Clutter Free: The Bible Study

This 6-week study will be conducted on Facebook through Facebook Live broadcasts and discussions via a private members-only group. Group members and their posts are only viewable to others in the group – your comments and participation will not appear in the news feeds of others or in your activity timeline.

Every week, participants will:
1. Receive reading recommendations from Clutter Free that correspond to the week’s topics for discussion. Outside reading is optional but increases the value you receive from the study.
2. Watch a session video in the members-only Facebook group.
3. Discuss questions live with Kathi online. Video discussions will be recorded for viewing at your convenience.
4. Receive the opportunity to dig deeper through reflection questions that can be completed on your own.

When: Mondays at 5pm Pacific Time. This is when we meet to view the week’s video and discuss the material live.

Who: Participation is open to anyone who owns the Clutter Free workbook.

How: Order from Amazon or from Kathi’s store.. Once you’ve ordered, please fill out the form to be added to the facebook group.


Kathi and co-host Erin MacPherson discuss how they are planning on observing Lent this year. Kathi has been observing Lent for a few years and has some super creative ideas for challenging ourselves this year. They also discuss The Clutter Free Bible Study Lenten Challenge Kathi is hosting on Facebook and how you can be a part of it.

Listen in as they talk about these questions:

  • What is lent?
  • How does it apply to us?
  • Why do we have the clutter we do?
  • What causes us to collect instead of giving to others?
  • How to have a new level of freedom as we go deeper.

Check out the episode and even if you don’t start on March 1, join us for the Bible Study. Our first live Facebook meeting is March 6! Learn more below.

How Clutter Free: The Bible Study Works

Clutter Free: The Bible Study and Challenge will help you “Give Up, Get Rid, and Go Deep.”  The challenge is to give up buying of unnecessary items, get rid of 10 things a day or 400 things total, and go deep by participating in the Clutter Free Bible Study.

More details are available at Clutter Free: The Bible Study

Meet Our Guest

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Cameron, her sons Joey and Will and her daughter Kate. She is the author of “The Christian Mama’s Guide Series“, a staff writer for Dun & Bradstreet and a freelancer for publications like Thriving Family Magazine, MOPS MomSense, FamilyLife Magazine, Daily Guideposts and BEMag. She blogs about her life, her kids and her faith at