I Need Some Help Here COVERIt’s the official launch day of my new book I Need Some Help Here! Hope for When Your Kids Don’t Go According to Plan.

This book is for every mom out there who has ever doubted herself, wondered why her child didn’t “turn out” the way she thought he would, or is feeling alone in her mothering journey. Whether your kids are little or young adults, motherhood can be so difficult (but eventually rewarding, I promise).

To celebrate the launch with my fabulous readers, fans and community, I want to give a book away every hour from 6a-8p PST on June 3, 2014. I would love your help in spreading the word of hope to your friends and family as well. So feel free to pick a tweet, Pin or picture to share with your peeps on your favorite social media site. We’ll pick a new winner every hour. If you just want to enter to win, you can do that too by filling out the entry form below.

Pins (post to Facebook or Pinterest)

It-is-my-Action-Loving-MotherNextStepPray Perfect-Mom-for-My-Kids


























They are God's












Tweets to share on Twitter

But frustratingly, the next step isn’t do. Sometimes the next step is to be still & know that He is God. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp




One of the most powerful sentences in the English language is “Me too” http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp




You move from sympathy to empathy when you hear that someone is in the same battle you are. ” http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



You need to be reminded in the hardest times that God loves you and God loves your child. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



We move from control to influence in our child’s life, and those changes can feel like little deaths. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



I was not a perfect mom, but I was the mom God chose for them, therefore I was the perfect mom for them. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



When you are brokenhearted you are broken open for other people to see into you and see what they need. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



I can love my child with boundaries prayer & grace. It is my actions not my feelings that qualify me as a loving mom http://bit.ly/T8QJXf



So the one thing I did right was the hardest thing I know how to do: nothing. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



We parents run a real danger of misplaced hope. We put our hope for our kids in our kids. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



No matter how much your kid is struggling and how out of control you feel, God is always in control. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



Kids need to see a model of what it’s like to have emotions without allowing them to be the basis for bad behavior http://bit.ly/T8QJXf



The best thing I can do is put my kids in the safest place they could be: the feet of Jesus. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf @kathilipp



Instead of worrying about what you did or didn’t do put your hope in the one who loves your kids more than you do. http://bit.ly/T8QJXf




or Enter to Win