
You know you’re a die-hard Kathi Lipp fan when you set the alarm for 4:50.

On a Saturday morning.

As my friend, Amy, and I drove several hours to the Finally Clutter Free Conference, I wondered:

Do I really need to hear this? 

After all, I’ve read Clutter Free. (Several times, in fact.) I’ve taken the 2014 Things Challenge. I’ve gone through the Kickstart to Clutter Free eCourse (14 Days, 500 Things, No Mercy) once and am half-way through it again.

But later that morning, I remembered:

Nothing compares to hearing Kathi live and in person!

Kathi Speaking

Here are just a few highlights from the copious notes we took during Kathi’s three amazing Clutter Free messages and Kim Nowlin’s delightful bonus Clutter Free Wardrobe talk:

  • “We can ignore our clutter for a while. But one day, it will bite you in the butt!”  (Kathi tells it like it is!)
  • “When your environment is cluttered, it restricts your brain’s ability to focus.  Clutter competes for your attention.”  (This was powerful. I could sense a difference in my heartrate and anxiety level just looking at “before” and then the “after” pictures.) 
  • “Creativity is on the other side of clutter.”  (The more clutter I discard, the more creative I discover I am!)
  • “Don’t keep stuff — only keep stories.”  (POWERFUL decision-making filter!) 
  • “Get rid of clothes that talk down to you. I have enough negative voices in my head; I don’t need a jacket yelling at me, too!”  (I’m feeling rather smug about the two bags of 40+ closet items ready for the Goodwill right now!)
  • “If you’re crying in the fitting room, the problem is the clothes, not you!”  (This may have had me crying in the front row…!)
  • “Release anything that isn’t serving you so it can bless someone else!”  (After hearing Kathi’s Nike story, I will never again debate giving away “perfectly usable” things!)
  • “The only difference between a project and a crisis is TIME.”  (Now we’re gettin’ personal!)
  • “When there’s a PLAN, I’m taking care of my future self.”  (How cool would it be for my present self to always say, “THANK YOU!!!” to my past self?!?)

FCF St Pauls Women
If you haven’t attended a Finally Clutter Free Conference yet, find a location near you and get your ticket now!

Can’t find one scheduled near you? Find out how you can bring Kathi and her crew to town!


(Today’s blog post brought to you by Kathi’s co-author, partner-in-crime, and #1 FanGirl, Cheri Gregory.)