When a member of your family is disgnosed with special needs, it can be a shock.  It is not what you expected for your life, and you can feel cheated of the life you imagined.

Diane Dokko Kim knows this feeling all too well.  Shortly after her family committed to full time ministry, they recieved a crushing diagnosis for one of their children.  Diane stuffed her feelings for years, but has now seen that although God has not chosen to heal her son, He has chosen to heal her.

Join us as Kathi and Diane chat about how friends can come alongside special needs families in very practical ways like being honest in your struggle to have the desire to help, but not knowing how.  They discuss how friends can ask for grace and to be taught how to help and serve, and how the church can also follow the biblical mandate to serve special needs families as well.

Resources Mentioned

Unbroken Faith

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For your chance to win one of 3 copies of Unbroken Faith, tell us how has someone shown up for you as a special needs familyr or  something you have done to support a special needs family.


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Meet Our Guest

Diane Dokko Kim

Diane Dokko Kim

Diane has served over 25 years in bi-vocational church ministry. In 2004, her first son was diagnosed with autism at age two and ADHD, which triggered profound personal, professional and spiritual crises.

In 2008, she began serving the disabled community as a special needs ministry consultant, equipping churches to become fully-inclusive faith communities, leading parent support groups, and speaking at churches and conferences. She is honored to partner with the ministries of Joni and Friends as a national speaker and ministry ambassador.

In 2012, Diane launched an online ministry, with a passion is to comfort others with the comfort she received from Christ (2 Corinthians 1:4). Her writing has been featured in Orange’s Parent Cue, Parenting Magazine, Dandelion
, and SpecialNeedsParenting.net. She strives to empower weary parents to experience the timeless relevance of God’s Word applied to the gritty realities of special needs family life, and to view their journey as a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and discipleship.

Whether by diagnosis, a death—or the death of a dream— everyone gets “crippled” by something. No one escapes the jagged edges of a broken planet, unscathed. All believers struggle to reconcile faith with disappointment. Sin and brokenness may steal, kill, and destroy indiscriminately. But Jesus is an equal opportunity Healer and Redeemer.

Diane and her husband, Eddie, live in the heart of Silicon Valley with their two young sons.