Have you heard? I am challenging everyone to join me in my 10 day, 20 things a day, decluttering Spring Fling! We all need to get ready for summer. And what better way than to do it together?
lean out the hall closet, the junk drawer, your car… we’ll have a new focus spot each day and you only have to “fling” 20 things. We’ll take the weekends off (or use them to catch up). It will probably take about 5 minutes a day and you will see amazing results and probably be motivated to do even more decluttering.
To participate, just make sure you are signed up to receive our blog, and then join our Facebook group. And then invite your friends!
For more info, see my post from Monday.
I didn’t know where to begin but I think 20 a day is a great start for the first-time declutterer.
Let’s get started!
Moving. So definitely need this. For sure.
I. can’t. wait.
I am hoping to join you in this endeavor. My house is in total chaos and it is painful to look at it, much less live in it. My health issues (back and foot) make it hard for me to clean because bending over causes debilitating pain.
I have almost everyone of your books, but I have not had the time to read much of them. Thank you so much for all of your advice, encouragement, and understanding. You make it seem possible to live a better life in a clutter free world.
Happily His and yours,
HI Jennifer,
I would encourage you to make time to read the books. One at a time, one chapter at a time, one day at a time. And…..slowly implement what you know will work for you. It is amazing what one can do in small sessions and each little bit adds up to a lot. I know. That’s how I have had to face things due to illness myself.
Keep on keeping on for Him and His glory!