We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so join the conversation!

It had been a Day 5no-good, horrible day.

My kids were not behaving how I raised them (I promise you, they were raised better than they were acting,) someone else got picked for the job I wanted, and the cat decided to use the only decent piece of furniture in our home as his new scratching post.

On days like this, I call up my mom and whine to her. Then I call up my friend Cheri, who promises to pray for me, and, for a small fee, make the cat disappear. And then I feel better.

I have about a half dozen people I could call at a moment’s notice and I know they would be praying for me. By the end of the conversation, I would have some hope, and a good laugh.

But at the end of a bad day, who does my husband have?

If there is going to be any encouragement in my husband’s life, it is a safe bet that it needs to come from me. My husband doesn’t have a bunch of people in his life that will pray over the destructive cat. If he needs prayer, if he needs encouragement, then he needs me.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:11

God, I pray that I would always be ready to pray and encourage my man. Give me your eyes to see his needs. Let me be the one to always build him up, with your strength.

Tell me one way you can encourage your man today. We are giving away a copy of Praying God’s Word for Your Husband to one of our commenters today, so join the conversation!