I get frustrated at times with the idea we all get to determine how much our partner loves us by the size of the gift and whether the gesture of love went viral on YouTube. Yuck. We don’t need over the top. I think we just need a little something special for our men, presented in a slightly special way. Let’s learn how to love him with stuff in Day 2!
I wrote about this in my book The Marriage Project:
A tree ran into my car.
Yes, you read that sentence correctly.
I am blessed to live in Northern California where we bundle up in our winter woolens if there is a slight chill in the air, and the only snow we see is when someone forgets to use their Head & Shoulders shampoo.
So it was out of the ordinary when the storm rolled through town. Power outages were reported all over the city, fender benders littered the highways, and the Starbucks on our corner was closed.
Obviously, this was a desperate situation.
When I got home from my morning speaking engagement, I parked my van and ran inside, desperate to warm up and dry out.
I went upstairs to our bedroom, where my husband was working at his desk. Not five minutes after I got changed into dry clothes, Roger and I heard a big crack and looked out in horror and amazement as our giant oak tree decided to take up residence on top of my car.
All we could do was watch, laugh, and thank God that no one was in the car at the time.
Since then, I’ve been cruising around town in a series of rental cars until my van is fully functioning again. I’ve tried out hybrids and subcompacts, 4-runners and sedans.
Until yesterday. Yesterday, the rental agency ran out of the teeny-tiny cars I was renting to save money. They asked me if, for a few dollars more, I would like an upgrade to a nicer car that was available right away…a current model black Mercedes-Benz E-Class.
I knew, being in possession of that car, I had to turn our ho-hum, stay-at-home night into an out-on-the-town date night. You wouldn’t want an automobile like that going to waste, now would you?
Roger and I used a gift card to get a couple of lattes at a Starbucks drive-thru, and then took a drive into the mountains, sipping our drinks and enjoying the scenery and the company. A perfect date—all for the small price of an upgraded rental car.
There was just something so fun and adventurous about that car that it turned that silly little latte into a memory that will last us a lifetime.
So this week, I want you to get him a little something, but give it to him in a special way.
Here are some ideas for a little something to love him with stuff (all of these can be had for under $5):
- His favorite candy bar (that he doesn’t have to share with you).
- A magazine that he loves but is too cheap to subscribe to.
- His favorite sports drink.
- 5 packs of his favorite gum.
- His favorite Starbucks drink delivered to work.
- A frozen yogurt.
- A guy-flick movie rental.
- Baking him his favorite chocolate chip cookies.
- A small bottle of manly scented lotion with the promise of a back rub.
- $5 iTunes gift card (or Google Play for our Windows guys.)
- A video game rental.
- $5 in quarters for the local arcade.
- A new ringtone.
OK – now to give it to him in a special way. You could…
- Leave it on the dashboard of his truck.
- Hide it in his computer bag.
- Tie it to the dog (as long as it’s not edible…)
- Have one of your kids deliver it.
- Put it on his pillow.
- Have Amazon send it to his office.
What are you going to get him to love him with stuff – and how are you going to give it to him? Share your ideas in the comments below so we can all learn from each other!
Where is the day 3 challenge?
Great idea! I am going to buy my husband a subscription to Mars Hill Audio Journal because he has a long work commute.
So well-said, Tracey M., & Kristine – do you know the magazine or a link to the list of songs? Maybe I could figure some out from KLOVE (94.3) for instance…
Yesterday, I got my husband some “scratchies” (scratch-off lottery cards), 7-11-21 because it relates to his b’day and The Good Life…, because he occasionally enjoys this “guilty pleasure.” I stuck them I between the straws of one of our favorite (food) treats, Portillo’s Chocolate Cake-Shake (Highly recommend;)!) with a napkin which says “Love One Another.” I dropped it off at his work and asked a department teammate to hide something in his desk for me for today – his favorite Fannie May (a small Trinidad, in a plastic heart container I had). This morning I (tried to…) made him <3-shaped eggs and place them on a bagel for a breakfast sandwich like he loves to make. Tomorrow will hopefully be strawberry or blueberry pancakes and then a date night (he'll be ice fishing this weekend, and we met on February 13th.)
We shared some dessert last night…after the little ones were in bed. And, I have a card for him. Sounds silly, I know, but he likes to give/get cards.
