This first podcast is for earbuds only – no listening in the minivan with the kiddos in back (unless they are plugged into their own listening device…)
My friend and speaker, Michele Cushatt hasn’t had the prettiest life. It has been down right hard and the things God have called her to haven’t always been pretty. Michele has handled the not so pretty with such grace that I wanted her to speak about her experiences because no matter how ugly, she always inspires me. I think she’ll inspire you too.
In this episode of So Here’s the Thing, we discuss how following God isn’t always easy. We deal with some of the tough questions like:
- Should I be a working mom or stay-at-home mom?
- If God has called me to this, shouldn’t it be easy?
- Why do some decisions have only comprises for answers?
- How can I even think of reinventing my life with all of the responsibilities I already have?
- How can/do I say NO to the wrong things so I can say YES to the right things?
After listening, tell me how you have reinvented a part of your life whether it be your work, the way you juggle the needs of your family, your ministry or the relationships with your extended family. Two people will win pack of books from me- The Cure for the Perfect Life (being released in August!) and Praying God’s Word for Your Life.
From the moment you awake until your head falls, exhausted, on your pillow, one question haunts at every turn: Am I enough? From your relationships and appearance to your career and faith, you fear the answer is “no.” But God says otherwise, and believing His words can set you free.
Meet Our Guest

Michele Cushatt
A storyteller at heart, Michele Cushatt inspires audiences with the warmth of her authenticity and presence. Her speaking experience covers the United States and includes Compassion International, Women of Faith, Focus on the Family, and various conferences and events as well as radio, video and audio recording projects. In 2014, she joined Michael Hyatt as the co-host on his popular This is Your Life podcast. Michele’s first book, Undone: A Story of Making Peace With An Unexpected Life, will be released March 2015. Michele and her husband, Troy, live in Colorado with their six children, ages 7 to 22.