The 2014 Things Challenge – Are You Ready to Live Lighter?
Robin commented: “We’ll start purging again in Jan. The goal is for 2014 items to leave the house next year!” Oh Robin doesn’t have any idea how she’s messed up my life…
The above was a comment that she left on my Facebook Page after I posted this picture of twelve bags we were donating of good usable clothes and household items. But I was getting tired of the “things” merry-go-round. Every year we accumulate all these “things” and every Christmas season, we spend days getting rid of stuff.
So, once I read Robin’s comment, that’s when the insanity took over.
I let myself imagine a home where we only had things that fit, were used, and were loved. Yes!
To be able to give good and valuable things away to those who not only need them, but would appreciate them? Yes!
Being free from needless possessions so that if God decides we need to live in Seattle or Denver, we aren’t tied down to our stuff? Yes!
And I broached the subject carefully with Roger (Being the “Project” in The Husband Project, my husband is used to being subjected to my crazy ideas.) He had his concerns, “Do you really think we can get rid of over 2000 things?”
Um – have you seen our garage? Yes, yes I do.
5.5 things a day.
38 things a week.
168 things a month.
Are you on the THINGS merry-go-round? Constantly fighting the influx of things coming in, and then dealing with having to get THINGS out of your house? Are you tired of talking about living simply and want to really feel lighter as the year goes on? Do you want to be able to close your closet and not be afraid the door is going to pop open and attack the next person walking by? Do you want to be able to park a car in your garage. Come – live the dream with us…
2014 Items less by December 31st than we started with January 1st. That is our challenge.
Here are the rules that we’ve set up for ourselves for the coming year:
• 2014 items less by the end of the year means that every new item we bring in, an additional one goes out. (So if we buy 100 things over the year, we will be donating/getting rid of 2114 things.) That means we need to be very careful what we buy for the next year.
• Consumables are not counted. (Doggy waste bags don’t count – the plastic doggy waste bag holder does.)
• If a piece of a set can be used on its own, it’s counted. (In other words, each piece of silverware counts, but a 1000 piece puzzle counts as one “thing”.)
• We will donate or get rid of things in the most responsible way possible.
Each week, I will post pictures of what we are getting rid of and who (if anyone) it’s going to.
Is it going to be hard? Yes (especially since I just did a big purge.) Is it going to be marriage testing – Roger and I think so… But we are looking forward to the trade-offs.
If you are interested in joining us, there are a few ways you can do it:
1. All In You are going to follow all the rules above. (Share that in the comments below and I’ll be happy to send you a badge for your Facebook/website/blog.)
2. 2014 Things Only Just concentrating on getting rid of 2014 (without worrying about what you will be bringing into the house,) will significantly lighten your load.
3. Win One of My Cast Offs Each week, I will ask you to post some of the items you are giving away. Post, and you will be eligible to win one of my books that I’m giving away from my challenge. (New, used titles every week!)
4. Take the Team Approach Get together with a buddy and between the two or three of you get rid of 2014 things in 2014.
I heard you on Focus on the family and plan on 2015 lighter this year 2016.
Currently i have given away 65 things in January and plan to keep this up. How do I track though?
Eno, I’m so glad you’re planning to get rid of the clutter this year! Here’s a link to our 2000 Things chart:
Also, you can find more resources here: They are a little bit older, but still useful. Thanks!
I am ALL IN! I am so excited to finally be doing this! I dream about doing this, but never get it done. I love your idea to set a timer and do it for an allotted amount of time. I think this tip will really help me.
Oops! I just realized I am a year behind! Off to a great start! I am doing this for this 2015!
We are doing it again for 2015! Here you go:
Half way through the year…. I’m at 958 items out of the 2014 item goal (47.56%)
I am half a year behind! Ha! Looking forward to catching up
I’m all in! I did a big purge earlier this year…clothing, toys, containers we weren’t using, etc. Can I “guestimate” (my own word, LOL) the # of items and count it towards my # or should I just start from this point forward?
I’ve got a very generous friend whose been helping me clean/organize/purge my house (we have 4 girls and 1 boy, ages 22 months to almost 10 years). It’s such a help to have an outside perspective to your stuff….they don’t have the sentimental attachment so they can be much more objective and it’s a huge help!
Let the 2014 Things Challenge begin! Yay!
