All of the parenting books, the intentional planning, and the “I’m going to be a great parent” attitude meant nothing the minute Ellen had her firstborn, Erin. None of the discipline strategies worked the way they promised. So Ellen began the adventure of finding ways to understand the different hearts of her children. Only then, was she able to understand their needs so she could be the parent she really wanted to be.
Ellen Schuknecht (Erin’s mom!) joins us on So Here’s the Thing this week with amazing advice for every parent out there. Whether your child is compliant or strong-willed, you will want to have a pen and paper with you when listening! We cover topics such as:
  • Getting to the root of disobedience
  • Strategies to focus on the heart for a more positive long-term impact
  • Letting go of the fear of parenting failure
  • Why traditional parenting advice may not be working for you kids

We want to give away two copies of Ellen and Erin’s new book, Free to Parent (more info on the book below) to our listeners. Leave us a comment and tell us what was most freeing in what you heard on the podcast today.



In our book, we talk about “The Veritas Valient”  — a long-term vision checklist of where we see our kids in twenty years. Download a free version of this list and tack it to your fridge so you can keep the long-term vision for your kids in mind.

Click here to download.

Meet Our Guest

Ellen Schuknecht

Ellen Schuknecht

Ellen Schuknecht has been working as an educator for more than 35 years, with experience ranging from early childhood education, to high school advising to family ministries counseling.  She currently serves as the Director of Family Ministries at Veritas Academy in Austin, Texas where she mentors parents, teachers, and students on a daily basis.  She uses her blog, as well as her many speaking engagements as a platform to help parents learn how to lead their children to Christ in a way that’s not only authentic, but that also builds the relationship between parent and child.  Ellen has been married to her husband Glen for 39 years and lives in Austin, Texas near her three grown children, their spouses and– her pride and joy– her eleven precious grandchildren ranging in age from due-in-February to 8 years old.