Tomorrow is Taking Care of You Tuesday

I have a wonderful friend who is great at taking care of everyone else. She is the hardest worker I’ve ever met. She has a full time job, a busy family and a growing ministry.  She is a very busy girl.

She and I have been working hard to not only take care of those around us, but ourselves as well. She made a huge breakthrough when she sent me an email letting me know she had scheduled her “annual” appointment with her doctor – for the first time in five years.

Our stuff is so often on the bottom of our list.

So by Tuesday, I want you to put something at the top of your list. Here are some ideas of things you could do to take care of you:

  • Make your annual appointment
  • Make a hair appointment
  • Exercise
  • Call a friend (not out of obligation, but because it does your heart good)
  • Get a prescription refilled
  • Take a 20 minute nap
  • Put a flower on your desk
  • Prepack some healthy snacks
  • Download some music you love to your iPod
  • Schedule a dentist appointment
  • Schedule an appointment with your trainer
  • Go take a walk

Tell me what you are going to do but Tuesday at midnight, and I will enter you to win The Get Yourself Organized Project.

Your real reward will be taking care of yourself. Go on. It’s only 15 minutes (or so…)