Every year, on May 15th, I like to remind women all over the world to clean out your purse, bag, backpack or computer bag. I’m passionate about this for several reasons:
- I’ve spent the better portion of my free time looking for car keys.
- I’ve also spent a large portion of my disposable (and not so disposable) income on chiropractors.
So I have a little passion around the topic.
So, I want you to take 5 minutes (truly) and clean out all the stuff that is physically and mentally weighing your down.
Follow our super-simple steps below, and then enter to win a set of the E-Bags Packing Cubes (that, if you read my blog or listen to my podcast, you know that I’m obsessed with…)
How to Clean Out Your Purse – 3 Simple Steps
I knew I had issues when I casually mentioned to Roger, “I wish they had purses with wheels on them.” His reply, “They do. They’re called suitcases – and you have a problem.”
I would love for you to have the feeling that wherever you go, you are not weighed down by “stuff”. (See my post Why Your Bag is a Reflection of Your Spiritual Life.)
Here’s my super-speedy way of cleaning out my bag.
Step 1 to Clean Out Your Purse: Sort It Out
I simply take my purse and dump it out into a plastic grocery bag. I sort the dump into Put Away, Put Back, and (in this case) Throw Away.
Put Away
Anything I want to keep that doesn’t belong in my purse gets put away. This is also when I go through receipts I’ve carefully placed in my wallet (or, more likely, the ones I’ve quickly thrown into my purse…) and random notes or other pieces of paper. If you’re away from home while you’re sorting, just put these items into another bag to put away when you get home. And when you get home, put them away in the right spot.
Put Back
If it belongs in your purse, go ahead and put it back into your purse.
Throw Away
Anything that’s left over in your plastic grocery bag (food wrappers, cash receipts you don’t care about, and so on,) is now garbage that gets recycled or thrown away.
The beauty of the grocery-bag organizing system is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. Just grab a grocery bag and start sorting while you’re waiting for your kids to get out of band practice or while you’re on the phone with your mom.
Step 2 to Clean Out Your Purse: Clean it Up
Give your purse a good shake and get out any stray bits, crumbs etc. I’ve even used a hand held vacuum to really get the bag clean.
Step 3 to Clean Out Your Purse: Label it and Put it Away
Assign a spot for everything that belongs in your purse, bag, or backpack. I use three zippered pouches. Everything goes into one of those three pouches or into your wallet (or in rare cases, onto your key chain). The fewer items you place in your purse, the easier it is to know what’s in there.
Wallet. I recommend you keep in your wallet only cash, receipts, checkbook, and credit, debit, and gift cards.
Pouch 1: Makeup bag
- Lipstick and gloss
- Eyeliner
- Powder
- Sunscreen stick
- Blush and brush
- Eyeglass cleaner wipes
- Hand sanitizer
Pouch 2: Emergency kit
- Fashion tape
- $20
- Needle and thread
- Nail glue
- Advil
- Couple of adhesive bandages
Pouch 3: Change Etc.
- Pens
- Notebook
Other Things to Keep in Your Bag
- Sunglasses case
- Cell phone
- Keys
Keep It Up
Clean out your purse once a week and it really is easy to stay on top of it. It takes only a couple of minutes to keep it up, keep you organized, and keep you away from the chiropractor.
Do you have to do it exactly like this? No. I just want you to have a clean purse that is functional and doesn’t give you a hernia. So tell me here in the comments that you cleaned out your purse by May 18th (and I’d love to hear what the strangest thing you found in there was!), and here is what you could win:
The Grand Prize winner will receive this set of the E-Bags Packing Cubes.
And five runners up will receive a copy of The Get Yourself Organized Project (for you or a friend.)
Just comment below and you’ll be entered to win!!!
(US residents only.)
I want to enter to win. Just cleaned out my purse as you described. Thank you!
I did it! It was actually not too hard, as I cleaned out many of the things I didn’t need the other day. I do find that the little pieces of paper are the hardest part to manage, though. Pretty much exactly as you describe it, my receipts and notes from sermons on sunday, etc. Just add up over time. So now my goal is to maintain it!
Thanks for the reminder. I really need to do this more often.
My purse is cleaned. Discovered I’m toting a month’s worth of cough drops and one tissue. Added a new pack of tissues and thinned the drops, it’s seasonal allergy time here.
Carrying a too-heavy bag is no joke. Can wreak havoc on shoulders and spine. I tend to collect a lot of change (heavy!) and feel a real difference when I remove all the coins.
