For those of you that have ordered my new book I Need Some Help Here! Hope for When Your Kids Don’t Go According to Plan, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU!

For you, I have this exclusive, limited time gift – 50 Days of Hope Through God’s Word verse flipper. It is super adorable and more than that, it is the perfect companion for I Need Some Help Here! Whether you have toddlers or your kids are grown, being a mom means constantly wanting the best for our babies. It can be so difficult when our kids are making bad decisions, acting out or just plain disrespect us, to not feel the twinge of guilt. Through prayer, experience and God’s word, this book, along with the verse flipper can offer hope for every parent.

To get your fabulous verse flipper, filled with 50 days of verses that will give you hope no matter what you are going through with you kids, sVerse-flipper-webimply click on this link and fill out the form. You’ll be given the download link right away which includes instructions to build you own (and inexpensive) holder.

If you haven’t gotten your copy of the the book, I Need Some Help Here! yet, get it today and come back and fill out the form for your very own verse flipper.

Already reading the book? Share your thoughts on my Facebook page.

Thank you friends!