OK – now that you are recovering from all things turkey, it’s now time to kick the Christmas plans into high gear. Spend 15 minutes scheduling out all your commitments for the next few weeks on a blank calendar.

It’s so easy to have great ideas (“Let’s go look at Christmas lights!” “Let’s curl up and watch Elf one night this week!”) and with the craziness of the season, let them all slip through your fingers because of your schedule. So along with all the chores of the season, let’s schedule in some fun!

Head on over to my Facebook Author page and download printable blank calendars for November and December to fill out. Put it up on your fridge so everyone knows the holiday plans.

Here are some things you may want to consider with your schedule.

  • Kid’s school calendar
  • Work events
  • Church events
  • Parties and other fun

Once you have filled in all the scheduled activities,  set aside some pockets of time to work prepping for Christmas. Here are some things you may want to schedule some time for:

  • get tree
  • cookie baking
  • decorating
  • project nights (for wrapping, card addressing, ordering gifts online)
  • a night to go look at Christmas lights
  • a night to watch It’s a Wonderful Life

I’m not saying you should do all of those things (in fact, I don’t think you should…) but if you want to do any of these or any other family/friend activities, put them on your calendar so you can plan the rest of your month. (And make sure the rest of your family and friends can see the schedule as well.)

When you’re snuggled up on the couch with you family eating fresh baked cookies while watching It’s a Wonderful Life, you’ll thank me.