
Today God slapped me upside the head and then gave me a kiss on the cheek as only He can do…

I was “grumbling and complaining” because the list of household stuff that I need to get done is just huge and there is nothing I hate more than stripping sheets and remaking the bed, and the WHOLE thing needed to be done. Down to the dust ruffle.

So there I was, “grumbling and complaining” when He started giving me pictures of the ministry that happens in this place:

It’s where God provides rest for me more nights than not.
It’s where I fall asleep on the shoulder of the man He has given me to demonstrate His love in a tangible way.
It’s where I’ve loved my kids, read His word, and recovered when I was sick.

This is going to sound silly, but I am now taking time to “dress” the bed.

Hanging the comforter to dry in the sun so it smells like only sun-dried cloth can. Fluffing the pillows, spraying the linens (and let’s be clear, by linens I’m talking Home Good specials, nothing fancy, but comfy), folding the quilts and making it as comfy as possible for me and my husband.

I ended up grateful to God for providing so richly, and valuing rest and connection so deeply.

And I prayed that when you laid your head down tonight, you would feel restored and cherished by the love of God.


3bags-fbA great way to keep each room in the house Clutter Free is with our 3 bag system. Get yours over at the Kathi Lipp store and declutter for a better night’s sleep.