Cleaned out my purse ? thanks for the reminder. Found a $50 bill!
I try to ‘straighten’ my purse every Sunday to ensure it’s ready for the next week–including filing receipts, refilling meds. I’m not the best at checking coupon expiration and have missed out on several absolutely free items 🙁
Purchasing a purse insert has been helpful as well as the habit of placing ‘like’ items on the same side of the purse ($$ related on one side/beauty & health on the other; camera phone and journal in the middle.
I think I do a great job cleaning out my purse, however, my wallet is another story.
Six toys–six! How did they all get in there? They are now back in my dd’s bag, where they should be. 🙂
Thanks for the suggestion!
Pocket knives. Multiple pocket knives. I have no idea why. Apparently I’m a collector…or a confiscator. Weird. Great ideas with the pouches! Thank you!
And silly putty. Reminds me of MacGyver.
I found a few of my son’s toys.
I cleaned out my puse last week. I try to do it every two weeks.
oops typo Puse LOL :purse
Work bag and purse cleaned out! Thank you for reminding us to take literally five minutes to make a huge difference!
Task completed. Load lightened.
I did this yesterday because I was looking for my keys. I still don’t know where the keys are and have to use my spares in the meantime.
Here is a suggestion I heard on Rachael Ray that I have employed for years now – I keep all receipts for the month in a quart size Ziplock freezer baggie (I use the freezer kind because the heavier plastic is more protective). I write the month and year on the front and them change it out at the end of the month. I use a Neat desk to scan all of my receipts at one time and then I can throw it away, unless I am holding the receipt for warranty purposes.
Just cleaned out my purse! Thanks for the reminder!
I try to clean my purse out every week because it’s not very big. I cleaned it out today and dumped out some crumbs inside. Yuk!
I actually did this yesterday! I try to clean out my purse once a week, so there wasn’t anything especially peculiar in there. I did find one of my son’s toys that he must have stuck in it.
I cleaned out my purse and it motivated me to get out my summer purse and put the big winter one away. Thanks for the encouragement!
Done! It was not too bad since I had just cleaned and switched purses just a few weeks ago.
I cleaned out my purse this morning. There was soooo much trash in there! And like 6 packages of Kleenex! I now have in my purse- my wallet and checkbook, 2 bags (1 for makeup and such and 1 for pens and paper), my sons epipen, a diaper, and gum.
I actually just got a new pocketbook on Friday and I’m proud to say this one has stayed clean all weekend! The only random thing I found was a mini candy cane at the bottom of the old one.
I cleaned out the 4 candy bars from Mother’s day and a handful of wet wipes from CFA!
Done! Found remnants of a broken keychain that I planned to fix…many months ago.
I actually don’t carry a purse right now. I’m still in the diaper bag phase which actually is cleaned out at the moment. “Miracle!” I love the idea of having 3 pouches in your purse though and that’s it.
My purse is one of the few things that I does not overwhelm me- that does not mean it issues always clean! My jewelry from church (removed so baby didn’t entangle while nursing), nausea medicine from 8 mo ago, my library wish-to-read list, and more. I’m on a mission to organize life! Thanks for the encouragement!
I cleaned out my purse and it feels so good!
I try to clean out my purse on a weekly basis.
I started cleaning out my purse last night, but decided it could wait u til today. I WILL definitely finish it today. Really like the idea of pouches and will try that out. May be an excuse to buy some new pouches, but I’ll try to resist and look for something I already have that will fit the need. I would absolutely LOVE to win the cubes. I might even have to check them out and just buy them. I have a couple of trips coming up and they would be GREAT!
I regularly clean out my purses. I in fact cleaned two out today. It pains me to look in my purse and see trash and clutter. The packing cubes are right up my alley. They would make my pouch assortment more uniform.
Great ideas. I habe so much crap in my purse right now. I will be doing this tomorrow.
I love this idea and my purse loved it, too! It really needed it! Your ideas helped me decide what to keep and what to toss. I love the idea of breaking it into categories. Great post! I would love to win the beautiful bag!
This was convicting and inspiring. I cleaned out receipts from my small 31 crossbody wallet, my diaper bag (which is what I mostly carry and needed it the most – found lots of hair clips, headbands, and extra pacis that I was needing) and last of all my van which was overrun with kids papers, crafts, diapers, receipts, little toys, crayons, etc. It was liberating and I feel so much more calm and in control. Thank you so very very much for this challenge. I needed the push!
