Welcome to the Clutter Free Book Club, where I share the books I’ve been reading (and hopefully loving.) Every couple of weeks, I review a book I’ve read, and because I am living a Clutter Free life, I pass that book on to ONE OF YOU! To be entered into the drawing, just comment on this post and you’ll be entered to win.
But there is one catch: if you win the book, you have to promise to pass it on to someone else when you’re done (keeping this book club Clutter Free.)
When you comment below, share either 1.) A book you’ve read that you think I should put on my list or, 2.) The name of the person you will pass this book onto when you’re done reading it!
The Complete Cooking for Two Cookbook: 650 Recipes for Everything You’ll Ever Want to Make Paperback – April 1, 2014
Where I bought it: Costco
Where I read it: In my kitchen where I tried out multiple recipes…
I went from feeding a family consisting of famished teenagers to becoming an empty-nester is a matter of mere years. The problem? I still have the tendency to cook as if a soccer team may stop by after practice needed to be fed. I still cook with leftovers on purpose (LOOP meals), but I’m learning to dial back and sometimes, just cook for two. I love this cookbook with loads of recipes for just two, that are mostly simple and (with every recipe we’ve tried) delicious. The ONLY reason I’m giving my copy away is that my mom bought me the hard cover version for Christmas.
Highly recommended.
Just a word on the books I read and review: I have a wide and varied sense of taste when it comes to books. I would love for you to enter and win one of my books – but if you are offended by book content, I would ask that you go online to read reviews to see if this book is for you before you enter to win.
Only US readers are eligible to receive the free book.
Affiliate link used.
I will pass this book along to my sister Jennifer. She has 6 children and I know she would love some new ideas.
I would love this book and would pass it on to my Mom. She passed on your book to me and we both loved it. I just got rid of 6 totes of stuff!
I would give it to my dad who, after 57 years of marriage, is now beginning to cook for my mom. Mom has congestive heart failure and was hospitalized over Christmas so Dad is learning to cook healthy meals for the two of them.
Love this series!
I will pass my book on to Loraine. She’s the librarian at my local library and also my friend. She loves to read like me!
my stepmother enjoys cooking and would love to read and try this book! She had a whole collection she gave me a few that are fun, I think one of my favorites was ‘Glamor’s Gourmet on the run. A busy women’s guide to 30 minute meals and effortless entertaining’ Jane Kirby 1987
I would pass the book along to my mom, as she is having to scale back her proportions from six to two.
I would enjoy this book for the same reason as you, my empty nest!
I would share the book with my friend Glenda Page, as she is another empty nester!
Thank you for this great idea of sharing what we enjoy!
Congratulations! You won the book giveaway! I will send you an email to get your mailing address. Thank you for participating! Have a great weekend!
Many Blessings,
I would share this cook book with my grown kids.
As my husband and I will soon be empty nesters, it would be a good book for us and I could pass it on to my nephew or got married last year. 🙂
We are remodeling are kitchen and I’m looking at all the cookbooks I’ve collected that I never use as we are now empty nesters. I love this idea! I would pass it on to my son and his new bride??
I would like to recommend “everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody” a book we are doing in my book club. It’s by Allen Hunt. I would pass the book onto my friend Jean.
I am a single mom of three small children.I just went through a tumultuous divorce. One of my goals in starting over is to learn to cook. I would pass this onto my own mother.
Hello Kathi! That would be a great book to read….my hubby and I are good about eating leftovers but having fresh dinners each night would be fun!! I’ll be passing along the book to Mary Arata who LOVES to cook for HUGE crowds but it’s only her hubby and her now in their new home!
I need this cookbook! I love leftovers but I really need to learn how to cook less! I would pass this in to my friend Lilly
I just finished A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding by Jackie Copleton, loved it! Captivating! read in 2 days. I would pass the cookbook on to Alison DeVito, a fellow Clutter Free Member. Always had the best time working together in the library,!
I absolutely love this idea of passing the books on. Best idea I have heard all year so far!
I would pass this on to my daughter when I am done with it.
I would pass them on to my mom, she still cooks LOOP meals!!!
What if I keep this cookbook and give away two or more other cookbooks? Is that allowed? If not, then Tam.
I loved seeing you at the MOPS convention in KC. I would pass the book onto my sweet sister!
This would be great as we will be transitioning to empty nesters over the next few years.
My husband and I are retired empty nesters who have both gone back to work. We are tired of my old recipes (and eating leftovers for days!) And we have been eating way too much take out and fast food. ATK is synonymous with FLAVOR, so I am sure this cookbook will inspire us to cook at home. I would pass it on to our youngest daughter who is a picky eater and has discovered that cooking at home answers her longing for interesting foods, as well as feeding her construction-working husband with the bottomless pit for a stomach!
Thanks for this opportunity. Sounds like some yummy recipes.
Sorry that I forgot to answer the question. I would pass the book on to my local library.
I would pass along to my new daughter-in-law who is joining our family in May!! So excited!!!
Michele Cushatt’s books have been our book club faves. I would pass the book on to my BFF, Kimberly.
I also grew up feeding a family of 6 with three ‘never full’ boys. I still do the large pots of soup and casseroles. I do put some in freezer for future meals which is nice. This is a great idea for a cookbook and look forward to trying this. Just finished reading ‘Orange is the New Black’ which is recommended. I have not seen TV show but found the book very truthful, funny, and enlightening. The author is now an advocate for prisoners attempting to enter back into society and the many challenges.
