When was the last time you pulled out from under your bed the wrapping paper container only to find that you are pretty much completely out of wrapping paper? Umm, how did this happen?!? And then realize that you know that you saw some recently… Oh yeah! You run upstairs to the spare bedroom closet to find the missing wrapping paper, only to discover it is a bag full of bows. Geesh! You can’t win. This only happens to me when I need it now!!
Assignment: Designate an area, one place for all of your wrapping supplies – think of it as your Christmas Headquarters! Maybe it’s your bedroom, an office, or a closet. Wherever it is, clean up the area and make space to store the extra supplies.
3 Reasons you need to be organized this year:
- Organizing saves TIME- when you take the time to get your space organized you save loads of energy not looking for things you thought you had (ie: the above scenario). Searching around for tape, scissors paper bows etc. can tire a girl out. For real. Save yourself the flight of stairs!
- Organizing saves MONEY- when you make a list of what you have and what you need you are more prepared. You don’t go off to the store for more scotch tape, only to find you have three rolls in another room! You really could have used that $6.00 for your son’s school field trip!
- Organizing saves STRESS- when you have everything you need all when you need it in one location, this keeps you sane. You stop running around like a chicken with her head cut off. It’s a busy enough time of year, we don’t need to make it worse by saving things for the last minute. This causes stress. Stop it!
The best thing you can do to ensure you have a holiday free from stress is to plan ahead. Take the time now before life gets crazy busy, and get your space ready. Really, this will make the whole process much more enjoyable! (I just realized that I need to add tape to my next shopping list because that is one item that just won’t stick around like I need it to! I’m off to store later anyway, might as well get it now!)
Share Your Thoughts:
Where will your space be located? Is it in a kid free zone or just where you have room – maybe the dining table?! It’s ok if it is- no judgments here! 🙂 I don’t think kids care that much, do you?
This year we’ve partnered with Evite to bring organization to your party planning and holiday celebrations! Check out the Kathi Lipp and Evite partner page for some great party ideas and the evites you need to invite your favorite guests!
If you haven’t purchased Get Yourself Organized for Christmas yet, click here!
Kathi, Thank you for all the great ideas. Merry Christmas and God bless your family!
My headquarters is a hall closet & I use a big plastic bin for my reusable Christmas bags, boxes, bows, cards, etc. But for the wrapping paper I saved a plastic bag (from when I bought a new pillow) & that works just great for all the long wrapping paper rolls, big boxes & anything else that is to big for the bin.
That is a great idea and an excellent example of recycling things!