Love this challenge! Stuff has taken over and I want to purge. I have been doing a drawer or shelf a day challenge for myself and have been fairly consistent. Still more to tackle!
It’s only April and I have met this challenge and then some. I posted about it (linking to your blog) today. The title is “How I lost Several Hundred Pounds in 2 Weeks”.
Stuff I dearly loved was included. But it was a good reminder of where my true treasure lies.
I’m way behind, but I started Monday. Already have one trash bag! 🙂
1500 items out the door in 2-0-1-4!!
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I am loving this challenge! I just put item #301 in the donate bag. I am using the numbered 2014 Challenge list that you posted. Writing down the items and keeping track of the number has really helped me stay motivated to purge. I came back to your site today to print a few more pages of the list, but I can’t find the link. Will you direct me to it? Thanks!
I just found out about this challenge while listening to Focus on the Family the other day. I’m about 54 days behind, but I got started yesterday and already got rid of 25 things! That was mostly from one dresser drawer (which I also lined with contact paper and plan to make a drawer organizer for later). My husband probably already thinks I’m crazy, but I really want to live lighter. I am tired of never being able to keep anything clean around here.
I am ALL IN.
I’m late but ready. My friend came for a visit and was overwhelmed (she didn’t even want to bring her things in from the car). She said there was just too much stuff! Coming from being a single mom with six kids and always needing “something”….I kept everything. Now it’s time for change. I’m all in with serious consideration about counting about what comes in. It will certainly make me more sensitive about my spending habits (even if it is thrift stores and estate sales). Yesterday after listening to Focus on the Family I got busy. So far I’m at 75 and still going.
I am in! I started this month purging my bedroom closets, And now I am going crazy trying to get rid of things because it feels so FREEING! : ) I am not sure I will do the 7 things a day, because I hope to finish by summer. (maybe 7 bags a day – ha ha) And I think I will start the “buy something, give up something” once I am finished. But I am looking forward to getting involved in your challenge!
I’m in!!!!!! Late better than never! I cant wait till it dethaws and we can purge the garage!!!:-) yay!!
I’m starting late, but I’m ALL IN!
This challenge is great. It’s just my husband and I – kids are grown. However, finding this plan is great and getting rid of a lot of unwanted and unneeded stuff.
I so need to be in this challenge! I have been on a binge, since the 1st of the year to clean out, get rid of, and organize! I know my house will thank me and it’s bound to make my family happier!
I’m in! Grocery bag full of unwanted candles & knick knacks. Hey its a start:)
With hesitation….I am all in. Not sure I have 2014 things to get rid of as I already run a pretty tight ship in my house but I am certainly up for the challenge. Anything to live a more simplified life is all good with me.
Thank you for the challenge – I am ALL IN! and so excited. One month to catch up with, but hey, I am sure I can do that in one room :o) Thanks!
I am soooo totally all in. I am a little behind seeing as it is the 31st, but I will most definitely catch up. This is just what I need to get and keep me motivated. Woo Hoo!!
I am trying to go ALL IN. Last week I found myself at the GAP store using one of my Christmas gift cards. I got GREAT deals, five blouses for less than 25 dollars (70% clearance). As I am paying for my purchase I caught myself telling the cashier that now I have to go home to get rid of FIVE items, she looked at me a little puzzle. I told her about the challenge: get rid of 2014 items you currently have at home and if you buy one item then you have to donate/get rid of one item to make it even. She liked the idea.
I’m also a little late to the party but am totally ready to do this!
Wonderful idea and a great time for this challenge for me. I can’t wait to get started. Count me in.
I’m working on the 2014 Thing Only option. I’d love to do the “all in”, but with young children, lots of things come into the house (Sunday school crafts and artwork, etc.) and it can be hard to document everything as it comes in and goes out. I’ve got some other priorities than just counting items. 🙂 Anyhow, we’ve already donated 126 things to Goodwill. Another 117 will hopefully leave today to go to the local school district’s speech-language pathologists for them to use as prizes for their students, as well as another 18 items to Goodwill. I have about 80 items pulled aside for a children’s consignment sale, but that doesn’t occur until March, so I can’t really count them as out of the house yet. 🙂 So, if the items intended to leave today actually make it out, I’ll be up to 261 items out. Too bad I’m not counting all the papers, etc. that are going to recycling, but it would just be too much to keep track of.
my sister started a group and we are all doing it together I am already at 369
A little late, but ALL IN! Trying to hard to move this year, we need some serious decluttering so we can start showing this house!
