Are you willing to take The LOVE YOU Challenge?
You will be required to:
- Encourage Your Husband
- Get a Little Creative
- Show Off Your Mad Money Saving Skills
If so, I would love for you to take the Love You Challenge.
All you have to do is do something, anything to let your husband know you love him, however, it needs to 100%, completely free.
That’s right. No money may exchange hands in the loving of your husband.
Here are a few, totally debt-free things you could do to love your man:
- Make him a cup of coffee and bring it to him when he gets out of the shower.
- Leave a post-it in his boxers with a racy message.
- Text him something flirty.
- Take him out to dinner with that gift card that has been in your wallet since 2009.
- Do a chore that he normally does.
- Bake him cookies.
- Brag on him on Facebook.
- Call his mom.
- Give him a massage.
- Spell out “Love You” with Scrabble tiles.
Tell me what you did (or will do!) for your man here in the comments on the blog, and you will be entered to win one of my six books (I will give away one a day over the next six days.) I’ll be picking one winner each day from August 23-28th.
I’m off to make some No=Pudge Brownies for my man.
I texted him at work telling him how much I/ we as a family appreciated his hard work, etc, and am making him a yummy supper with fresh baked dessert:)
I made my husband a good breakfast this morning while I let him sleep in! (He LOVES a good breakfast, but I’d rather have coffee and a smoothie!)
My husband works third shift. I’m going to get up early in the morning, and have breakfast waiting when he gets home. 🙂
Today I will go to my husbands high school football game (he is a coach) and sit by myself in the stands (because no other wives attend) for 2 1/2 hours, paying attention so we can talk about it in the morning. And I am not a fan, but I love to support my husband and he loves it.
Since hearing you speak at the MOPS Convention, I’ve been praying and mulling over how to honor my husband more in ways HE wants to be honored, not just ways I want to honor him. It hit me today while I was putting off cleaning the bathrooms. Scrubbing the toilets, cleaning the mirrors, mopping the floors are ways to honor him and love him. For 14 years he has tolerated a house that most of the time is “clean enough”. So today, I’m scrubbing the nooks and crannies, wiping off the fingerprints on the door jams, and committing to saying I love you by cleaning the house in a detailed way every week.
I made soup last night, my husband’s favorite meal, while he was working 2 out of 4 overtime shifts this week. He will have his favorite meal before he hits it again tonight before I get home from work.
Today hubby got an extra back & leg rub to help wake up; along with his coffee (& milk to take his meds)
i have emailed my husband to just to tell him I love him. And have done several little things around the house because I know it makes him happy
All summer, my husband has gotten up at 6:00 am (even on Thursday and Friday after working the night before) to get my daughter to her summer job at 7:30. This morning I let him sleep in and drove my daughter to her temp agency and then to her job before going to work.
Just texted him. 😉
I am going to let him sleep in, and then make sure he gets a nice hot cup of tea when he wakes up. Also, I am off to brag on him on facebook =)
I went to the accountants office and paid our mortgage. Oh how I hate dealing with finances. It caused me great anxiety but he needed me so I did it with a smile. It felt so good knowing I was helping him no matter how far out of my box it put me.
Last night, I put a heating pad on my husband’s sore neck followed by a massage. He felt very loved and a lot better.
today I will tell my husband I love him by cleaning the horse pen & not bragging that I did it without him asking me to.
Wow – that is love!
Today I will tell my husband I love Him by not driving up our recently-resealed driveway into my fabulous attached garage even though the guy who resealed it said I could. The Hubs would like to let it “cure” more so I will park in the street, even if it means walking UP the hill (I live on a mountain, so it is equivalent to about 3-4 flights of stairs) to the deck to get into the house. I will do this with groceries. I will do this with our daughter and her school/dance/gymnastics stuff. I will do this a few times a day. I will do this if it is raining (which it is). I will do this without teasing him about being an anal-retentive weirdo who cares waaaaaay too much about the condition of our blacktop … ok, I can’t promise to do that part but he knows I tease in love! 😉
Oh Patty that made me smile.
I am making my husband blueberry muffins, even though no one else in the house likes them. He loves them and that’s reason enough to make them.
