We all are prey to the way the enemy tries to take our mistakes and twist and turn those failures into making us believe that that is who we are. But failure isn’t final and it isn’t fatal. If you never, ever feel like enough, this is the podcast for you!
When we replace those lies with God’s truth, we start to change our thinking, our hearts and our behavior.
Join Kathi and Sharon Jaynes as they discuss Sharon’s new book, Enough, Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence, and how clutter is all about a discontent heart. They talk about that if we don’t deal with the heart issues of why we don’t believe we are enough we will just replace our clutter with more clutter, addiction or other things, and how knowing the 2 universal lies will help us see the areas we need to speak God’s truth into the lies we’ve believed.
Leave a comment about one of the lies you’ve believed for the chance to win one of 3 books we’re giving away!
*US residents only
Truth Cards
Meet Our Guest

Sharon Jaymes
Sharon Jaynes is a conference speaker, devotion writer for Girlfriends in God and Proverbs 31 Ministries, and author of 22 books. Her latest book, Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence will help you accept God’s grace and move past failures and pre-load your heart with truth to fight your deepest insecurities.
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Wow, I loved listening to the podcast. I’m all the way in Cape Town, South Africa. I always believed that I’m not a good enough daughter, not a good enough sister, not a good enough wife and mother. Since starting working on being a better person a Christian I am good enough. I started reading motivational books like No more faking fine by Esther Fleece, Life unstuck by Pat Layton and on Pats website now got to the book Enough which I am going to purchase. Thanking for your many blessings Lord.
I believed just recently that there was no hope for my marriage and that I just needed to give up on us but since we have been making God the rock we build our life on, he has given us hope for our future together.
When illness keeps me home bound and I can’t get out with friends, I don’t feel like enough.
So much richness here. Amazing how ridiculous each of these lies sound to an outsider, but when you’re on the receiving end they’re convincing.
I believed I was a loser. Now I realize God chooses to use losers over those “perfect people,” so I’m okay with it. Better to be His loser than a winner without Hope.
Exactly! I tend to take one mistake and make that my identity (her comment of I failed turns into I am a failure). Thank you for pointing that out! I can try again. Thanks for the spiritual encouragement.
This is such a great podcast! So encouraging! Thank you! The lie: “I have to be perfect or no one will like me.”
I believed that I had nothing of value to contribute. I got married young and in many people’s eyes I am still that young newly married girl married to someone a bit older and more knowledgeable. 37 years later……. I know better!
I’m not a good-enough Christian
One of the lies that I have believed (thank you for so clearly pointing them out) is that if only I were skinnier, I would be happier. I have struggled with weight since I have had kids (close to 9 years), getting heavier every year. A Truth I can combat that is, I CAN be happy (joyful) NOW, at the weight I am, because I am loved. I can be happy now, before I get it all together. I can be happy now, before my house is decluttered. I can be happy now, even through kids’ tantrums and difficulties disciplining. I can be happy now because I have JESUS now! Thank you and may God bless you all!
I believed that I wasn’t good enough or pretty enough to received specific things. Going to God with my problems gives me peace and comfort.
No matter what I do, I will never, NEVER be “pretty enough.”
My best efforts to beautify will at best always make me second best.
This is definitely a struggle with all the comparison and striving to be doing all the things.
That I’m never good enough, If I fail a little I am a failure but if I don’t accomplish something 100% perfect I’ve then failed also.
Hi Amy!
Congratulations! You won one of the books for the giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating! Have a wonderful day!
Chere Williams,
Kathi Lipp Intern
I’ve always believed I was an outcast in everything, I don’t belong anywhere.
You DO inspire people, Cynthia — you just inspired ME. You are my sister in Christ and you belong to the family of God! 🙂
Unloved and unworthy. Even though I know God loves me and I am so worthy in his eyes, I long to feel it and know it from my family.
I feel the most of the time unworthy of receive blessings from God through other people because I have not a job and I am home maker only and I have economic issues. I feel sometimes ashamed.
anytime i look at adorable pinterest or facebook posts, i fight the comparisons and think i shouldn’t even bother trying to make cute parties or holidays =z
I wish to thank you for this podcast. After reading all the comments I do not think i am worthy to enter a comment Good Luck to the winner to this book.
I so need this book as I feel so much I am NOT ENOUGH.
I am not good enough in taking care of my family and I am worthless
Ever since I was a child, I believed the lies that I was ugly, dumb and fat.
These lies have affected me my entire life, as they have held me captive in everything I do.
I used food or restricted food to cope with these lies.
The one I’m struggling with in this season of life is “I’m not good enough”- I’m not a good enough mother, I’m not doing enough to take care of the house, I’m not working out enough… the list goes on…
My wonderful Mom sent me the link to you page and podcast. Today’s podcast really spoke to me! The lie I believe daily is “I will never get it together”! Pure poison if I keep thinking that way!! Thank you so much for your hearts for God!