I think this is a great idea….I MAY be moving in 2014 and it would be wonderful to not have so much to move! I’m in!
Never did anything quite like this before, but much needed. Going to bite the bullet and go all in!
I am all in! My word for the year 2014 is simplify. Every year I say this is the year I will get the clutter cleared and I do believe with this challenge I will finally be able to accomplish that goal. I too am doing the Joy Dare with this challenge and very excited to see the peace and joy that will replace the clutter!
I AM ALL IN!!! My husband, 3 kids and I just recently moved in to his grandmothers house that as far as records will allow us to see was built in the early 1900’s maybe before then. As you know, they didn’t have or believe in closets back then so as much as I love this house, I have to get rid of a lot of clutter I didn’t realize I had until now and then start renovating. I am so excited to start this challenge. I once did the Flylady and stuck with it several years until we moved, due to husbands work 4 years ago and lost all interest and now that we had the opportunity to move in to the house we are in now I want to get completely free of clutter (a.k.a junk)
I’m a little late to this challenge (although I have purged…just not counted). I like this idea! 2014 things less to deal with sounds nice.
Love this! We are ALL IN! So often we can easily get rid of things only to find that they quickly accumulate because more stuff has replaced what we got rid of. Looking forward to this challenge and living a simpler life!
I am all in! Or rather 2014 things out! Looking forward to the challenge
I did an entire weeks worth of cleaning yesterday. I worked on the bathroom closet, amazing how many expired things were in there!!!
Jumping in Kathi! I’m just going to do the 2014 things challenge. I’ve also taken Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare of counting 1000 gifts – blessings from God. I am praying these two challenges together will lead me even deeper in to reliance upon God for everything!! Thanks for the challenge!
I’m going for the 2014 things challenge. I have a box ready to go to the thrift store and I downloaded the spreadsheet to track it. It will be interesting to see how it goes.
I wish I could get my husband on board with it. We are a military family and he likes to keep things “for the day when we have our permanent house.” I dream of the purge that will happen when that day comes and we really find out what we do and don’t need.
A lady at home-school co-op told me about this and I can’t wait to get started!! She is journaling her experience and since I love to look back and see progress, I think I’ll do the same thing! Luv this idea!
My husband and I are ALL IN! Here’s to the new year and feeling and moving lighter.
i am in and looking forward reading the ideas to make this happen from you and everyone. Thanks.
We are ALL In! We have so much stuff to get rid of that this should be a snap. We do tend to be emotionally attached to stuff, but I think it gets easier for the kids to let go as they get older. And just maybe each of the six of us in my family can get rid of 2014+ things we don’t need cluttering our life! Then we can spend time enjoying each other instead of looking for things.
I’m so all in! This is exactly the kind of challenge that I had been looking for!! A little nervous about 2014 things but I am sure it’s totally doable!! Can’t wait to get started!!
My family is in for getting rid of 2014 things this year. Or at least I am in, I will break it to my family later.
I’m going to give it a shot and would love the badge!
I am ALL IN!! I have discussed this with my husband and we both agree that this is the PERFECT excuse to get rid of some of our stuff that has become so overwhelming. We actually started our donation boxes last night and loaded up 201 items! Thanks for the awesome inspiration.
Any ideas on what to do with stained clothes? Should I add them to the giveaway pile or throw them in the trash?
We’re doing 2014 things only, which is equal parts exciting and terrifying for me.
I’m in! This is going to be MY year! Tired of drowning in stuff!
3 Train track pieces & a grab bag of goodies for our Peace.Love.Swap–19 things! 🙂
I’m ALL IN! 🙂
My family is all in!
My household is in for the 2014 things only. Can’t wait to get started!
great idea– i have my doubts about my husband helping– he leans toward being a hoarder but i can git it a try!
All in. I really need to declutter, I’ve managed a lot but this sounds like a manageable way to make more progress
Thanks for the challenge. My home is in purging and living lighter in 2014. Excited to get started!!!
Please count me in.
ALL IN! I can’t wait! Please send me the badge!
I am going to do the 2014 things only. Like another person commented, I would love to go “All In” but it might be too much for me. I know my house will benefit with 2014 removed. I am up for the challenge and glad to have others to share the challenge with. Today is Jan. 1st and I got rid of 11 things! 2003 more things to go!
