Doesn’t it feel like our lives are being slowly overrun by paper? It is everywhere and every day we see a little more of it take over our counters and cupboards. Is there anything we can do to really combat this or are we destined to keep every piece of paper that comes into our houses?
Tonya Kubo, the fearless leader of our Clutter Free Academy Facebook Group is back with Kathi talking about the top 10 types of paper we can let go of now, and forever.
Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo
Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. She and her husband, Brian, are raising two spirited girls in the agricultural heart of California. She writes about fighting the demons of comparison, clutter and compulsion on www.tonyakubo.com.
What was the name of the app Tonya mentioned where she took a video of her daughter’s artwork? Is it called Keep me? Thanks for all the tips. I’m finding them very useful.
I’m glad I’m not the only homeschool mom who struggles with throwing/giving away old curriculum and such! I keep thinking that I will use whatever I used for my eldest for my youngest. The problem with that is my kids are sooo different and often don’t end up using the same curriculum! When will I learn? 🙂 Thanks for this podcast!
I think keeping papers must be an occupational hazard of English teaching, homeschooling and possibly editors. I had a session the other weekend of throwing out most of the old homeschooling material AND my old university notes. Nearly filled the recycling bin. Couldn’t quite get rid of some of the Anglo-Saxon texts, though…
I also think that universities are the only places that still use APA reference formatting anyway – none of the scientific journals I do copyediting for use this style.