Shipping out boxes is a ton easier than it used to be if you do a couple of things:

  1. Learn how to ship using (they have a whole shipping guide if you’ve never done it before
  2. Use Priority Mail boxes

Why do I love those Priority Mail boxes so?

  • You can schedule Priority Mail to be picked up at your house for the next day
  • Boxes with pre-printed, pre-paid labels from can just be dropped off at the Post Office – you don’t need to wait in line

I like using the Priority boxes that you don’t have to weigh – those Prepaid boxes you can just keep stuffing until you can’t close them – and the rate stays the same.

Get all of your packages shipped out, or, if you you are still needing to get a few gifts, why not buy them online and have them shipped directly, so you know that they’ll get there in time.