Green Checkmark #1

Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Have you ever gotten to the end of a week and thought, “I had such plans. How did this week get away from me?”

Each Monday, I write out a list of goals for the week. I’ll be honest – it takes some time – sometimes 15 minutes – sometimes, much longer. It seems like it should be easy to think of them, but I can overwhelm myself by wanting to come up with too many – I keep it to two goals in five areas: Home, Relationships, Me, Business and God. That doesn’t mean that I don’t do anything else in those areas. What it does mean is that by next Saturday, I want to look back on this list and have these specific things done.

Some of them I need to break down, (finish speaker page is multiple steps and will involve multiple people,) but if I don’t write down the goal, and then break it down, it will stay on my mental “wish list” for months.

Many of these goals are part of my bigger plan for life. “Research shade solutions for back patio,” is part of my summer goal or having an outdoor living space. Again, breaking things down into 15 minute chunks (that’s all it takes to start researching,) will get me that much closer to my goal.

So here are my goals for the week. I hope they serve as a little inspiration:

Home Goals
Make meal plans for the month of June (including trying two new healthy menu options)
Research backyard shade solutions

Relationship Goals

Plan June Birthday parties/Father’s Day
Plan a date with Roger for Washington

Me Goals

Walk 1 Mile, 3xs

Read The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Business Goals
Finish my speaker page

Read Podcast Launch – A Step by Step Podcasting Guide Including 15 Video Tutorials

God Goals

Names of God study
Extended Quite Time on Wednesday

tmep-cover-300And now you: Tell me at least 3 goals you have for the week, and I will enter you to win The Me Project Entries must be received by June 7th!