What Do You Want to Get Done Before Christmas?

I am a lisCheck listt maker. I love a good list.

As I’m sitting here making lists of things I want to get accomplished before the end of the year, one think looms heavy in my sight: Christmas.

Don’t get me wrong- I LOVE Christmas. LOVE it.

But most of the Christmas prep does fall to me. And some years, it’s downright overwhelming. Because not only are there things I want to prepare for the holiday, but I also want to get some major stuff done around the house like:

Clean out the garage.

Sort through my kitchen cabinets.

Swap out summer clothes for winter clothes (in CA, you never do this until November 1st.)


So I would love to hear from you: What is it you want to get done in the next two months? Because wouldn’t it be great if we could all get it accomplished together, cheering each other on, swapping ideas and tips, strategies and solutions?

Share it all in the comments, and we’ll tackle a project a week. It could be as big as cleaning out a room, or as small as washing the pillows in your house.

Share it in the comments, and let’s come up with a master plan to get organized, and make Christmas  manageable!