Yes- I’m excited to announce that by popular demand The Christmas Project is back. Starting Tuesday November 20th, we will be breaking down our Christmas – one day at a time In our time together we will:
- Get your Christmas cards created and sent out
- Get your Christmas gift list together
- Wrap your gifts
- Get you menu together
- Freeze up some cookie dough
- Get your gifts in the mail
- Plan your family celebration
- Never forgetting that Christ is the center of it all
If you’re not already subscribed to this blog, go ahead and do so now so you won’t miss one project:
I’m not saying don’t do anything before the 20th – (I was on just today trying to find some hand-crafted gifties for some very picky people in my family,) but what I am saying is that even if you feel like you are desperately behind, don’t worry. Starting on November 20th, you will still be able to get everything you need done.
Besides joining us on the 20th, there is one other thing you can do to make the holidays a bit better: ask a friend to join you in the Project. You know I’m all about accountability and fun, so having a friend there to help and encourage each other is the best gift you can give yourself as you plan.
Q4U: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to preparing for Christmas? I would love to hear both the practical and the spiritual.
Looking forward to a more sane and sacred Christmas…
Biggest Challenge: Staying focused on Christ and not the gift giving. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to top the previous years gifts and worrying if my gifts will be appreciated!
Biggest challenge: Keeping within the budget, and/or convincing myself that it’s okay not to give gifts to my extended family if we don’t have the money (which we don’t this year).
My daughter has special needs, loves Christmas, but cannot handle changes in routines, schedules, etc. Life can come to a screeching halt if she is having a difficult day. We often joke that in our family you need a plan, a backup plan, and several backup backup plans! Good thing I am a planner. 🙂
I find the hardest for me is scheduling time to be with both sides of the family. This year will be especially hard as my parents divorced in April. It will be our first Christmas where we won’t be able to be with my parents at the same time. Spiritually I’m really trying hard to stay away from the commercialized side and focus on the real reason for the season. If Jesus had not been born we would not have Christmas.
My biggest challenge in preparing for Christmas is that I am a single mom who works full time and I get EXHAUSTED the second the time changes in November, so I’m usually a scrooge during the holidays. Christmas adds a huge pile to my already stuffed to-do list. Last year, I tried to keep it really simple. I even sent the Christmas newsletter out late, but at least I got it done. This year, I may skip the newsletter altogether and just do cards. Any steps that can help me streamline will be appreciated! Thanks, Kathi!
I agree with the wrapping. Wrapping is so time consuming and I dread it.
OK – I’m hearing it loud and clear – we are going to address wrapping on the PROJECT 🙂
WRAPPING! Every year I say I will wrap as I buy. Every year I start out wrapping as I buy. Every year I watch “White Christmas” on Christmas Eve, as I wrap most of the gifts. At least the past coupleoif them my hubs has helped…but I’d rather be snuggling in front of a fire instead!