I cleaned out my purse and would love to win the beautiful purse!
I got my purse cleaned out this morning. It was a pretty big mess.
P.S. The strangest thing I found in my briefcase were headphones from a flight that I took 3 years ago (the last time I used headphones) and in my purse (before I left home) was a box of ammo that I had taken to the range and not fired…..
I cleaned out my purse and briefcase… Threw away numerous crumpled napkins, empty Splenda packets, and old boarding passes and hotel room cards. I removed lots of receipts to file as well as extra pens.
Thank you for the challenge!
Cleaned out my purse! Found a baby headband (my youngest is 4) that my older daughter wore recently!
My purse stays pretty tidy. It’s easy for me to keep my purse clean. My bedroom, on the other hand…
I cleaned out my purse and I am embarrassed to admit that I found a badly bruised Clemintine orange impaled by one of my daughter’s McDonald’s Barbie toys. :/ It was humiliating and hilarious at the same time.
Thanks for introducing this idea. Three Coke bottle caps, a washer from the bathroom faucet (don’t ask), two Swiss Army knives, countless crumpled store receipts, and – compliments of my 4-year-old – a used Kleenex later … I finally have a clean purse! It’s such a great feeling that I’ve entered a weekly clean-out on my calendar / to-do list for the next two months. Hopefully I can get in the habit first, then I’ll reevaluate whether I need to do it less often. Based on today’s haul, I doubt it.
Cleand out the bag, and not a minute too soon. Found a rotting plum in the bottom. I, too, need a purse on wheels…which is what I consider the complete definition, and added benefit, of my car.
I’m cleaning out my purse as I type this, and so far I’ve found:
Wrappers from chocolate bars
A gift certificate to JBF (I forgot about that! Yay!)
Notes about homeschooling and prayer requests
A church outline from note-taking
Wallet, checkbook…
A chocolate bar! (Pregnant ladies love the chocolate!)
Some coupons
My 5 year old’s preschool homework!
Countless pens that I never knew were there because they hide at the bottom
The lipstick I was searching for this morning
A binder clip
A plastic spoon… that one’s kinda weird
A packet of tea… also kinda weird! Ha!
Car keys
And a rubber band
So I’m thinking it’s definitely time for some organization, instead of the let’s-go-fishing game! Thank you for the inspiration to take some action!
And just to put it out there, I would LOVE to read your books! Seriously! You’re fantastic and will likely soon be on my favorite authors list. 🙂
<3 Nikki Cheshire
Thanks for your inspiring article
I found a random baby mitten from the first month of my five month old’s life.
What a great idea this day was! I didn’t quite follow the dumping process because I thought it would be too overwhelming. So I started with the four outside pockets and thought about your question…how does my purse reflect my spiritual life? Well, as I sorted through pens and papers, I felt it totally reflected my love of writing…especially during a Bible study. (And by the way I found $30). Threw out a bunch of stuff and put the good into 2 piles one to go back in and one to put where they belonged. That made me think about where do I truly belong or rather who do I belong to? I am a child of God! There are 3 inside parts to my “bag”. Each one with it’s own contents but all in one…the Holy Trinity came to mind…I cleaned them out one at a time…sorting through each item. The last thing was to replace what should go back in…how cleansing it feels to throw out what we don’t need and keep what is good! This experience was much more than just cleaning out my purse…it should become a ritual…of cleansing my mind, body and soul. (Oh, and my purse, it looked clean and fresh, too!)
Cleaned out and even changed to a spring color! Found 3 pairs of reading glasses and 2 pairs of earbuds. Now I know where they all are when I need them…ugh! Strangest thing was a lone chopstick from my daughter’s birthday dinner (she wanted to keep them and I have no idea where the other is)! LOL
I cleaned out my purse!
Nothing too odd but definitely nice to have it clean and organized!
I did it! I cleaned out my new purse and already it had clutter in it! Receipts galore, loose change, hair clippies, barretts, pony tail holders, paper clips, well everything but the kitchen sink! But it is all nice and neat now! Ty for this challenge. I try to do
This once a month anyway but have been failing miserably at that lately until I got my new purse then it got a cleaning and now the new one its first cleaning so I will start bck on my monthly clean outs now and more often if needed.