I am SO in!!! This is going to be amazing!!!
I’m in! Not all in though as it might be too much… But 2014 things are going to be out from this house!
All in! And we have started 🙂
im in!
OK, I’m “All In”
Seriously, I have way too much stuff—the 2014 things will be tough but totally achievable. My big challenge will be that for everything that comes in, something goes out! Hopefully, a community of others with the same goal will be what keeps me on the path 🙂
We recently moved from an 1800 sq. ft. home with double garage into a 600 sq. ft cabin .Unfortunately, still have items in storage 900 mile away to deal with! Less IS more!
Perfect timing for me! My mother in law passed away last week and I’ve been cleaning and purging her home she has lived in for the past 50 years.
I’m in for the 2014 things… This was just on my mind the last few weeks, so EXCELLENT timing!
Ok. I am all in! Can’t wait. Just took 3 truck loads to donate to the local mission, 1 truck load of garbage and 2 truck loads of recycling. I know there is still more to go, so going to give this challenge a try!
I’m going to see if I can talk my husband into the 2014 things—I know he has at least that much stuff to get rid of in his garage!LOL
I’ve been procrastinating way too long; count me ALL IN!
I AM SO IN!!!!
I’m in for the 2014 things! I’ve been slowly working on getting rid of things. We always have so many things that don’t have a spot. Already have a number of things in a box from things I went through in Saturday, going to find more now to add to it!
ALL IN! I’m going to do this – thanks for sharing your idea!
Kathi, You have triggered my cleaning out bug. Several years ago I purge 90% of my things, it felt wonderful. Slowly unneeded things have crept back in so I officially take your challenge with your rules. My one addition. !0 books count as 1 item, they are my down fall. I have hundreds time to purge and hang on to only the ones I can’t live with out. “Getting More Gigs” by Kathi Lipp will stay.
I’m in! This topic has been on my heart and mind A LOT lately. Thanks for the encouragement 🙂
Love this! I’m in!! I’ve been wanting to purge more, so this challenge will really help!
I love this idea.
I am ALL IN – I am always trying to declutter – thank you!
Count me as “all in”
When I saw “simplify and organize” in my 2013 calendar I was throwing away…and none of it was done, I now know this is just what I need for 2014. All in! Thanks for this.
All in. This has been on my list for a while and your plan is ambitious, but needs to be done. Thanks for the inspiration.
My husband moved out in the summer and I am preparing my home for sale. Letting go is hard and emotional right now. I love this challenge, at this perfect time, as it puts a little much-needed FUN into what is ahead. Looking forward to the kinship of this challenge with “y’all”!!!
Thanks, Kathy; your timing is just spot on.
oh. P.S. I’m “ALL IN”… Time to LIVE LIGHT.
I am all in. And I will have to encourage the family strongly to do the same. I just told my son he has so many toys he is going tobhave to start sleeping in the guestroom. Although I was exaggerating, I was not Dar from the truth. I need to lead by example. I need to be purging so my kids will too. I dont want to raise tiny little hoarders. I want my kids to be storing up treasures in heaven not piles of rusty broken things here.
I am ALL IN! I love this and am ready to start!
Is there a print version of this challenge? I’d like to print something out, with the daily/weekly/monthly breakdown and put it on my fridge to remind me EVERY DAY!
ALL IN for sure! We need this! Feeling so bogged down with a house overflowing with stuff! This will be awesome!
ALL IN for a year of getting lighter in 2014 (stuff and pounds too) I love the breakdown 5.5 daily. And I like the idea of new stuff coming in and adding to stuff going out. I think I will have a Happy Husband when he sees the first 500 go…
Well, I was planning to get rid of 365 things this year, but now you are really messing with me! What about piles of paper clutter? They don’t count at all with your rules, right? Harsh! 😉
I’m in for the 2014 items only. Can’t wait to get started.
I am going to try the 2014 things approach. We are hoping to list our house on the market this spring. So not sure If I’ll be able to follow along all the way through. Might have to donate all the balance when/if we sell. LOL But all in all, I really, REALLY, need to pass along some of my things. I’m sure crafter’s especially will be able to use a lot of what I have to much of.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I read this email just before deciding which to tackle first: the home office, the great room or my young daughter’s bedroom. Not just a coincidence, but the inspiration I needed! By breaking it down to 5.5 things a day, you made it sound so easy. We want to be able to walk through our rooms unimpeded, to find the things we need quickly and easily, and most of all to pass on a legacy of living lightly to our daughter so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed with “things” like we have been for too long. We are ALL IN!
