When Courtney Westlake’s family was given the shocking news that their daughter, Brenna, was born in 2011 with a severe, life-threatening skin disorder, they began to discover a new and different beautiful in their lives–one that values extraordinary differences and appreciates the wonderful sameness found in humanity. In A Different Beautiful, Courtney explores what her family has discovered in raising a child with physical differences and what she has learned about true beauty. Through her personal insights and experiences, Courtney shares how you, too, can learn to find and celebrate God’s version of beautiful in your life, especially within our differences and struggles. How do you respond when someone looks different? Can you see the beauty in situations even when they are challenging? Today I talk with author, Courtney Westlake, about her journey with her daughter who was born with Harlequin Ichthyosisa a severe, life-threatening skin disorder which makes her look very different from others. Listen as we talk about the beauty Courtney has found in life by being Brenna’s mom and what it has taught her about true beauty. We have two copies of Courtney’s Book A Different Beautiful to give away. Listen to the episode and share with whom you would share the book and we will give you two copies: one for you and one to share as a gift.
Meet Our Guest

Courtney Westlake
Courtney Westlake is a writer and photographer with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a passion for storytelling. Courtney is wife to Evan and mother to Connor and Brenna. After Brenna was born with a rare and life-threatening skin disorder in 2011, Courtney began blogging at CourtneyWestlake.com to chronicle family life and experiences parenting a child with physical differences and special needs. Her writing has been published on sites such as Good Housekeeping, the Huffington Post, Woman’s Day and Yahoo Parenting. Courtney is the author of A Different Beautiful, releasing August 1, 2016.