to-do list. Be inspired to move past halfhearted living and second bests into a kingdom of rejuvenation, health, and eternal nourishment.
Susie is giving away 3 copies of her book. To be entered, please leave a comment telling us an area you are struggling in and one thing you can do today to help yourself in this area.
In Over Your Head
*US residents only
Meet Our Guest

Susie Larson
Susie Larson is a bestselling author, national speaker, and talk radio host. She connects with thousands of listeners each and every day on her show, Live the Promise with Susie Larson. She’s been married to best friend and husband since 1985; together they have three grown sons, three beautiful daughters in law, one adorable grandson, and a really cool pit bull named Memphis.
I love this and struggle with output and recovery. I have a hard time saying no.
This was wonderful!!!
I teach in a small Christian school with multiple preps. At the end of the year, we seemingly have “extra everything”. This message came at a good time as I will spend part of my summer prayerfully reflecting on how to maintain a better balance of ministry and rest next school yer.
Thank you for this message today! I need to schedule recovery time to recharge and I will work to establish clear boundaries and watch/listen for Jesus exits!
Hi Debbie,
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating!
Input, output, recovery . . . to choose just one to work on, haha! Output is healthy and I am already working on setting aside regular time for recovery. I am not doing the best on input lately. Susie is as encouraging as always 🙂 I will be setting aside time to dig into some Christian devotionals this summer, starting with Blessings for the Morning by Susie Larson!
Hi Marlan,
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating!
Yes, thank the Lord for Kathi being available by phone to direct me to this comment area!!
My situation is that I know I have a lot to contribute in my service to God and my church body;however, I’m not able to get my home organized enough to meet my husband’s expectations. Therefore, I struggle in riding the fence between the two environments (home and service at church) feeling inadequate in both realms! Truly, my time with God reminds me that a false balance is an abomination to him; yet, his mercies are new everyday and he will never leave me or forsake me in my struggle to find balance in the life he has given me! I usually start my day with prayer with friends. Unfortunately, after that I abbreviate my time with God and use the busyness of the day as an excuse. Even as
I’m writing this, I am being prompted to spend time with God BEFORE I begin my prayer time with friends. Amen! Not so easy to do as we begin at 5:00 am! I know God sees me and he knows! New mercies every morning from him to bring my home and ministry life into balance. Praise the Lord!
I have 4 children and they keep me busy. My husband and I do a lot of tag teaming to get them to their activities. I wish I could be less busy, but feel bad saying no to them.
Oh man I really needed this. I listened on my way to pick up my son from soccer. I am so busy running around with no recovery. God really laid that on my heart today. I need to make sleep and eating right my priority. It really hit me that I am in a season of my husband having a very demanding job that travels and I just cannot rely on him for that help. I have been resentful and struggled but if God has called my husband to this job then I need to re-evaluate what my inputs and outputs are for this season.
Hi Sarah,
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating!
Hi Sarah!
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will send you an email for our mailing address. Thank you for participating!
I struggle in the day to day trying to meet everyone’s needs, perfectionism and be the do it all person. It has caused me to not take care of myself both physically (little sleep, poor nutrition and caffeine to keep me going) and spiritually (not spending quiet time with the Lord, not reading my Bible and not praying continually), which has lead me once again to anxiety and depression. I am working my way out slowly again with God’s help, but it has been a long road. I need to learn to rest more and spend more time in the Word and with God, being still. Praying that I can continue to learn reading and listening. Thank you ??
For too many years it was the majority output for me and little input and rest/recovery. That all collapsed in on me this year and I was forced into rest/recovery and input. Now I’m at a place of fearing output because I’m afraid I will easily dip back into my old ways. I plan to say “yes” to leading a summer Bible study and setting aside a little time everyday to text/send an encouraging note to a friend
Right now my personal life is stressful. My daughter got married at the end of April. My son is getting married at the end of June and then I will work my last 4 days of work before retirement. I think 2 things I need to do is to stop more frequently throughout my days to breathe deeply and to say The Jesus Prayer. (Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.)