The 2014 Things Challenge – Are You Ready to Live Lighter?

Robin commented: “We’ll start purging again in Jan. The goal is for 2014 items to leave the house next year!” Oh Robin doesn’t have any idea how she’s messed up my life…2014ThingsChallenge

bagsThe above was a comment that she left on my Facebook Page after I posted this picture of twelve bags we were donating of good usable clothes and household items. But I was getting tired of the “things” merry-go-round. Every year we accumulate all these “things” and every Christmas season, we spend days getting rid of stuff.

So, once I read Robin’s comment, that’s when the insanity took over.

I let myself imagine a home where we only had things that fit, were used, and were loved. Yes!

To be able to give good and valuable things away to those who not only need them, but would appreciate them? Yes!

Being free from needless possessions so that if God decides we need to live in Seattle or Denver, we aren’t tied down to our stuff? Yes!

And I broached the subject carefully with Roger (Being the “Project” in The Husband Project, my husband is used to being subjected to my crazy ideas.) He had his concerns, “Do you really think we can get rid of over 2000 things?”

Um – have you seen our garage? Yes, yes I do.

5.5 things a day.
38 things a week.
168 things a month.

Are you on the THINGS merry-go-round? Constantly fighting the influx of things coming in, and then dealing with having to get THINGS out of your house?  Are you tired of talking about living simply and want to really feel lighter as the year goes on? Do you want to be able to close your closet and not be afraid the door is going to pop open and attack the next person walking by? Do you want to be able to park a car in your garage. Come – live the dream with us…

2014 Items less by December 31st than we started with January 1st. That is our challenge.
Here are the rules that we’ve set up for ourselves for the coming year:

• 2014 items less by the end of the year means that every new item we bring in, an additional one goes out. (So if we buy 100 things over the year, we will be donating/getting rid of 2114 things.) That means we need to be very careful what we buy for the next year.

• Consumables are not counted. (Doggy waste bags don’t count – the plastic doggy waste bag holder does.)

• If a piece of a set can be used on its own, it’s counted. (In other words, each piece of silverware counts, but a 1000 piece puzzle counts as one “thing”.)

• We will donate or get rid of things in the most responsible way possible.

Each week, I will post pictures of what we are getting rid of and who (if anyone) it’s going to.

Is it going to be hard? Yes (especially since I just did a big purge.) Is it going to be marriage testing – Roger and I think so… But we are looking forward to the trade-offs.

If you are interested in joining us, there are a few ways you can do it:

1. All In You are going to follow all the rules above. (Share that in the comments below and I’ll be happy to send you a badge for your Facebook/website/blog.)

2. 2014 Things Only Just concentrating on getting rid of 2014 (without worrying about what you will be bringing into the house,) will significantly lighten your load.

3. Win One of My Cast Offs Each week, I will ask you to post some of the items you are giving away. Post, and you will be eligible to win one of my books that I’m giving away from my challenge. (New, used titles every week!)

4. Take the Team Approach Get together with a buddy and between the two or three of you get rid of 2014 things in 2014.