The Christmas Project #3 Pick Your Photo for Your Christmas Card
We’re keeping today’s Project fun (and hopefully simple!) in honor of Thanksgiving. I want you to either:
Pick your Christmas picture (if you’re including one in your cards,) or
Take a picture while everyone is gathered for Thanksgiving
See? Fun and easy. Tomorrow you can send it in to Costco, Target, or your card company to get it ready for your cards. But for today, just enjoy looking through all those pics on your computer (or your phone,) and remembering how blessed you and yours have been this year.
Tell us all what you are doing for your photo: professional, a snapshot, something you found from this summer? Or maybe you’re skipping the whole card thing – good for you! Tell us that too! For everyone who comments, I will enter you into a drawing for a $10 gift card to Shutterfly.com Here is what we did this year on Shutterfly – it was super simple (and did I mention, it’s DONE!?!)
First, Here is what we did last year:

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving! I really do include you my friends as one of the things I am most grateful for!
I am so excited because I have this done already. We have family photos done in the summer and while we were going through and ordering photos to create a gallery wall in our house (which was awesome because we had NOTHING on our walls for 5 years now!), I thought about Christmas cards. You see, November is a month of chaos in our house. With our wedding anniversary, the birthdays of both of our daughters, my husband’s birthday and all the parties and celebrating that goes with these things, I tend to get behind and before I know it, it’s December 1st, and I have SO much to do for Christmas.
SO this year, I submitted my order for Christmas cards to Costco when we ordered the photos we wanted for our wall, and BAM Christmas cards are chosen, printed and waiting to be addressed etc. I got it done embarrassingly early (like early September) but for the first year, I don’t feel pressured about Christmas cards! wahoo!!!!
We’ll be going for the simple snapshot where hopefully everyone is smiling and with their eyes open, lol.
We had our family photos taken and with 6 of us it was HARD to get one good photo, but we managed which made my Christmas Card photo selection super easy!!! 🙂
I chose a pic fron this summer for our card. It was from the fourth of July and the boys were wearing matching red shirts and jeans and were posed in front of our house. If they weren’t a little sunburned from a day at the pool, you would think it was a Christmas shot.