Christmas Project 15

It is time to make a plan for stockings! Spend time today deciding how much you would like to spend for each stocking and/or how many gifts you would like to put in each. Next come up with a system for storing and keeping stocking gifts organized. Once you are planned out, it is time to start shopping. You can buy a few stocking stuffers each time you go out this month if you have not already started stockpiling. Online shopping is another easy way to shop for stockings.

Stockings are a great area to help us remember to be intentional. Be sure you are filling stockings with items the receiver will love and use. Getting a small amount of items you adore is much better than an overstuffed stocking where the majority of the items will soon find their way to the trash or donation box.

Assignment: Get those stockings ready.

  1. Make sure you know where the stockings are and that you have one for each person who will be there on Christmas.
  2. Make a plan (How many gifts you will need depends on the size of the stocking and gifts)
  3. Come up with a system of storing the stocking stuffers.
  4. Shop as you see things when you are out and about. Make it your goal to pick up one or two things for stockings each time you go shopping, and you will slowly whittle away at your list.

Check out Kathi’s Quick Tips in the book for ideas for stocking stuffers.

You can always include one small gift that is a bit more expensive in the stocking.

There are lots of cute things over on Evite that would be great stocking stuffers.

For More Details: Get Yourself Organized For Christmas – Page 88

Supplies: 1) Stockings   2) Small Gifts (You won’t need these today) 3)Hooks

Share Your Thoughts:

What are your favorite small stocking stuffers? When do you empty the stockings at your house? Do you have any family traditions surrounding the stockings? What item would you like to see in your stocking this year?