Hi Friends! My newest book, The Cure for the Perfect Life, came from my deepest desire to help the women in this world live fuller, richer lives at exactly where God wants them. This week Cheri Gregory (who co-wrote The Cure for the Perfect Life) and I sat down to discuss the concept of rebelling against the ideas of perfectionism, and procrastination. (don’t worry! People-pleasing and Performancism are coming soon!)
Now this podcast is only for you if you deal with one of the four bullies we talk about:
- Perfectionism
- Procrastination
- People Pleasing
- Performancism
You are invited to take part in our rebellion against perfectionism.
Win 2 copies of The Cure for the Perfect Life– just comment below and tell us one small thing you are doing to fight procrastination or perfectionism, and who you are going to ask to be your bravery buddy (she can have the second copy!).
Let’s just call these Bravery on a sticky note! Download, print and use these adorable sticky notes to spur you on against the “P” bullies in your life.
TIP: To get “sticky” notes, 1) print the page, 2) place blank sticky notes (the full adhesive with the one non-stick edge work the best for printing on top of the printout), 3) and reprint on TOP of the new page, 4) peel and stick.
Meet Our Guest

Cheri Gregory
Cheri Gregory is a Certified Personality Trainer; contributor to multiple books, including Wired That Way and 21 Ways to Connect With Your Kids; and frequent speaker for MOPS groups, women’s retreats, parent workshops, and educational conferences. She’s been married to her college sweetheart, Daniel, for twenty-five years and they have two young adult children, Annemarie and Jonathon.
She blogs about expectations, “baditude”, and hope at www.CheriGregory.com. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.