In January, I’m launching Clutter Free: Quick and Easy Steps to Simplifying Your Space, but guess what? I’m also launching Happy Habits for Every Couple and you could be a part of our launch team!
Yes, I know…two books in one month! That’s how we roll!
So could your marriage use a little tune up?
When was the last time you flirted with your husband? Was it before you had kids?
Does your idea of a hot date include a drive-thru and springing for the extra-large fries?
What would your marriage look like if for 21 days you turned your attention to happy habits that will better your relationship? Plenty of books describe how to improve a marriage, how to save a marriage, even how to ramp up intimacy in a marriage. In Happy Habits for Every Couple, Kathi Lipp and husband Roger show you practical, fun-filled ways to put love and laughter back into your marriage.
Here are just a few of the results you’ll see when you put Happy Habits for Every Couple into practice:
new levels of warmth and tenderness in your relationship
a deeper sense of security with your spouse
a marriage filled with fun and flirting
If you haven’t given up the dream of being head-over-heels with your spouse again, following this 21-day plan will give you just the boost you need to bring you closer together.
Standard game rules apply: love on each other; share hope, grace, and encouragement; read the book and write a review.
We are sending out copies of the book next week, so tell us why you’d like to be a part of our new family!
If you are interested, just take a moment to fill out the application below:
Ok, so I can’t believe I’m going to share this but I am.My hsbnaud made a date night to Skype, he’s deployed. So, I got all ready last night, hair, makeup, the works!Then I thought to my self, my hsbnaud really likes when I get cute for him but what he really loves is when I make a point to look sexy or to wear nothing at all for him So my son was down to sleep, the house was locked up and I barred it all! LOL That’s right, all dolled up with nothing but my hair and makeup to show for it.I made sure when we got connected that it was his eyes that could only see, then I let him see me. We Skyped and chatted for 20 min or so as I bared my love to him. All he could keep saying was, I can’t believe you did this I love you so much and I love the way you love me! It was worth everything to him and to me for that matter to see how loved he was because it sure showed in his smile! So, I wore nothing, just for him!!
This book sounds awesome! After going through some tough adversity and issues, we need to spark the fire with some fun and enjoyable activities and learning opportunities. I hope to read your book soon. Can I get it on kindle?
Yes – here’s the link ;
Kathi, I love all of your books, thank you for taking the time to research and write them.
I am a working mom with an amazing husband and two young children. I love my family so much and I want to keep the fire and love in our home. Life takes a toll on everyone, and relationships take a back seat to children. I would love to be a part of the launch team
mt husband and I are a young couple with toddler twin daughters age 2. We currently lead a congeration that has married couples who look at us for guidance and leadership. We have not been married long but I feel anything that we can learn and then teach others is a great tool to staying and being happy especially with children. Right now we are managing but I know we could do a lot better especially in the new year I would love to be a part of this to see if it actually works to keep my husband and I in love with one another especially when we at this time don’t had a lot of time with one another.
I’ve been married to my best friend for 28 years and our relationship just keeps getting better. But I think we can always use a tune up. Thank you for writing such a book!
We are a blended family going on 4 years of marriage. Our first couple of years were challenging with health issues, depression, and overall expectations not being met. I’d like to say we are in a great season of marriage right now. We’ve really been trying to live life with a heart of contentment but it’s hard. I would love to put some of these habits you mention into action since it’s so easy for us to get in a mundane routine.
I have the best intentions to make more time for my husband and marriage. Honeschooling a special needs child has been a challenge this year. I am sure your book is filled with all kinds of great tips!
This is just what’s needed. Been married less than 4 months and we try to light a fire
and no sparks. I’m dealing with health issues and it’s becoming
overwhelming. Too much tension. Help!!!
I love your books! We’ve done the Husband Project (twice) and The Marriage Project and also the Me Project and The Organization Project.
This is my devine intervention. I want God’s best for my life.
I need this, we are getting ready to share our 20th wedding anniversary. I think we don’t know each other anymore. This might get is back on track.
This sounds perfect for me! I married my best friend 16 years ago, and since we are both babies of our families, we’ve always been the silly, in love, spoil each other couple. But after 4 kids, all with health problems or ADHD/ Sensory Processing Disorder, and multiple years of too much month left at the end of the money, and we seem to have lost touch with the fun side :/. I would *love* to find my “head over heels” again!