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How can I help you?

Have you ever had a hard time knowing what to say to your husband, especially when you’re at a tough place in your marriage? It’s hard. But often all it takes to rebuild a connection is a few, intentional and encouraging words. In this podcast, Erin and Kathi will:

  • Share simple things you can say (or text) to your husband when marriage is tough.
  • Help you to find the sticky points in your marriage so you know how to avoid those rough places—and to climb out of those dark corners when you are stuck in them.
  • Encourage you to intentionally pursue your husband with respectful and encouraging words.

Listen in, and then click here to read Kathi’s entire list of words you can use to build connections in your marriage.


Marriage is HARD. Sometimes we need a little help in knowing where to start and what to say when a particularly difficult situation arises. Download this cheat sheet of phrases and words to say to your husband in those relationship straining times.

Click here to download.

Meet Our Guest

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson

Erin MacPherson lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Cameron, her sons Joey and Will and her daughter Kate.  She is the author of “The Christian Mama’s Guide Series“, a staff writer for Dun & Bradstreet and a freelancer for publications like Thriving Family Magazine, MOPS MomSense, FamilyLife Magazine, Daily Guideposts and BEMag.  She blogs about her life, her kids and her faith at