5 Organizing Blogs You Should be Reading


Funny, smart and real Karen is the deal. She’s with Proverbs 31 (so you know she’s good!) And can I tell you,  I could spend hours on her amazing site, but let me give you a little cheat sheet:
If you are struggling with piles of papers, check out Karen’s Brain in a Binder (LOVE THIS…)

More of Karen’s Freebies Be sure to check out her Twenty 30 Minute Clutter Busting Ideas


Anna Moseley


This is one of those sites that you come across when you’re googling questions like “How do I clean out my washing machine?” and “How do I get rid of a urine smell?” (If you’ve never googled this question, you’ve obviously never raised boys.) There is a lot of cleaning advice, a lot of organizing advice, and some good old fashioned genius advice. One of my favorite things is her Cleaning Checklist Printables (go ahead… go get them, I’ll wait…)

Something I LOVE: Anna is the daughter of a friend of mine, but I stumbled upon her one day when I was googling “How to clean between the glass on your oven door?”  And this post popped up. Genius.




Marcia has been in the organizing game for a while and knows all the tricks – and she shares them with you – the organizing mentor you never had but desperately needed. One of my very favorite things about her site is all her great, funny and informative videos (warning, you could spend so much time watching her videos, you may just forget to cook dinner, as just a random example…)

Some of Marcia’s Great Downloads

And two more…

One Good Thing by Jilleee Great resource for all things homemade.

Becoming Minimalist Not really an organizing site, but when you have less stuff, you have less need to organize it all. LOVE this inspirational blog.

Tell me your best organizing tip (and feel free to steal from one of these sites and share it with us!) and you will be entered to win today’s prize pack of three books:

The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized by Karen Ehman

Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay Organized by Marcia Ramsland

and my book The Get Yourself Organized Solution.

Enter by Friday, Midnight – US shipping only.