I have believed for a long time that I am not good enough and that I cannot do anything right. It started when I was in an abusive relationship at 15 and still has lingering effects almost 14 years later
I am working on the lie that I an not good enough. I know, I am in God’s eyes. I just have to believe it myself.
I was told by both my Mom & Dad I was a mistake… they laughed after the many (many!) times that they both chose to share this information with me…
I come from a non-believing family.
Now I CHOOSE to let Psalm 139 define my worth.
That sounds a whole lot better now doesn’t it…?!? ?
This episode got me! So needed to hear it I cried! Growing up with a Learning Disability never felt like I lived up to teachers and classmates never smart enough! Now I have a 8 year old daughter who is has shown signs of being Dyslexic and getting Texted next week! She is struggle with not feeling smart when younger brother is starting to go circles around her learning! I having to help her see she is enough they way God made her and also having to remind myself of that same truth!
When my son recently suffered a self inflicted traumatic brain injury, and our family has slowly fallen apart , I felt like I must have done something terribly hurtful to God for him to abandon me and take away all the ones I love and needed for support. Thankful for the family and friends that have helped me keep my faith and move through this time.
Hi Nanc!
Congratulations! You won one of the books for the giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Please know I’m going to be praying for you. Keep your faith in God. Thank you for participating! Have a wonderful day!
Chere Williams,
Kathi Lipp Intern
That God can’t work in or use my life for anything good because I am a completely hopeless mess! I keep blowing it in big ways! As much as I want to honor God and bless my family, I usually do just the opposite of that! It hurts and causes me to tear up even as I type this! I know in my head that this isn’t true yet really believing it in my whole being and living it out is an entirely different thing! I need to renew my mind with God’s Word more to replace this lie! I need to remember that when I confess and turn from my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse me! No matter how many times I need it!
I believed I was not skinny enough or pretty enough to be valued.
The main lie I have been battling since my childhood is that I need to be perfect. Which somehow I also equated with not making any mistakes. Totally impossible to do if one is breathing and out of bed for more than a minute. This is why I love talking about making mistakes and how mistakes are our friend and how we need to quit striving for perfection. Perfection kills all our joy with not only our self, but our joy with others. Yes, we are enough because of Christ and his work. And he loves us imperfections / mistakes and all. Thanks for writing this book, Sharon, we could all use it to combat the enemy’s lies. And Kathi, thanks for this podcast topic about the clutter of lies we believe.
I have too many issues to be loved again.
That “L” stands for LOSER and that is all I will ever be. The clutter is everywhere
My financial situation is equal to my worth and potential as a person.
I too believe many lies! I will never be good enough to be loved
The lie I believe is that I am not worthy to be loved.
I feel like the lies change with the seasons of life we’re in. I’m currently at home with my daughter—so I wonder if I’m teaching her enough, cleaning the house enough, have enough systems/rhythms/routines in place, etc. God is good and He is ENOUGH!
That the reason I wasn’t getting pregnant was because I was a bad mom.
Hi Halina!
Congratulations! You won one of the books for the giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating! Have a wonderful day!
Chere Williams,
Kathi Lipp Intern
Thank you so much for this today! Wonderful way to start the day. Mine has always been I am not thin enough. I have struggled with weight and eating all of my life. As a child, through my tween and teen years, and even in college I really gained quite a bit of weight. I did get ridiculed in school for being overweight and not being able to run as fast as everyone in PE, etc. After I had my daughter I really exercised and worked out to get to a healthier weight. I still struggle with self image. Thank you for the truth cards as well!
I can never be good enough in any area of my life to be loved.
I believe many of these lies…that I am not lovable and will always be alone is the worst.
‘I am not good enough’ therefore this is happening because ‘it’s all you deserve’. It’s a struggle to change the thought process.
Lie- I will never keep a clean enough house! I used to be Martha Stewart until my mother in law commented to my husband that our house wasn’t clean enough. This has continually been an ongoing lie from the evil one.
Moving forward, Lynda
I’m in the middle of a struggle against the lie that God has abandoned me. Even typing now it’s hard to believe it IS a lie…
A lie I believed for a long time was that I was not good enough — for anything. When I changed my way of thinking from “why me God” to “God, what are you trying to teach me?” I learned that God loves me no matter what and I am good enough.
I’ve believed the lie (I still struggle against it) that I’m completely unlovable. Mentally, I know it’s not true, but I have believed it.
Wonderful podcast! I am still single and I believed for a long time the labells of the world that if I am not married by a certain age then something is wrong with me. I now realize that God is always working for me and on me, and whether I get married or not, I am enough and I am here for His purpose! My life is waaayyyy too amazing to stay in a state of depletion and worry. Jesus died for me so I could live free and to be one with His father so I choose not to believe the lies from the devil. Labels sure do hurt, but the only label I need is child of God.Thanks again!