Have you had a dream that ended up falling apart? A vision for your future that never came to be?
“All of us end up with a life that doesn’t look quite like we imagined it would look. What do we do when we wake up someday and we’ve got this life we don’t recognize?” Michele Cushatt.
Today we talk with Michele Cushatt, author of Undone: A Story of Making Peace With an Unexpected Life and learn about a fabulous new community especially created for the Undone in all of us.
Listen to hear Michele’s amazing story and how you can be a part of her five week conversation today!
If you haven’t listened to our last interview with Michele, you can click here: Podcast #142 – Michele Cushatt – When Everything Comes Undone
Meet Our Guest

Michele Cushatt
A storyteller at heart, Michele Cushatt inspires audiences with the warmth of her transparency and presence. Her unique style makes you feel like you just spent an afternoon with a good friend, sparking tears one moment and laughter the next. Having experienced both the best and worst of life, she’s unafraid to disclose her imperfect spaces, so that you know you’re not alone in yours.
Pulling from her unique life experiences, Michele’s first book, a memoir titled Undone: A Story of Making Peace With An Unexpected Life, was released with Zondervan Publishers March 10, 2015. Her second book will follow closely behind, with a tentative release date in 2017. When she isn’t working on her books, Michele writes feature articles, blog posts, stories and devotional meditations for numerous publications including MOPS International, Today’s Christian Woman,InCourage, Fullfill Magazine, Hearts-at-Home, Upper Room, David C. Cook’s Quiet Hour, Standard Publishing’s Devotions, and multiple compilation books including five titles in the Chicken Soupseries.