• Tired of always wondering, “What should I make for dinner?”
  • Overwhelmed by planning meals week after week?
  • Want to have good friends over this summer but it all seems like too much to plan?

Today Erin and I share our quick and easy ideas to have clutter free meal planning and summer entertaining!

After listening, share one of your quick summer recipes and be entered to win a FREE book by Susan May Warren!!

To start you off, here’s the Whole Roasted Chicken and Chicken Salad recipes mentioned in this episode.

Meet Our Guest

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Cameron, her sons Joey and Will and her daughter Kate. She is the author of “The Christian Mama’s Guide Series“, a staff writer for Dun & Bradstreet and a freelancer for publications like Thriving Family Magazine, MOPS MomSense, FamilyLife Magazine, Daily Guideposts and BEMag. She blogs about her life, her kids and her faith at ChristianMamasGuide.com.