Thank you to all of you Hope Heroes out there who are supporting the I NEED SOME HELP HERE! launch with all of your love, prayers and social media savvyness.
This week we are giving away a $100 TARGET GIFT CARD!!!
How do you get your hands on those bull’s-eye bucks?
Things We Need Some Help With (if you are willing! We would be so grateful if you can share some hope with a friend!):
1. Order a copy of I Need Some Help Here!
When you order, be sure to download your FREE Surviving Summer eBook . This eBook that will save you in the summer is only available for a limited time so download and share with your friends while there is still time.
2. Share it with family, friends, coworkers and followers on social media. Choose the platform of your choice:
Option #1: Post on Facebook:
Post about I Need Some Help Here! on Facebook. Click here to share this post on Facebook.
Option #2: Post on Pinterest.
Post about I Need Some Help Here! on Pinterest. Click here to repin this pin on Pinterest.
Option #3: Post on Twitter.
Post about I Need Some Help Here! on Twitter. Click here to retweet this tweet on Twitter.
Option #4: Post About the Book on Your Blog
When you post about I Need Some Help Here! just send us an email at with the link to your blog. You’ll then be entered to win one of the weekly prizes!
3. THEN JUST FILL IN THE FORM BELOW TO BE ENTERED FOR THIS WEEK’S PRIZE! You don’t need to do any of the above but we know you’re kind of amazing and will want to give another mom some hope!)
If the form doesn’t show up, you can use the online version.
Thanks for your willingness to bring hope to a world of women who desperately need it. Check back for a new AMAZING mom-approved give away each week!