whispers of rest


Whispers of Rest

Life is noisy. But what would happen if every day – for the next 40 days – you soaked in God’s love as He intimately whispered words of rest just for you?

WHISPERS OF REST is a 40-day devotional detox for your soul, a spiritual journey to refresh you and guide you to greater peace, while helping you discover who God truly made you to be: His beloved. Renew your spirit with powerful affirmations of God’s love with uplifting words of Scripture, journaling prompts for reflection, and practical challenges to spark joy. Bonnie will lead you to places of rest, where you can deeply experience the Savior’s presence in your everyday life.

This beautiful guidebook will create space for your soul to breathe.

Life is noisy. What would happen if every day – for the next 40 days – you soaked in God’s love as He intimately whispered words of rest just for you?

Kathi talks with Bonnie Gray, author of Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul .  Kathi and Bonnie discuss why it’s difficult for women to carve out time to take care of themselves. From our deep rooted need to take care of everyone else first.  Even after everyone else is cared for we resist and hold back from caring for ourselves.  We have a sense of guilt about taking care of our own needs.

Bonnie gives us some great suggestions on how to inject pockets time into your life to spend with God and beautiful things in your life.

Book Giveaway

Bonnie is giving away two books to our listeners.   Just leave a comment within the next 7 days and tell us how you are going to inject a pocket of rest into your day.

Two listeners will be selected at random to receive a copy of Whispers of Rest.

Book Giveaway only available for our US listeners.

Meet Our Guest

Bonnie Gray

Bonnie Gray

BONNIE GRAY is author of Whispers of Rest and Finding Spiritual Whitespace. An inspirational speaker and retreat leader, she has touched thousands of lives through storytelling, visual arts, nature, prayer and meditation. Bonnie’s writing is featured on Relevant Magazine, DaySpring (in)courage, and Christianity Today. She lives in California with her husband and their two sons.

A UCLA graduate, Bonnie served as an oversees missionary in her 20’s, worked as a high tech professional in Silicon Valley for Fortune 100 company for 13 years, was a pastoral ministry graduate at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, along with PBC intern alumni as Chuck Swindoll and launched a 30-something singles ministry at PBC.