We are ALL IN! Can’t wait to rid ourselves of the excess!
I will pledge my household for the 2014 things only. I wish I could say All In but that would just be one more thing to track (how many purchases we make). I will do my best to meet the All In criteria (only replacing what we take out but I just don’t want to feel guilty that I’m not writing it down…). Thanks for the challenge and good luck to everyone!
We are going all in! yay? lol 🙂
Great idea! I am in!
My household is ALL IN (even though they do not know it yet). I LOVE your books and ready for this challange to get us going again. I am tired of purchasing items I know I already have but I cannot find them in our cazy house. I am ready to get lighter in 2014!! 🙂
All in here in Florida! I still have some toddler toys that I’ve been meaning to sell or donate and my son is 10 1/2!
I’m in!
I’m not all in, but I am inspired to tackle a few hot spots in my home this week before we start school again. My little girl and I are good purgers, but the guys…Any tips on how to get a reluctant husband and son on board?
Can’t wait to share this with my sister. She and I discuss living “simple” all the time! We are ALL IN at this house even though my hubby tends to be the “keeper of all things.” Very exciting!
All in and excited about it! Living as a slave to stuff is a miserable way to live. No joy. Always having piles to go through because they don’t have a home robs my family of the joy and freedom to simply enjoy a relaxing day in our own home. I CANNOT WAIT to be 2014 things lighter!!!
ALL IN! I was just saying we were going to start on the basement next weekend, but I think 5-6 things a day is more manageable. I have to exclude stuf for my Pampered Chef business though since I can’t get rid of product I use in cooking shows and new products come out twice a year. I will try to target some of my excess inventory though.
All in! This may be difficult because my husband and daughter have a hard time letting go and I’ve gotten rid of a lot of “my” stuff this last year. That said, I’m looking forward to it.
I’m in! Now to set up the donation station and stock up on trash bags….
Love this challege! We are always caught in this cycle when kids’ birthdays and Christmas come up. I am All In! My kiddos did such a great job this Christmas with donating lots of toys to a local “priceless” gift toy store a charity here puts on every December, so this challenge could be a little tough in that area. 🙂
Passing this idea along to friends. It will be fun to do this together! Thanks for the inspiration and motivation. God bless!
Love this! Going to share it on my business page when I help anyone learn about coupons, saving and being more organized.
Question. Do kids count? =) Lets do this!
What a fabulous idea! We did something like this last year when we moved from a big house with a garage, attic and basement to a 2-bedroom apartment with NO garage, attic or basement. It took about 5 months of purging. Two things I learned: purging can be hard emotional work because so many of our possessions have emotions attached to them. AND because it’s hard, you need an encouraging community around you to help you do it. So…thanks for your leadership in this area, Kathi! One other thing–it’s been 6 months since we finished our big purge and I don’t miss one darn thing. I just feel free. So don’t be afraid to commit–you’ll be so glad you did.
5.5 things per day seems doable! We would like to use our garage and basement and teach our twin boys to live with less! All in!
Kathi, I just posted some things I had on my mind for 2014 and purging is one of them. I think I’m going to say all-in! I know there are several things that are yard-sale sellable to help with my savings goal as well, the rest I’m sure can find good homes, or straight to the trash.
Please don’t email me. For I have about over 2000 emails to go through.
We are buried with a lot of household, clothing items and constructional items, construction tools, name it. Most of the constructional items and tools are brand new, or lightly used and the top notch brands. My husband was working to fix our house from the time he bought it which is over 20 years now. He passed away exactly 11 months last year. And we have a lot to straighten out. I was barely functional most of this past year and just in survival mode and still am. Doing the very next thing that is important is how I am living. It would be good to sell most of the items we have in the house after using some to fix the house.
I also looked into hiring someone to help me with clearing my living spaces to selling things. But she is going to cost $200 a day (5 hours). Not sure if I can afford it. I held back from having her for now. Even if it evens off, I will have a cleaner house.
I would like to hear your suggestion. If your How To Make Money Selling YOur Stuff is something I can do, it will be $200 saved. I am interested to know what you have to offer and your suggestion in my situation. Thank you.