Love America’s Test Kitchen & how they explain the research behind the recipes! I’m cooking for 2, and would pass the book along to another single mama. Thanks for this recommendation!
Been struggling with cooking for just two for a couple years now. This book would be a big help. I would pass it on to my sister, also a empty nester.
I recently read The Captain’s Daughter by Meg Mitchell Moore. I love, love, love all of her books – she really hits it on the nose about life within a family and interpersonal relationships. I would pass the cookbook on to Christine Anderson ( a fellow Clutter Free Academy member) – with whom I had the best time working at our town library!
1. I just finished Hello Morning by Kat Lee – good January inspiration.
2. My mom – who also just cooks for two.
great idea for a book! I would love this, and then I will pass it on to my dear friend who lost all her stuff including cookbook library in a fire 🙁
I am planning to be married and would love to use this cookbook to bless my new hubby. 🙂
I recommend the book Release My Frozen Assets — A look at the role of women in the church, by Rachel Hickson with Helen Azer. A great read! I heard them both speak recently, and they are dynamic women of God with an important message to share! 🙂
I like America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks. I would pass it on to my mother-in-law.
Thank you for sharing your book ideas….this one looks great = )
Anything by Mark Buchanan is awesome!
One of the more recent books that I read that I’d recommend is The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez. I’d pass the cookbook on to my mom 🙂
I purchased Paradigm. I wouild share the book with my sister in law.
I’d rather have a personal chef…being as that isn’t going to happen, this book looks great ! I would pass it on to one of my patients (I’m a primary therapist) as most of them have little/no money for any extra anything
Love cookbooks
1) Lysa Terkhurst – The Best Yes
2) if I win this I would pass this book on to my best friend
I’m a single mom. I would share it with my single mom friend cow-worker.
After reading and copying recipes I like for my recipe binder, I will pass it along to my favorite sister, Kathy.
I totally NEED this cookbook! I’ve gone from my 3 young adult kids at home (1 girl and 2 boys) to just me and hubby. I do not know how to cook for just us and he’s getting tired of the leftovers!!
I just finished reading Inside the O’Brien’s by Lisa Genova about a Boston police officer who is diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease.
I would give it to my friend who is going is an “empty nester” and moving to an old farm house. She will in turn hand it to her husband who does the cooking 🙂
Will pass on to my friend, Jeannie, who is an empty nester too!
How about the book Cut the Clutter and Stow the Stuff?
If I win this book, when I’m done with it, I’ll pass it on to my friend Theresa Leach.
I would love to see you review Let.It.Go.After all, this is the site we come to when learning how to let go of things! Lol!
I actually did pass this one along to a new friend Sherry.
I will pass it on to my dear sweet friend Tina!!! Would love to win!!!
Would love to have multiple recipes to share with my family and extended family. I have been trying to eat at home more and going out less.
In March my husband and I will be married 45 years, God willing! I wish that I could say that I am a good cook, but I am not. I have tried lots of recipes over the years; some were good and some not so good. But, I have the best husband in the world who never complains. I learned over the years to not ask him point blank if something tastes good or not. I know he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings by saying something I cooked didn’t taste good. So instead I simply ask him if the new recipe is a “keeper” to which he simply says “yes” or “no” without having to criticize my cooking.
Bottom line…I would love to try some delicious new recipes for my husband. He deserves it after 44 years ? Afterward I would be happy to pass the cookbook onto our daughter-in-law, Tara, and son, Matt, for them to enjoy since both like to cook.
There’s just me right now but do have a “friend” to cook for once a week. Hoping that soon becomes 2 to cook for all the time! ?
Sounds like a great cookbook!
Just myself right now with a once a week “friend” for lunch. Hopefully soon there will be two to cook for all the time! ? Looks like a great cookbook!
I am currently reading the book Fervent and love it! Also, I would pass on your book to my mom.
What Alice Forgot is a fun light-hearted read, but makes you think about the evolution of relationships.
The Road Back to You is a great book.
I’m currently doing a study on “My One Word” by Ashcraft and Olsen. I know it’s been out for a few years, but I love it!!! I would pass this book on to my dear friend Adriene Brunswig.
Oh Kathi! I have seen that book at Costco and have been so tempted to buy it! One book I just finished reading this past weekend was Awe by Paul David Tripp. I would give it away, but it is so good that I think I need to read it again!
I would pass the book on to my sister. We are both empty nesters now but like you, still used to cooking for an army!
I have so many cookbooks I don’t even use. Everything seems to be online but I can’t seem to get rid of the cookbooks.
I have also reached that point in my life, where I am cooking for just my husband and I, and also am cooking like I have all 5 of us at home still . This book would come in handy (as long as it’s easy to convert some of the recipes to my handy, dandy Instant Pot.
Donna Franklin
I went from 5 total 3 daughters and a husband that worked on the road, so was gone a lot to, all the girls grown and gone and now 2 because my husband is now home more Hard to get used to such a change and finding how to do it all new Thanks I like this idea!
I have 6 people in the house. HOWEVER, my mom is a widow and her grandson (my nephew) is living with her. I would love to send this to them to help them out!
The interesting thing is that THIS is a book I would think you would keep. I still have my “Man Without a Mate Cookbook” and I love it! But, it may be that you have memorized the book and just need to get it off your shelves, thus, with a sigh, I’d be willing to give it a home. 😉
Two of us, that’s all I need to cook for. Why o we cook for a crowd? What a great idea.