Yes- I’m excited to announce that by popular demand The Christmas Project is back. Starting Tuesday November 20th, we will be breaking down our Christmas – one day at a time In our time together we will:

  • Get your Christmas cards created and sent out
  • Get your Christmas gift list together
  • Wrap your gifts
  • Get you menu together
  • Freeze up some cookie dough
  • Get your gifts in the mail
  • Plan your family celebration
  • Never forgetting that Christ is the center of it all

If you’re not already subscribed to this blog, go ahead and do so now so you won’t miss one project:

(Subscribe Here Now…)

I’m not saying don’t do anything before the 20th – (I was on just today trying to find some hand-crafted gifties for some very picky people in my family,) but what I am saying is that even if you feel like you are desperately behind, don’t worry. Starting on November 20th, you will still be able to get everything you need done.

Besides joining us on the 20th, there is one other thing you can do to make the holidays a bit better: ask a friend to join you in the Project. You know I’m all about accountability and fun, so having a friend there to help and encourage each other is the best gift you can give yourself as you plan.

Q4U: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to preparing for Christmas? I would love to hear both the practical and the spiritual.

Looking forward to a more sane and sacred Christmas…

