It is day one of the Spring Fling and we are going to start easy … in the kitchen. If you declutter the kitchen, it will make a big difference in how you cook and enjoy family time together.
Time to declutter the kitchen
The kitchen doesn’t seem to hold as much sentimental attachment as some of the other rooms in our homes, so let’s get the 20 items out of there. I would encourage you to really look at your stuff. Do you have six cookie sheets? Unless you are planning to take the place of Mrs. Fields, that probably is overkill. Could you donate a couple so that someone who is baking their cookies off of aluminum foil has a safe way to make cookies for their kids? One thing I realized as I was getting rid of my 20 things in the kitchen? It was hard! Not because I was attached to things, but because I’ve been decluttering so much over the years that I really do have my essentials only in the kitchen. That is Clutter Free progress, baby!

What to do in the kitchen
1. Set up your three boxes/totes and two bags.
2. Start with one drawer or one shelf. 3. Do NOT pull everything in your kitchen out and sort through it. That’s how your kids manage their toys, and how does THAT work for you?
Bonus: You know those days when you feel extra motivated? Yes, they may only come around once a year, but today could be that day! If so, here are some extra things you could do that will bring you more peace in your kitchen:
- Fling 20 things in your fridge.
- Fling 20 things in your freezer.
- Fling 20 things in your pantry.
- Fling 20 ketchup/taco sauce/soy sauce packages.
- Fling 20 take out menus in your junk drawer.
Went through two places that we use a lot and often are cluttered, snack containers and plastic containers/water bottles. Got rid of about 40 things from one cabinet and drawer!
When I first started I began with the baking cabinet and it was a little harder than expected, most items came to me when my Mom passed and I am a sentimental fool! So I switched gears and finished decluttering the bins on my kitchen counter (which I started yesterday) and started on the mess that is my kitchen table. within no time 50 items tossed, a bit more put away in their proper place and bonus: Hubby came home and helped get rid of a few items without me even asking or telling him what I’ve been up to!
I didn’t realize how many broken chopsticks, half bitten kids’ spoons, and lids with no matching bottom cup/bottle I had before this decluttering day. Glad that’s done! ?
This one was hard for me. I love my kitchen stuff.
Cleaned out 3 cabinets and 2 drawers!! 🙂 Flung a bunch of paper, and have some things to donate too.
I can’t believe what I was able to get rid of! How could I have let cans of food sit in the pantry up to six YEARS past their expiration dates?!?! My pantry and I are much happier!
Cleaned out 6 cupboards. Not really sure how many items I got rid of but the back of my van if full for my goodwill run in the morning. Loving this challenge!!
Today I “flung” 3 Bibles, some mail, a stack of church bulletins and 12 bottles of oils from the kitchen table. It was so easy to serve dinner!
Cleaned out and reorganized two drawers in the kitchen. Moved stuff to more logical locations. Organized birthday candles, matches, scrap paper, and relocated corks, furniture pens, screws, and random items. Threw away handfuls of garbage. Yay for me!
Day one was great, I am excited, I cleaned two drawers and looking foward for tomorrow!!
I chose to clean off my kitchen table today. It is a magnet for mail, kids books, toys, and many other items (I threw away a Halloween scary sounds cassette tape). Having a clean table will bring me peace and joy when sitting down for dinner with my family.
I AM Mrs Fields but I didn’t have 6 cookie sheets. ?
I did tackle the top shelf of my pantry and decided I am never going to do fondue. So many pieces gone at once!
I’m loving this ! Got rid of 20 things!
I thought I’d have a tough time in the kitchen because I went through cabinets in early January. I start the fling while fixing dinner and in the first cabinet easily found 20 more things. I found another cabinet after dinner and easily had over 40 items. I ran out of time for the bonus items since I couldn’t start until evening. Looking forward to tomorrow to fling some more!!!
I didn’t have enough of these to cover 20 in each area, so that’s a win in my book.
