Don’t overlook the impact that mealtime can have on the people in your life. Listen in as Kathi Lipp interviews Author Sally Clarkson, who shares about the importance of being intentional with meal times so you strategically leave an imprint that is a legacy for your children and will bless them the rest of their lives. Create anchors and habits in your day and at family mealtimes that nurture and prioritize relationships in your life. Feast and celebrate. Be a joyful heart and celebrate every day you have been given.
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If you could have people over more regularly, who would love to have over for dinner?
Meet Our Guest

Sally Clarkson
Sally Clarkson is the beloved author of multiple bestselling books, including The LifeGiving Table, Own Your Life, The Life Giving Home, Desperate and most recently, Different, with her son Nathan. As a mother of four, she has inspired thousands of woman through conferences, resources and books through Whole Heart Ministries (www.wholeheart.org), Since then, she has advocated relentlessly for the power of motherhood and the influence of home through her Mom Heart conferences (www.momheart.org), speaking to audiences on several continents.
Make your table a place where your family and friends long to be—where they will find rest, renewal, and a welcome full of love. In The Lifegiving Table, Sally shares her own family stories, favorite recipes, and practical ideas to help you get closer to the people you love . . . and grow in faith together.
I may be late to the contest party but it is so ironic how God led me to this podcast TODAY. I listen to your podcasts regularly and somehow missed this one. But today I was just praying about a New Year’s goal of having couples from church over to dinner and lunch more regularly and getting to know more people and make people feel welcome. I think God wanted me to hear this podcast today. Thank you so much!
If we could have more people over I would have individuals from our life group come so we could get to know them more intimately.
Hi Morgan!
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the contest! I will be sending you an email for your address. Thank you for participating!
I would love to have my friends over for dinner. Everyone is so busy that it is hard to get together.
Hi Diana!
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the contest! I will be sending you an email for your address. Thank you for participating!
I would love to be able to have friends and family over but I need to do MAJOR decluttering/organizing. Actually I would like to start with having a welcoming and functional kitchen to bless my hubby and kids with great meals and conversations FIRST then I would like to slowly have others over! The sad thing is that we have never, ever had a family over for dinner since we started having kids 17 years ago! I pray for strength and wisdom to change this!!!
I loved seeing a whole new side of Sally Clarkson! What a wonderful life giving episode! I would love to have friends over more often.
We used to have groups over for supper once a week, but due to older children and my job we do it less. I would love to start opening our home more to friends.
Hi Amy!
Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the contest! I will be sending you an email for your address. Thank you for participating!
Hubby is in the military and is often gone, we’re stationed far away from family, so honestly I’d just like to have hubby home for dinner every night! Dinner with just the 2 year old can get lonely. We’ve built a community of friends and I enjoy having them over for dinner, I’ve become more relaxed and confident and usually feel comfortable inviting them over last minute for dinner! Growing up we always ate dinner as a family and as adults I love when we’re all home and able to do that!
The majority of my family lives in France and anytime that i have gone to visit them they have offered me such hospitality and bounty of food.
I would love to have the opportunity to return the kindness to them and introduce them to some traditional Southern food.
I would love to feel that my house is open and welcoming any time I desire, so that I could connect on a mroe personal level with friends and good acquaintances. Getting my house in order is part of it; letting go of my self-imposed expectations is the other part. I would love to host small groups–whether MOPS, Bible study, school committees, or impromptu get-togethers,
I would love to have families from our small group over more regularly. Being away from family, they are our local family and support. I wish we could do life together better, but it seems in our seasons of life we are all so busy and it’s impossible to find times that work.
My family is spread across the country and my sweet sister-in-law is battling breast cancer, and so it would be *dreamy* to have my them over to sit at my table. In my *actual* life, my hubby and I just enjoy inviting dear friends over who are walking alongside us in life, parenting, our spiritual walk, etc. And I love a good tea party with my 4 and 8 year old girls. There is something really special about sitting around the table together and enjoying a good meal. I’m *so* thankful to my mom who modeled this for me. I hope that mealtime is one of the memories my kids will never forget. Loved this podcast today!
I would love to have John McCain over for dinner!