Tips for Achieving Your Goals
Have you ever gotten to the end of a week and thought, “I had such plans. How did this week get away from me?”
Each Monday, I write out a list of goals for the week. I’ll be honest – it takes some time – sometimes 15 minutes – sometimes, much longer. It seems like it should be easy to think of them, but I can overwhelm myself by wanting to come up with too many – I keep it to two goals in five areas: Home, Relationships, Me, Business and God. That doesn’t mean that I don’t do anything else in those areas. What it does mean is that by next Saturday, I want to look back on this list and have these specific things done.
Some of them I need to break down, (finish speaker page is multiple steps and will involve multiple people,) but if I don’t write down the goal, and then break it down, it will stay on my mental “wish list” for months.
Many of these goals are part of my bigger plan for life. “Research shade solutions for back patio,” is part of my summer goal or having an outdoor living space. Again, breaking things down into 15 minute chunks (that’s all it takes to start researching,) will get me that much closer to my goal.
So here are my goals for the week. I hope they serve as a little inspiration:
Home Goals
Make meal plans for the month of June (including trying two new healthy menu options)
Research backyard shade solutions
Relationship Goals
Plan June Birthday parties/Father’s Day
Plan a date with Roger for Washington
Me Goals
Walk 1 Mile, 3xs
Read The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
Business Goals
Finish my speaker page
Read Podcast Launch – A Step by Step Podcasting Guide Including 15 Video Tutorials
God Goals
Names of God study
Extended Quite Time on Wednesday
And now you: Tell me at least 3 goals you have for the week, and I will enter you to win The Me Project
Entries must be received by June 7th!
3 goals- create a plan for girls birthdays, read at least two chapters of new books (Praying God’s Word for Your Husband and Praying Big for Your Marriage), and teaching Katy to sleep through the night
four of my goals for this week are: June Menus, work on my missionary prayer book, improve one thing on my blog, memorize Ps 96 or at least some of it.
I’m not that great at accomplishing big/long term goals, even when I write them down because I get distracted easily.. 😛 But, I plan on uploading at least 2 more boxes of things to Facebook (I’ve been selling left over Yard Sale stuff), spending more time outside (at least 15 mins a day) and making my Stampin’ Up wishlist. There are SEVERAL others, and I’m going to write them down RIGHT NOW! 🙂
Get a copy of daughters birth certificate, exchange a purchase, and buy a birthday present
Thank you for this post, Kathi. I have been avoiding setting goals lately and it is obvious that I have been procrastinating on my to-dos! Today, I’m setting these easy-to-reach goals to start me up: God goals ~ Spend daily quiet time first thing in the morning. Me goals ~ Sleep early. Home goals ~ Throw out old magazines. Relationship goals ~ Spend quality time with a friend.
I love how you have categorized the goals so they are clear and concise. As a stay-at-home mom, I feel like most things fall under “home,” but now I can see that scrubbing toilets falls under “Business.” It’s a simple thing that’s going to help me decipher and prioritize my weeks. Thank you!
What a great insight! YES – that is business. Love it!!!
I love having 2 goals in each category..makes it easier to accomplish. My goals for this week are: Spend quality time with my husband Tim; we are at the beach with family and I want to make memories for our great grandson, showing him God’s handiwork. I have been struggling with my weight for years. I just recently said to my coworkers that I was stuck. I have lost some pounds but just can’t seem to lose more. My goal for myself is to start fresh with “Made to Crave” by Lysa TerKeuerst. I want to crave God instead of food and not believe the lie of the enemy that I am a failure. Love your blog!
1) planning My husbands birthday and fathers day. 20Getting back on my health eating plan. 3) The itinerary for our vacation
I’m a list maker, but I really like how you divided it up into catagories with 2 goals for each…very attainable if I can keep from going overboard. Lol. Anyway, 3 goals…hmmmm….let’s see, 1) finish up lessons & activities for my pre-campers I will have in class at church camp next week 2) buy/send my sister her birthday gift 3) be more intentional about connecting with my kids i.e. put down the phone, play with them, talk more with them 4) go to bed WAY earlier so I have a better chance of getting up at a decent time & starting my day off on the right foot–in God’s presence 5) be more intentional about blessings my husband & being more considerate of him/less selfish. On another note, I was recently lamenting on fb my frusteration & disappointment in myself with the job I was doing with the balancing act of life–home, family, job & personal goals. It is so nice to read so many with so similar stories to mine. I wish us all success in these goals!
