Have you ever taken a selfie? Of your butt?
That’s just what Leeana Tankersley, author of Breathing Room, did so of course, that’s the first thing that Kathi and Erin ask her about. Why did she take a picture of her butt and how did she live to tell about it?
Kathi and Erin fell in love with Leeana from the first moments of the interview. Leeana gets real. Fast. (And you know how we love that around here.) She talks about how to lovingly come alongside ourselves as a good friend would, and be compassionate when we need it the most.
Leeana talks about:
• How Pinterest is changing how we feel about ourselves, and others.
• How the 12-step program Emotions Anonymous changed her life.
• How as moms we can give ourselves permission to “begin again” with our kids.
Win a copy of Leeana’s book, Breathing Room! For your chance to win, leave a comment below about something in your life that you feel powerless in the face of- your anonymous.
For more info on 12 Step that Leeana talked about, check out Emotions Anonymous.
Take a sneak peek into Breathing Room: Letting Go so You Can Fully Live with this complimentary excerpt from Leeana. Click here.
Meet Our Guest

Leeana Tankersley
Leeana Tankersley is the author of Breathing Room and Found Art. She and her Navy SEAL husband, Steve, are currently stationed in San Diego, California, with their three children: Luke (5), Lane (5), and Elle (2). Leeana writes about living from the spacious place on her blog, www.leeanatankersley.com.