I am trying to be more intentional in my marriage – trying to show my husband that I love him especially during an extremely tough season in our marriage. I decided this year to give him a small Valentine’s Day gift every day. I tried to pick items that will provide nourishment or sweet treats as he studies. There are a few corny ones but he appreciates the gesture. It’s the thought that counts – right. It was supposed to only be for 14 days, but I have so many ideas that I am going to continue doing it until the end of the month. I want to show him my love every day even after Valentine’s Day so I have a few plans up my sleeve for the future too. I found many GREAT gift ideas online!
My husband is currently studying for a difficult promotion test. It is causes a lot of stress, but he is determined to pass. in fact, he wants to make a 100%. He goes through these phases where he feels that he will do well and then there are the days that he starts to wonder how he will do thinking he will not pass. We believe he will do well. My daughter and I went to the Christian store and purchased him a firefighter’s Bible. His Bible is falling apart and this one is related to his line of work. We also bought a t-shirt with an appropriate verse that will encourage him as he studies the next couple weeks. It shows military, firefighters, and police officers kneeling down to pray. My six-year-old daughter bought him a prayer coin to carry. There’s a story behind that one . . . he kept her birthday party pirate coin for several months as good luck teasing her saying he wouldn’t give it back. She is going to make an exchange giving him a coin that will have more meaning to him. I can’t wait to see his face. I am also making him homemade heart-shaped cinnamon rolls for breakfast, because they are his favorite. I have been writing reasons why I love him on construction paper hearts to throw in his car when he leaves for work on Valentine’s Day. He has been feeling a little unloved and neglected lately with our busy schedules. I would absolutely LOVE to win and read your book! I still consider myself a new Christian even though i was saved years ago, but I have a hard time with prayer. This book may provide me with a little guidance while helping me focus on my marriage. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
I’m going to make him his favorite cookies (double chocolate chip) and leave them in his car. 🙂
I bought him his favorite cookies and picked out a romantics card. I put it where he first goes when he gets home from work. The bathroom. Heehee
My husband is off to a great start to the year with working out and eating well. I’m going to get him an itunes giftcard with a list of workout songs that I pulled out from a fitness magazine. I don’t care if those are the songs he chooses – but trying to relate it to something he’s into right now. and NOT buying him sweets, snacks or sodas.
I loved your post btw. Great humor!! “…the only snow we see is when someone forgets to use their Head and Shoulders shampoo.” ha ha!!
Hi, Kristine ~ Do you know which magazine or a link to the songs?
I’m going to make him his favorite dessert – chocolate mousse. But I’m going to wait until after the kiddo is in bed to serve it. Just the two of us. It will be like our own little date night right at home!
I already made him chocolate chip cookies on Friday because he had a challenging week. I stocked up on his favorite ice cream, B&J’s Cherry Garcia, when it was on sale. To make it a “new” gift, I’m going to draw an ice cream sandwich and have our 2-year old give it to him when he gets home from work so he knows there’s actually going to be dessert, and it’s for him. Two “old” favorites can come together as a new gift, right?
Gifts are so hard for me. 1. His love language is not gifts, so whether I bought him something small or grand, it’s all the same to him. 2. He doesn’t have any interests that he’s passionate about. 3. We get very little time together and since he works in a factory, delivery to work is out.
I’m hoping to find fresh pistachios for him, which I can leave in his car for when he goes to work on 2nd shift, but fresh nuts are going the way of the dodo bird. 🙁
I love this idea!! I’m going to make his favorite chocolate chip cookie bars for a trip we are taking this weekend with friends. Now, how to hide them till we leave… 🙂
I scheduled time with wise spiritual counsel before a biblical parenting meeting, to hopefully “reset” our marriage. I plan on also getting him a single serving treat (because he’s trying to lose weight) of his favorite dark chocolate indulgence for that evening, and make an extra “you’re 1 in a Minion” Valentine.
Such a cute idea! I’m going to put a pack of twizzlers and a mello yello in his truck so he has a treat while sitting in the waiting room for an appointment he has later this week.
I think I might make some “hot chocolate for my hottie” and have it ready for him when he leaves for work (he leaves super early and it has been crazy cold here)! Or maybe some breakfast muffins for my stud muffin! Oh the punning possibilities are endless! 🙂
I have been doing the 14 days of valentine and giving him a small gift since feb1st it has been pretty amazing