Excited to be “flinging” in my kitchen, this is a room I wanted to really focus on! I was able to get rid of 20+ items from my freezer, fridge, pantry, junk drawer, kitchen table and cleaning supply area. It’s the “kick-start” I needed to tackle this room!
I’m loving this challenge! I did the 2014 things challenge a few years ago. I wasn’t up for that challenge again 🙂 but definitely am up for this one! It’s so needed! Thank you Kathi! I removed more than 20 items from my spice rack and pantry today 🙂
Fling fling fling!!!! I went through our junk drawer today and got rid of many many many things and also cleared out other items from around the kitchen
20 items a day is a nice attainable goal for me, Thank you!
Sent a wine rack & a honey dipper to consignment, donated reusable cups & straws, a broken nightlight and the bottom part of a baster went in the trash & shredded some bills and receipts.
I loved the Bonus feature!
Got rid of a lot of kitchen items today. Feels good!!!
Feel good about today. Cleaned a bottom cupboard that had not been touched for a few years- except to stuff more junk in! Got rid of lots of container lids with no bottom a single serving ice cream maker and lit more!
Cleaned out one cabinet. Was shocked that I still had some outdated items: 2 cake mixes, 3 cookie mixes, 4 frostings. Then baked cupcakes and gave them away! (Easy to not eat the sweets when they leave the house!)
Tossed 8 old magazines and 14 pieces of junk mail!
Productive start!
I recycled 20+ menus, coupons, and random pieces of paper from the kitchen junk drawer.
I recently declitteted my kitchen, but still managed to find 20 things to get rid of! And my fridge and freezer and cupboards were overdue for a flinging! lol Feels good to declutter and clean! 🙂
Oops…that should say declitteted. 😉
Not sure why it keeps changing my word.
*D e c l u t t e r e d*
Tackled the pantry today. Got rid of 5 cookbooks, 10 cooking magazines, expired food, and reorganized all of the canned goods.
hoping all of the ants we got rid of today count as clutter!! =D
My cabinet or drawer space is limited, so my gadgets aren’t cluttered. I focused instead on clearing out expired things from my pantry. Highlights include salsa mix from 2004, French toast & maple syrup flavored candy corn that I bought on a whim and no one liked, and Christmas cookies that I forgot about!
Got rid of 20 kitchen items! Mainly focused on the fridge and counters! Looking forward to day 2!
Focused on the stuff that covers my counters. Moved a few things back to the pantry, said goodbye to three big paper stacks, and put many things back to “other rooms”.
Threw away 25 things. Giving away 1. Used all 10 minutes on 1 drawer. It felt good!
I cleaned up the silverware drawer today and it made me smile! I open and close that drawer a million times a day and it will be nice for it not to look a hot mess anymore!
Thank you for the challenge!
I will do the Kitchen this weekend. I work all day and won’t get home tonight until midnight or later
Donating a bunch of extra kitchen items, threw out trash, and relocated some items. Still need to go through the fridge, junk drawer, and medicine cabinet ?
Definitely got rid of more than 20 items
Flung 36 things today from my kitchen. Felt so good! I sold a few things, took some to my little brother, and have a box to take to my friends adoption fundraiser yard sale. It feels so good!
I was able to get rid of several kitchen gadgets I never use, new items that have never been out of the box and a cute binder I bought to become a recipe book … four years ago. Cute will only buy you so much time. :). Reorganized and threw away/recycled a ton. Ahh, a good day.
So much fun working with my daughter cleaning out our kitchen cabinets and then she decided tonight to start cleaning off our bookshelves. I am tired but loving it!
Flinged a few gross lunch boxes, old condiments, expired salad dressings, leftover Easter ham!
I tackled the fridge, part of one freezer and some of the pantry today and it felt AWESOME.
We flung things in our refrigerator…just to put more stuff in it! lol #BabySteps
Challenge one complete. In one drawer I had four can openers and three peelers. Good grief! Decluttering feels so good!