Three Goals I have this week are: To sweep and mop the kitchen, finish a Altar Ego, and complete my daily bible reading each day.
1. Home/relationship/me goal: clean kitchen table. It’s like the purse, it’s the one area of my life/house that is the most challenging for me to keep uncluttered. 2. Relationship goal: research Father’s Day present of bike trailer. 3. Me/God goal: sit in my “chair” more than once this week and have some quality time with God. Okay, going there now!
Three goals for me this week are:
#1 – Stay caught up in my FB bible study
#2 – Wake up by 6am at least twice this week
#3 – Take the kids out for a walk at least once this week
I have 10 goals for the week (you can find them all here: ) but three of them are:
Get 7 – 9 hours of sleep per night.
Finalize June’s budget.
Give myself a mani/pedi.
Way overdue for the last. 🙂
Clean and organize entryway and garage entryway.
Do at least two fun activities/projects with my kids.
Get in touch with God every day.
1- Clean my cheerio-laden truck. 2- Start cleaning out my bathroom drawers & cupboards. 3- workout 5 times this week!!
Life has been hectic and chaotic this week. I could use a little more organization. I need all the help I can get lately. I have sooo much to do and very little time (like everyone else I am sure). So, I will attempt to complete these goals. Let me restate that . . . I will complete these goals. Positive thinking – right?? Please pray for me! This will be more than three goals – please enter me in this giveaway.
1.) I will read from my Bible for at least 30 minutes a day in the morning upon waking up before anyone else wakes.
2.) I will participate in the “Meet Jesus” FB Bible study conversation at least once this week.
3.) Pray for my daughter from head to toe.
1.) Plan a special Father’s Day outing and date night for Jeff (We’ve had two date nights since the birth of our daughter – she’s five.
2.) Give my hard-working, handsome hubby at least two genuine compliments a day.
1.) Continue meal planning for two-week increments at a time using Simplified Dinners.
2.) Continue packing boxes from the classroom/office for the move hopefully this weekend. I will aim for at least one full jam packed car load.
1.) Increase the number of followers – Hope for five new followers this week
2.) Attempt to blog every day in June. I am participating in the Blog Wordathon! So far so good! We’ll see. It might be a bit too much while packing and moving, but I am willing to try.
And . . . last but not least
Me: This usually gets tossed aside if I am being real.
1.) Try to get to bed by at least midnight. Get some rest!
2.) Enjoy one chapter from an e-book or book this week.
It would be a blessing to win your book! My life has been upside-down this year. I would love a little nudge or help getting back on track. Thank you for the opportunity!
Drink more water.
Pray for my family.
Get out of the house one time.
Have a quiet time at least four times this week. Work on birthday present for Granny. Investigate the flash card system for learning Scripture.
Finish sorting/boxing and storing Little Man1’s clothes in preparation for Little Man 2, Finish up May’s budget and start on June’s, Make monthly menu plan and grocery list
For the record; making the list is a chore, but a necessary tool; thank you the reminder. My goals include:
1) Finish talks for camp 🙂
2) Write for 30 minutes each day this week while kids are at VBS.
3) Log every morsel consumed on Fitness Pal.
Thank you for encouraging us to be all God created us to be (Ephesians 2:10), Kathi!
Blessings! Amberly
I just wrote down my to-do list last night, so it’s cool that we share a few goals. 🙂
Some of my goals for this week:
Home Goals
Make meal plan for this week (including trying one new healthy menu option)
Clean bedroom
Relationship Goals
Plan Father’s Day
Me Goals
Exercise on Tuesday and Thursday (I haven’t for a while so I’m starting out slowly)
Make Ebenezer stones
God Goals
Do Philippians Bible study Monday-Saturday
Pray intentionally every day
Thank you for this, I too get overwhelmed with all that I have to do and all that I want to do and all that I need to do! This week 1. Menu plans and shopping for said plans 2. Walk on the treadmill or outside 4x 3. Make chore schedules for the kids.
I love how you broke it down to categories. I’ve read so many books on uncluttering and how to get things done, yours has been easy to follow.
Goals clean bathroom counter, exercise on treadmill this week 3 times, finish 2 sewing projects…my son’s pants need hemming and a wall hanging that I have not finished.