Leslie wilson
When I cleaned out my purse I found a dried up baby wipe in the bottom lol
All done! & boy does it feel lighter! Lol. Didn’t find anything bizarre, but did come across some coupons I had forgotten about. 🙂
I just cleaned out my purse! I don’t usually carry too much in there, but I did have some MOPS pick-up-your-kid sticker stubs from yesterday and some old business cards that I don’t need anymore. I usually have my wallet, Softlips lip balm, sunglasses, a little notepad, a pen, my keys, granola bar for snack, and my water bottle. Sometimes I have stickers to give to my kiddo’s friends. 🙂
I used to clean out my purse every Friday (waiting in car rider line for my children), I haven’t done that the past couple of years. Thanks for the inspiration – will clean out my purse first thing in the morning – headed to church now.
Thanks for the motivation to clean it out. Didn’t find anything strange, but did find a receipt I’d been looking for
Cleaned out my purse and it lost 5 pounds. From now on, only purses I buy will have several pockets one each for cell, check book, hair items, make-up, etc.
Thanks for the extra incentive to take care of this today! Now I know where all my readers and fingernail clippers went. The strangest thing I found were 3 little elastrator bands (little green donut-shaped thick rubber bands used for castrating animals) left from helping a friend a couple of months ago.
Well, honestly I didn’t need to clean my purse today. I just got a new one last week! I love your ideas though for the zippered pouches. Think I’ll try it! Thanks.
Done! Thanks for the ideas
I cleaned out my purse today!! Receipts, candy wrappers,old supermarket list,pens,change. I feel much better now! Tank you
I cleaned out so much! Receipts, used tissues, wrappers…I blame many of these on having three kids! 🙂 I treated myself to a brand new wallet to replace the ratty one I’ve had for years. Yay for getting an annoying job done!
I cleaned out my purse today – It wasn’t as bad as I thought! Most of my stuff stays organized, but sometimes my purse gets put aside. It contains my wallet (with only the necessary things), a coupon organizer, a small zippered pouch for lipbalm, hand salve, and headache cream, and then I just throw my lotion, sunglasses, and a couple toys for the children in there.
I found old receipts and hair things, but the strangest things were either 5 vitamin containers (with forgotten vitamins in them! Eek!) or a rubberband from farmer’s market produce and a taste testing spoon from the local ice cream place. 😛
It was a mess, but it’s done. I cleaned out my purse. I had more books in there than most people have in their house. lol Glad to have it done! 🙂
I cleaned out my purse! And it sure needed it : ) Strangest thing was probably a half sucked on lollipop. Yuck.
I usually keep my purse clean–it’s the one area I totally control! The only thing extra was my hubby’s bible (heavy!), my daughter’s bracelet (she left it on the pew), and a few gum/candy wrappers.
My bag has everything I need for the day and any ’emergencies’ that could arise. but every now and again, it needs a bit of cleaning. I cleaned it today.
I don’t like cleaning mine out so I just bought a new one and threw my wallet in it and then I will go back to my old one if I truly needed anything out of it but most likely not! Go a new purse yesterday and the worst that’s in my old one is old sucker sticks from my boys
Done! I NEEDED to do this desperately! I was bouncing between 3 purses and they were all in a state of confusion! I found gift cards, checks that needed to be cashed, nail polish, change, trash (eew!), makeup I’ve been missing and a few extra bucks. PHEW! Thanks for the reminder!
Well you could tell I am a mother of toddlers. Gummies, bows, toys, oh and of course receipts upon receipts shoved in my purse. It feels so light and new again now that it is cleaned out 🙂
nothing strange… a bunch of scrap paper…old lists…change on the bottom, too many pens
I did it! Nothing too crazy this time – but I did find my eyeliner and mascara that had been MIA for quite a while — also enough receipts, lists and scraps of paper to wallpaper a small house.
Done… Thanks for the reminder… Been meaning to do this for a while and now it’s done!!!
Did it! I am so embarrassed to admit it, but I found dehydrated jalapeno slices wrapped up in a napkin. Now I remember we were out having pho/Vietnamese noodle soup and they give you a veggie dish and I didn’t put the jalapeno slices in my soup and took it home so I could use it while pickling because I don’t need a whole jalapeno and they’re just going to throw it out and well, the pickling never happened. Runner-up: shampoo, hotel size. We were travelling and my 18 month old likes holding her-size items.
