“You don’t get a pass on your faith because of a curve ball.” OUCH! Would your best friend be willing say the same to you if you needed to hear it?

My co-host this week is Gillian Marchenko, author of Sun Shine Down: A Memoir. Gillian’s life as a mom, wife of a pastor and missionary in Ukraine was completely rocked when their third child was born with down-syndrome. In this experience, Gillian learned what deep faith, true friendship and real appreciation for life was all about.

Through our discussion, Gillian shares how:

  • it’s possible to feel two opposing emotions at the exact same time
  • it’s ok to dislike the diagnosis and still love
  • to react when your friend goes through a hard time

Join us for an inspiring discussion about how dealing with the curve ball isn’t always pretty but absolutely survivable.

What is the event in your life that you weren’t sure you would ever see the “sun shine again”? Share it with us for a chance to win a copy of Gillian’s memoir.



When we are in the middle of darkness, sometimes it’s hard to reach out to God. This quick reference has seven complete verses that speak to God’s presence in our time of need. Go to them when you need encouragement, hope and assurance that HE is with you even in the darkness.

Download now. 

Meet Our Guest

Gillian Marchenko

Gillian Marchenko

Gillian Marchenko is an author and national speaker who lives in Chicago with her husband Sergei and their four daughters. Sun Shine Down, a memoir about her third daughter’s birth and diagnosis of Down syndrome while the family lived as missionaries in Ukraine, published with T. S. Poetry Press in 2013. She is now working on a memoir about depression and faith that with InterVarsity Press. Gillian says the world is full of people who seem to have it all together. She speaks up for the rest of us.