Author and Speaker, Liz Curtis Higgs, joins Kathi on the podcast this week to discuss how to gain wisdom from one of our favorite books of the Bible, Proverbs. Liz just published a book full of the rich promises and direction found in Proverbs that can help our hearts on a daily basis. Kathi shares an excerpt of the book where Liz gives us an action step that takes JUST ONE MINUTE (every application takes only 60 seconds!).
Listen in to this sweet and powerful episode from two women that love the Lord and His word. You will be uplifted and inspired today.
Win a copy of Liz’s new book, 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path. Three people will be chosen to win their own copy. Answer the question in the comments section below to enter to win. What is an unexpected place or situation where you have been given hope?
*Open to US residents only. Contest ends on Wednesday, December 27, 2017.
Meet Our Guest

Liz Curtis Higgs
Author and Speaker
Liz Curtis Higgs has one goal: to help women embrace the grace of God with joy and abandon. Her messages are biblical, encouraging, down-to-earth, and profoundly funny, helping sisters and seekers experience the depth of God’s love. Higgs is the author of more than 30 books with 4.6 million copies in print, including her nonfiction bestsellers Bad Girls of the Bible, The Girl’s Still Got It, The Women of Christmas and The Women of Easter. She has spoken at 1,700 women’s conferences in all 50 states and 14 countries. A former radio personality, Higgs has appeared on more than 700 media outlets including NPR, “Focus on the Family,” “Life Today,” PBS and A&E. She is happily married to Bill Higgs and they share their life together in a 19th century farmhouse in Louisville, Kentucky.
Just wanted to say that I really appreciated learning about the idea of rolling my ways to the Lord (commit in Hebrew meaning “roll onto”). Checking out your book via the Hoopla digital book app available through my library and am recommending it to a couple people.
I’ll be praying for you Liz as I listen along to your audio book.
I have been given how in the middle of darkness, trying to have another child. After 3rd miscarriage, the Lord showed me he is Sovereign even if I don’t have more children. We have one beautiful child, always had hope for 2-3, but he has good plans for us whatever size out family is.
Being healed from Rhuemotoid arthritis. I will never understand why God took it away from me but I will forever be grateful. Was told not to get pregnant because of medication I was on. Went on to have 4 more kids!
My place where I was in a dark and discouraged place and received hope was when I had had 2 miscarriages before my first daughter (I know have 2 children). I was gripped by fear daily as she grew that I would lose her too, and I hung on to God’s Word, His precious promises to be with me, and of His love. I’m not saying I completely trusted, but it helped me so much. When she was born I counted all her fingers and toes, that’s how I still was afraid something was still wrong. But God…is full of grace! And love, and His faithfulness lasts forever!
I loved this podcast. Liz is such a wise woman, and I love her authenticity. 🙂
I ended up clinically depressed after battling complications from an emergency surgery in 2012. I will spare you all the details, but I seriously thought I was going to lose my marriage and my job in the months that followed. — God pointed me to a sweet promise in those dark days that I held on to every day for months: “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” (Proverbs 23:18, NIV)
Congratulations Lyli! You won a copy of the book giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating!
Many Blessings!
My unexpected situation was 2009 when I found out I had a defibrillator placed in me. I was at a women’s conference and woke up early to get ready and from what I was told slumped forward, my heart had stopped. I won’t go into detail but my HOPE came from God, when the Drs were letting me know bad news! I knew, that I knew, they were wrong because the God I have loved & served all these years did not bring me back to hopeless news but to share His GOOD NEWS!
Seventeen years ago I went through a cluster of major life stressors: my father died, I went through a divorce and had to leave my home of 18 years with my 12 year old son, and my son (who actually had Asperger’s Syndrome but was misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated) had a breakdown. My world, as I knew it, was blown apart and I was on my knees every day weeping, claiming God’s promises, and crying out “What do I do? What do I do?!” Then late one night I heard Him say to me, “It’s not what you can do, but what I do”, Slowly things started to change, and as I watched helplessly as my wonderful Father took over, the terror ebbed away, and as He spoke to my heart with His promises of hope I lived out Psalm 37:5 “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass”.
Congratulations Laurie! You won a copy of the book giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating!
Many Blessings!
I was given hope when we lost our house due to pre-foreclosure proceedings years ago when interest rates spiked and my mortgage tripled overnight. While in prayer, I heard God tell me He would take care of all my needs (housing) and to trust my husband. God knew he had a new house for us to rent (which we ended up buying from the landlord) in a city where my husband would ultimately launch his own business. It was all in God’s plan, all I needed to do was listen and trust.
I have been given hope through God’s grace during a difficult time in my marriage. When I felt like it was hopeless, God has graciously given me hope and is slowly restoring my marriage to make it stronger and better than ever.
Mothering! A dysfunctional relationship with my own mother made it hard to see how I could be a mom myself. But God has changed my heart and provides what I need each day including the grace to deal with my many mistakes. We have just had our third child and these early days are overwhelming. But I look back on how God has provided with my first two children and I can trust that He will guide me now as well.
The more I trust in God, He keeps showing up in my hopeless situations and provides peace.
I can only say I agree wholeheartedly with Bonnie. God uses what the world looks as “tragic” and grows us into the image of His Beloved Son. My grandson was born with Down Syndrome almost ten years ago. What I find so incredibly astounding is how God prepared our family through two mothers who blogged about their lives with children who had DS. Little did I know God would give us one of these precious children! Our family’s hope lies only in one Person–Jesus Christ. He alone can provide everything we need.
Pat, isn’t He amazing?! We see only a small piece of the puzzle, but He sees the completed artwork.
Congratulations Pat! You won a copy of the book giveaway! I will send you an email for your mailing address. Thank you for participating!
Many Blessings!
I never thought I would be a mom to two children with disabilities. But God has used them in my life. They are fearfully and wonderfully made. They both love the Lord and God has used them in my life to draw near to him and refine my character. It has opened my world to a whole group of people I would never have known otherwise. God has given me hope through all of this and I am so thankful to him.