We are broken people, parenting broken people.
Our parenting needs to be infused with grace, not just for our kids, but for ourselves as parents too. Join Kathi, Cheri Gregory and Eric MacPherson as they chat about focusing on what is going well in your parenting, how you can’t be all things to your kids, and how you can never go wrong with focusing on your relationships with your kids instead of your regrets and failures.
Just listening to this podcast shows you’re a much better mom than you think you are!
Resources Mentioned
Put the Disciple in Discipline
For your chance to win one of three copies of Kathi’s upcoming book, The Mom Project, tell us your biggest mom challenge in the comments below.
*Available to US only
Meet Our Guests

Cheri Gregory
Cheri Gregory is a teacher, speaker, author, and Certified Personality Trainer. Her passion is helping women break free from destructive expectations. She writes and speaks from the conviction that “how to” works best in partnership with “heart, too.”
Cheri is the co-author, with Kathi Lipp, of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life and Overwhelmed. Cheri blogs about perfectionism, people-pleasing, highly sensitive people, and hope at www.cherigregory.com.

Erin MacPherson
Erin MacPherson lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Cameron, her sons Joey and Will and her daughter Kate. She is the author of “The Christian Mama’s Guide Series“, a staff writer for Dun & Bradstreet and a freelancer for publications like Thriving Family Magazine, MOPS MomSense, FamilyLife Magazine, Daily Guideposts and BEMag. She blogs about her life, her kids and her faith at ChristianMamasGuide.com.
My struggle is in trying to juggle being a mom, Wife, housekeeper, and a virtual assistant. I can’t work, clean the house make meals, be there for my husband and help the kids with homework all at the same time. I usually feel like the kids take the back seat when maybe they shouldn’t because I have to get stuff done.
My biggest mom challenge is guilt that I’m not doing enough at work, home, marriage, ministry, etc. I feel like I’m always letting someone down. I’ve come a long way with this struggle, but I do combat it often.
My biggest mom challenge is doing it all as a single mom who also works 45 to 50 hours per week. My home is what suffers and clutter has taken over.
Hi Mary,
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will email you for your mailing address to send your book! Thank you for participating and have a blessed day.
Many Blessings,
Chere, Intern for Kathi Lipp
I was just having one of those days trying to homeschool my son and just having no more fight left in me. I was feeling like I wanted to give up and speaking a lot of negativity into my own heart about my parenting. Then my podcast list refreshed and I literally looked up and saw the name of this episode! Wow, thank you Jesus! Thanks for sharing your encouragement. Love the part about focusing on what we are doing right!! God used you all today in my life!
Hi Moriah,
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will email you for your mailing address to send your book! Thank you for participating and have a blessed day.
Many Blessings,
Chere, Intern for Kathi Lipp
My biggest mom challenge is just to live up to what my daughters deserve. I am enough to get them to the things they need to. Have I put myself first to much…. Do I volunteer enough. How do I live out my quiet time so they know about my relationship with Christ.
I think my biggest challenge is patience. Juggling the needs of three kids is hard and I feel myself getting impatient way more than I want.
My biggest mom challenge right now is balancing life. I am trying to build back a broken marriage, supply a little extra income with my sewing ‘business’, two in depth bible studies, a mom’s group, meal plan, homeschool prep, and the list goes on. All this stress I put on myself and lack of sleep from sewing and pregnancy (33 weeks now) can make me short tempered with them in the day or just distracted and not present because I’m trying to get all the housework done so I can sew when they go to sleep at night. I’m so overwhelmed in my life right now it all flows together and challenges my parenting. I’m so glad I recently found your podcast Kathi it has already helped me get rid of some clutter which helped with some of this stress!
Biggest mom challenge–patience to do the day and night and day and night monotony of being a SAHM.
I was just going through the comments and saw yours and just had to ask: Do you have a MOPS group in your area? My Mops group has been such a support to me and I know a few other moms that believe Mops saved them.
I have trouble with the time I have after getting off work at 7 pm & raising my grandson. Hard to spend intentional time when you have dinner & homework still to do & you want to also teach them about Jesus….overwhelmed!!
Excellent podcast — I so appreciate your honesty. My biggest mom challenge right now is watching my kids struggle and trying to figure out which part is mine, which part is theirs and which part is God’s to take care of.
My biggest mom challenge is realizing how vastly different my kids four are. Celebrating how God made them and not comparing them to each other is what it is all about. The child that is most like me is my struggle and certainly how God is teaching me and changing my life most.
My biggest mom challenge is that I have been struggling for years to live out my priorities of putting the Lord 1st then my husband then my children then others. Of course because I am struggling in this way I have been negatively affecting my precious family and that grieves me and I am having a hard time dealing with my sin and regret and I find it difficult to be able to forget what is behind and move forward.
Hi Rebecca,
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the giveaway! I will email you for your mailing address to send your book! Thank you for participating and have a blessed day.
Many Blessings,
Chere, Intern for Kathi Lipp
My biggest Mom challenge is trying to make sure each of my five children get the time and attention they need. I also tend to get overwhelmed and then I don’t react the way I want and then I beat myself up for it.
My biggest mom challenge is that my husband works 12 hour days (including Friday nights & Saturday nights). When he is home he often says he is too tired to help with the household chores. Although, he is amazing with our son. We do not live near family members (our closest family is a 7 hour drive from us). This often leaves me feeling like I HAVE to do everything and can’t take a break just for me. I am often VERY frustrated. It makes me feel like I am missing opportunities with our son to have fun because I am needing to clean the kitchen & bathrooms or cook dinner or catch up on paperwork. I know I miss out on opportunities to hang out with friends because I can’t always afford a babysitter nor do I want my son with a sitter constantly.
Being a mom is tough for us because we can never get our kids together. one family lives 2 1/2 hours one way and the other one live 1 hour the other way. Their both very busy so we’re lucky to see our only grandchild once a year. We don”t get invited to family functions. Now it’s going to be even harder since my husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I haven’t drove in about 8 years and soon my husband will have to give up driving. It scares me to think about driving again. My daughter that lives 1 hour away is a teacher and very busy. We’re trying to downsize and maybe move close to her for help. My son lives 2 1/2 hours away and he has a very busy life working as a customer service manage for the Post Office and has my granddaughter very involved in dancing. They take her on competitions all the time. I’m glad he’s a hands on dad. He sort of beat the curse of being an abusive dad like I had.