I have been struggling with feeling completely overwhelmed with “everything” I need/want to do. Breaking down goals sounds so simple but even that was overwhelming. I love how you have main categories and limit these to two goals each. Finally, an attainable solution without the overwhelming feeling.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
I think I am going to use a dry erase board with the categories in permanent marker and change my goals weekly.
Home Goals:
Work 1 hour 3x’s putting pictures in albums
Relationship Goals:
Cook Mexican Cornbread for Tyler’s 21st birthday on Tuesday
Plan a weekend get-away for Steve & I
Goal 1- plan my daughter’s 5th birthday 2-plan trip to Disneyland with daughter and purchase 3-research new bed and mattress!
Week of June 3, 2013
God: 1) Locate more verses on prayer 2) More prayer for family and friends
Home: 1) Pull all out of safe, list items and amount of space; 2) Go to Container Store and buy containers
Relationships 1) Make one of my husband’s favorite meals; 2) Make time with my daughter to do something she likes
Business 1) Continue reading Work-at-Home Success Bible
Me 1) Continue increasing workout intensity: KettleWorX 3x this week (Week 5, Round 3); HipHopAbs Monday through Saturday evenings (just received – Week 1); and add in Leslie Sansone’s Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan, 4 Mile Power Walk and Walk Slim 3 Miles in various am slots this week. Love working out!
I love how you break down your goals! Here are 3 of mine for the week:
Exercise 5 times, Complete my evening routine and pick out some crockpot freezer recipes for a cooking session next week.
my goal
home: clean spare room for daughter visit
relationship: have 5 min free when husband comes home
Me: walk 1 mile a day with day care kids
Business: finish fathers day gifts and wrap
God: daily devotions
My Goals: 1-be at the gym by 6am twice this week. 2-be quiet and listen to both family and God. 3-complete crafts for a birthday project.
My goals:
1) locate and price a new bath tub.
2) continue new workout plan (I also downloaded an app that was recommended by one of your followers on a previous topic it’s called nexercise! Works great!)
3) read your money counts for an upcoming crown financial small group.
4) teach my son something new.
5) start planning something sweet for our anniversary
Here 3 of my goals, meal plan for week and complete grocery shopping, hash out details for daughter’s upcoming b-day, finish cleaning out spare room.
My Goals:
1) Wrap husbands birthday gift and buy an Ice cream cake
2) Get sidewalk chalk to write Happy Birthday in the driveway to greet him when he comes home Thursday
3) DO NOT CRY at my son’s awards ceremony tomorrow night! I have to get through at least one week without embarrassing the poor kid!
Here are my 3 goals: plan son’s birthday party, exercise 3 times this week, try a new GF bread recipe.
Exercise daily, meal planning and grocery list, clean bathrooms, plan date night, playdate for the kids.
Home Goals:
Refinish one of the bazillion items I have found while yard sale-ing
File away/toss/etc papers that are living in a jumbled heap on the counter, driving my husband nuts (this could probably count as a “relationship goal,” too! Haha!)
Relationship Goals:
Plan something fun for anniversary date
Hug my teenagers more. (I’m noticing that now they’ve turned 13 and 14, they squeek by with fewer hugs, so I am on a mission)
God Goals:
Memorize a verse each week, of the ones I jot down in my journal.
Get to sleep by 10 so I can wake up at 5am again for quiet time with the Lord before the crazy day begins (did this for a few weeks but late nights are NOT helpful)
Business Goals:
Learn something new about DLSR photography/ photographing interior spaces
Write 2 blog posts
Speed walk 3x this week, complete day 2 Lightroom study, figure out igniting setup. That should be a manageable start!
My Goals for the week:
1. Home: Make at least 2 home cooked meals
2. Start party planning list for my 3yr old daughters birthday
3. Exercise 10 minutes X 3 days
Here are three of my goals:
1. Practice for my voice lesson: 3-4 sessions
2. Call the music store to see about an instrument trial for my daughter
3. Buy teacher gifts and write thank-you cards before Wednesday
Complete my Bible studies and quiet time each MORNING.
Make plans for the summer.(camping,vacation, neighborhood block party)
Finish decluttering cook books.
Ok here are 3 of my goals…1. Practice piano at least 30 min each day 2. Cut out my next big job (I sew for a living) 3. Get and stay caught up with my Bible reading–Eat This Book plan