Who wants a red hot sex life? Let’s go back to where it all started! The podcast that introduced the Book 10 Ideas to Inspire Red Hot Sex is full of red hot sex ideas that are intimate, marriage-building and yes, hot.  Listen in and Kathi and Erin will:

  • Tell you exactly why they decided to embark on writing a sex book.
  • Share a couple of their red hot sex ideas (yes, this part made us blush.)

But then let’s take it up a notch and check out the newly released ebook 10 Quick Fashion Fixes to Feel Confident and Sexy: A Hot Mama Challenge because in order to feel good OUT of our clothes, we must start with feeling good IN our clothes.

Feeling like you’re alone on this journey to be a Hot Mama? You’re not! Join hundreds of other hot mamas on Facebook as we promise to make 2015 the hottest ever.

Meet Our Guest

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Cameron, her sons Joey and Will and her daughter Kate. She is the author of “The Christian Mama’s Guide Series“, a staff writer for Dun & Bradstreet and a freelancer for publications like Thriving Family Magazine, MOPS MomSense, FamilyLife Magazine, Daily Guideposts and BEMag. She blogs about her life, her kids and her faith at ChristianMamasGuide.com.