I lost my purse/wallet about a month ago so I have nothing to go in my new one yet (hubby missed that big hint for Mother’s Day). I sort my receipts on Fridays.
I did it, I cleaned out my purse. I could not believe how much trash I had accumulated. I feel much more organized now and I love and use a similar 3 bag system to keep my purse organized.
I constantly clean out my bag! I hate carrying around junk I don’t need. 🙂
I cleaned it out, but it wasn’t so bad. I got a new purse a month ago, so it hasn’t had time to get too cray cray. However, I did find a package of peanut butter. My daughter stashes it in my purse and calls it “emergency peanut butter” for when we get hungry!
I just did it this morning and then checked my email to see that this was the day to do it. It feels better to get all those stray receipts out of my purse and to be able to move on.
So the oddest thing was a an unrecognizable piece of mashed chocolate candy bar. Let’s just say I THINK it was a candy bar??? I did resist the urge to take a taste and put it straight in the garbage can. Thanks for reminding me to do it today!!!
Nothing weird in there but a ton of crushed goldfish crackers and gum wrappers…Why does everyone in the family think my purse is a trash can?
Thank you for this article, I just cleaned out my purse. I’m so excited about possibly wining your books and the bag. My purse stays quite clean and organized since I purchased a purse organizer handbag insert by Purse Perfector. It really helps me stay organized and because everything has it place in the insert I immediately know when something doesn’t belong in my purse. The insert is also great when I change purses, I don’t leave anything behind, and I love it!
I just cleaned out my purse and found a jar (unopened:)) of baby food, a candy cane from Christmas time (can you tell it has been awhile!), and crumbs:)
I cleaned out my purse/diaper bag!!! I found 2 mini Cars (McQueen & Francisco) (compliments of Garrison 2yo) inside Easter eggs. A open bag of gummy snacks & half chewed gummy snacks. April’s platform schedule for church. A pair of Bella’s (1yo) church shoes.
Cleaned out my purse! Maybe now when I go to the grocery store I won’t start shopping from a previous list that sits in my bag waiting to be tossed ! Sadly a true story 😉
Has ha I did this Saturday. Great minds think a like?! I placed a towel on my bed before I dumped the contents of my crazy messy purse out on top of it.
Cleaned out the purse– and it was needed. I dont know how it got there… but I found the top to the whipped cream can that’s in the fridge.
I might have already left a message but it isn’t showing up so I will leave it again. :o) I purchased this cool little bag from amazon that goes inside your purse. It holds all the items that you would normally carry in your purse, but it conveniently comes out with ease to change from purse to purse. I love it! I cleaned my purse out yesterday! Nothing crazy this time!
Applesauce pouches…3 of them! I might have a four year old…
Here’s another idea that works for me: I keep a tote bag in my car of the things that I might need when I’m out and about, but certainly don’t need to carry in my purse. I’m a makeup junkie, but I DON’T carry anything but lipstick/gloss in my purse. Eyeliner, powder, blush–those should be on my face before I leave the house, or can be in a tote in my car in case I need to freshen up in the kid-pick-up line. Same thing with needle and thread, fashion tape, all of the extra store cards (for those stores I shop in only occasionally.) By having an extra tote in the car, I have things when I need them, but don’t have to drag them around on my shoulder whenever I am out of the car.
I use a cute basket in the car for that stuff. Such a great idea that has saved my shoulder.
I loved this article. I also keep zippered pouches for items. If I don’t clean it every few days I would be completely overwhelmed with STUFF! I’m excited for a chance to win your books and the beautiful bag!
I’d love to win that gorgeous bag, but more than that I’d like to win your books. But, I don’t see any way to enter to win your prizes.
I got rid of the diaper bag ealier this year, tired of carrying two bags, so now you never know what you may find. But it is much lighter now after cleaning my purse. Used wipes from cleaning hands, cracker crumbs, my daughters eye patch.
I cleaned and downsized maybe if I go small I won’t collect so much
I did it!! I feel so much better! I found diapers to lipstick to Tums! Yikes! I won’t let it get that bad again!
This couldn’t have come at a better time. I cleaned out my purse! The strangest thing that I found in there was a small (1oz) jar of Dickinson’s Concord Grape Jelly…. I’m actually embarrassed to post that! LOL
I have a very tiny purse so it is difficult to keep too much in it. So I am “forced” to clean it on a regular basis.
I cleaned out my purse today!!!!…. But I cannot figure out how to enter the contest?! -Amy Enns