What do you do when everything you know comes Undone?
From a “conquer the world” kind of a gal to a “cowering in the corner” woman, Michele Cushatt walked through a long journey from fear and panic to an unwavering confidence in God after a devastating cancer diagnosis.
Join us for a special message from Michele recorded before her surgery in November for the beginning of her fourth battle with cancer. Michele wants to share with listeners:
– God sees you and will provide you with the strength you need
– The peace she carries wasn’t easy but is only through God
– No matter how dark and big your circumstance, God is BIGGER
Listen in and check out Michele’s book Undone where she reveals more about her journey and shows how complication turns into a beautiful canvas, angst into joy, and the unknown into an adventure.
Meet Our Guest

Michele Cushatt
A storyteller at heart, Michele Cushatt inspires audiences with the warmth of her authenticity and presence. Her speaking experience covers the United States and includes Compassion International, Women of Faith, Focus on the Family, and various conferences and events as well as radio, video and audio recording projects. In 2014, she joined Michael Hyatt as the co-host on his popular This is Your Life podcast. Michele’s first book, Undone: A Story of Making Peace With An Unexpected Life, will be released March 2015. Michele and her husband, Troy, live in Colorado with their six children, ages 7 to 22.