Kathi is talking Instant Pot on today’s podcast episode. She loves her Instant Pot and has saved a ton of space in her clutter free kitchen as well as time and money since implementing it in her home. She gives us her 5 (plus a bonus!) favorite recipes for basic Instant Pot cooking in this episode. These are great recipes for any size family and will get you comfortable with using your new favorite kitchen appliance.

If you have been on the fence about getting an Instant Pot or have one and don’t know where to start, this is a fun and helpful episode. And Kathi isn’t getting paid for her endorsement! She just loves her Instant Pot and wants all of her friends to know about the benefits she has experienced while implementing hers. Check it out on Amazon for more info on getting one here. {affiliate link}


What’s your favorite Instant Pot beginner recipe? Give us the name and the link or instructions in the comments below for your chance to win a copy of Kathi’s book, The What’s for Dinner Solution.

*Open to US residents only.


Hard Boiled Eggs- The Prairie Homestead

Perfectly Baked Potatoes in 10 Minutes- The Intentional Mom

Mom’s Classic Pot Roast with Onion Gravy- The Kitchen Whisperer

How to Freeze Brown Rice- The Kitchn

Whole Frozen Chicken- Retro Housewife Goes Green

Yogurt- This Old Gal

More at The Instant Pot Community Facebook Group