We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so join the conversation!
It had been a no-good, horrible day.
My kids were not behaving how I raised them (I promise you, they were raised better than they were acting,) someone else got picked for the job I wanted, and the cat decided to use the only decent piece of furniture in our home as his new scratching post.
On days like this, I call up my mom and whine to her. Then I call up my friend Cheri, who promises to pray for me, and, for a small fee, make the cat disappear. And then I feel better.
I have about a half dozen people I could call at a moment’s notice and I know they would be praying for me. By the end of the conversation, I would have some hope, and a good laugh.
But at the end of a bad day, who does my husband have?
If there is going to be any encouragement in my husband’s life, it is a safe bet that it needs to come from me. My husband doesn’t have a bunch of people in his life that will pray over the destructive cat. If he needs prayer, if he needs encouragement, then he needs me.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:11
God, I pray that I would always be ready to pray and encourage my man. Give me your eyes to see his needs. Let me be the one to always build him up, with your strength.
Tell me one way you can encourage your man today. We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so join the conversation!
I can send him the prayer you posted today so he can know i love and pray for him?? i will also tell him hes is my rock!
I listen to him tell me about his day was before telling him about anything I thought of during the day that we need to do.
Not most days, but as often as possible, I get everything off the living room floor so the house feels more peaceful for him.
I try to always tell him to hang in there when I know he is struggling at work
i *TRY* to give him some space when he gets home from work. *TRY*
I try to appreciate all the little things he does when he comes home!
I seek out encouragement naturally – I think that must be a hard thing for guys. I hope that my husband knows how much I appreciate him – maybe I need to make sure!
I tell him how much I believe in him and that I know he can do what God calls him to.
I encourage my man with words of affirmation. Telling him he is doing a great job!!
My husband’s love language is words of affirmation. I need to tell him what a wonderful husband and father he is.
My husband often says that I’m his best friend and it’s super sweet but I don’t think I’ve really encouraged him the way I have with some of my girlfriends. Yup, def need to add this to my MUST list! Thanx for posting!!
I am going to tell him what I respect about him. It’s been fun leaving him post-its, but I want to encourage him personally.
I will leave him a love note near the computer before I leave to my monthly deaf social outing saying how much I love him and how he’s been a blessing to me for the past 13 years
Boy, I have really not been very good at supporting and encouraging my husband the last several years. I’ve let anger over hurts, long over, get in the way of being like Jesus to him.
you are the winner, please email bronwyn @kathilipp.com
I like Vonnie’s idea of a nice text…I’m going to text him an encouraging Bible verse right now! Romans 8:28
Complimenting him! My husband loves to hear beautiful words too (just like I do) because only one woman can uniquely bless my husband… and that is ME; his wife!
Funny….before I read this I took a picture of myself and in subject line wrote I love you and sent it to him. I love how God prepares your hurt and then confirms it.
Text him “Love U” back! He ends his texts to me this way All the time so I need to start doing it back!
sometimes just letting my husband know that I’m Praying for him is the best encouragement i can give him. thanks for these emails.
I have loved praying for my husband this week and have seen myself change and be encouraged as well! Thank you for this challenge. Today to encourage my husband I’m going to not complain about anything. I know that makes me sound like a child but he is the one I share with, share everything. Today I’m going to take my little burdens to The Lord and rely in Him for what I need. I will focus my energy and speech on my husband and working hard all day and evening to take care of him, showing him how much I love him and how important he is to me.
By greeting him with a smile when he comes home and serving him. Giving him some time to unwind before I say anything about my day.
It would be the biggest encouragement to him if I could get the house all cleaned up, organized, a nice dinner made, work on the budget, and put away the Christmas stuff. Potty training and nursing always seem to take up all the time and everything else piles up.
I will only talk to him on the phone because he is at work till tomorrow morning. I will be a good listener to his day, ask good questions plus I will do something for him today (not sure yet, but I will think about that all day) & then do it. Thank you for this daily blog. I am so thankful to have direction & to be on purpose with praying for my husband 🙂
I try to have some of his favorite snacks in the house all the time.
I’ll talk with him on his lunch hour and then greet him happily when he gets home. He likes the small gestures and love coming home to a smile and hug (and kiss!)
I pray that God will break the hold that Satan has on my husband’s life and our marriage. I really don’t know how to begin to encourage him again. I haven’t been an encouragement to him for a while due to problems we are having in our marriage. But I know God has made it clear to me that I am to stay with him and love him. This weekend will be a snow storm on the east coast where I live and I will be in doors for a few days. Please pray that I can do the hardest things for him and move his clothes out of the guest room where he has been living and back into our room.
I pray for my husband to keep focused on what God has planned for him. I also ask him how his day is/was and I listen and ask questions so he know I am listening.
I hope and strive to always be my husbands #1 Cheerleader.
I made a little I love you mail box that hangs on our bedroom door where I’ve started leaving him little notes. He loves it!
Today I put the little hearts with messages in my husbands lunch. I picked out the messages. I also told him how much I appreciated something he did. I am validated to know that it’s not only my husband who doesn’t have people to encourage him. I will seek God’s assistance in joyfully taking on this role.
I would like this book please!
First, I will encourage him that he can break free of the bondage he’s in right now. But Kathi, sometimes I think I live in an alternate universe from yours. My husband has plenty of people that can/will pray for him because he has a strong bible study group as well as really powerful men’s group at church. I’m the one who is alone with no one to pray for me, cause the things I need prayer for concern his bondages, and as a Godly wife, I’m not allowed to speak of those things to others because that would tear him down in others eyes. Would love your book as prayer is an area of my spiritual walk that I’m working on right now.
My husband works out of the home and we take care of my mother in law who has dementia. We have 4 young kids also, so you can say it is a very stressful house. When I am watching him out the window walking the kids to the bus stop, I pray for all of them and pray patience for my husband and that he will get work done today. I do have trouble encouraging him, since we are so busy with everything. Would love to win your book!
Your practical and timely encouragement to pray for my husband instead of praying about my husband has been a real life changer. Thank you!
Leave him a note on his desk thanking him for his leadership.
My husband visits clients all day, so I will ask him what he expects to be his toughest visit and I put that before the Lord. I pray for his entire day but I put more emphases on the tougher appointments.
Thinking about how and when I encouraged my husband the most was when he was deployed for two years. No matter what struggle he was going through I would remind him that he wasn’t going through it alone. I try to always let him know that we are a team that together can accomplish and overcome anything!
I often send him a text to let him know I’m thinking about him + praying for him. Or even that I’m thankful for time we have spent together. Melinda Hines