I mowed the yard so he doesn’t have to.
Being a stay at home mom I tend to think that if the house is clean and there’s food on the table I’m showing him how much I love him BUT learning that his love language is touch and words of affirmation I wrote a sweet note to him this morning about how loved he is and how missed he is during the day and without him we’re not a family. And I’m going to plan a romantic night for after the kids go to bed too!
This morning, I took time to be intimate with my husband before he left for a big day of sales meetings. I wanted him to start the day feeling like Superman!
I am working on my “after work” skills. 🙂 Our house is long & narrow and usually when Dale comes home, he is the last one parked in the triple tandem driveway, and I am in the back of the house cooking dinner. I tend to be a task-oriented gal, but I have been making a point to stop and go outside to greet him with a kiss at his truck. (it’s really not so far but when I’m in the middle of cooking it feels like it) I know it means so much to him, especially now since the kids are older and not always as expressively enthused as they were when they were little.
Today my husband is a pallbearer for my grandmother. He doesn’t really handle things like this well . I appreciate him doing this for me so I stuck a little note in his suit pocket thanking him for his love and support especially during this difficult time.
Amy – that’s beautiful
We are going through a tough time dealing with a recent miscarriage and I’ve been spending most of my days as a stay-at-home mom unshowered and in sweats. The house has been a mess and it’s been weeks since I cooked a real meal. My husband has been so strong and steady for me. I know he understands that the mess of our home resembles the mess inside of me. Today I want to give him “normal.” I’m going to shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup, tidy up (the dusting and mopping might have to wait a day or two), and cook a real meal for dinner. I’m doing it for him but I think we both need it. Our whole family needs it.
I called him up and told him I loved him and couldn’t wait to see him when he got home! Then I put his favorite meal in the crockpot and mowed the lawn! I cannot wait to see his face when he comes home to the lawn mowed and weed eated! 🙂
I just saw this today, but have been doing things already. So cool. I’d been procrastinating finishing painting our bedroom, and finally finished it. He really likes it. Also, today is his birthday and since we just spent so much money on a side of beef and a freezer, he didn’t want us to spend any money on him. He loves it when we wake up early with him before he goes to work, and sad to say, we don’t very often. Though, last night one of our daughters made home made overnight onion bagels, his favorite, and we all woke up and helped making him his favorite breakfast, bacon and eggs, coffee and orange juice. I also sent a note on facebook about him being my hero, because he is! And we are working today to make the house clean, and fix a nice supper for him, and making cards. He works really hard for our family of at home right now 6 children, 4 are out, and now we have one grandchild living with us.
I like to help my husband with the yard chores and surprise him on the weekends by having the yard mowed before he gets home from work on Saturdays. This gives him more time with our children, which he just adores.
I also send him private text messages, affirming my love to and for him.
We have a lakehouse, and even though i have never really liked getting into the “lake water” we were there a few days ago, and after cutting the grass, he announced he was getting in the water to cool off. WELL…. after thinking about it for a few minutes, realizing I didn’t have a swimsuit with me(long story) I decided to surprise him and go in( in a bra and rolled up shorts) …to be with him 🙂 …(stopping what I was doing inside the house). Needless to say, he was shocked that I would do that, but pleasantly surprised. He told me over and over what that meant to him….
That TRULY was an “I Love You” moment from me to him!
But he’s worth it!!!
I am going to help my husband get ready in the morning instead of sleeping in. I will make him coffee and pack his lunch and add a love note to his lunch.
My Husband of 32 years came down with a viral infection,He was so sick,the chills were the worst made some chicken soup put it in a cup with a straw got under the covers and snuggled while holding the cup so he could sip some soup. He got warm chills got better,he fell asleep and slept all nite.
I sent a note along with his lunch today and made sure he knew how much I loved him and appreciated him before he left for work this morning. Something that I have NOT been doing lately. Thanks for the reminder!
Heather – you were the winner of The Husband Project. Email us at with your street address and we will get it right out!
I plan to soak and massage is feet and lower legs. He has been on his bad ankles a lot more than he is used to, so I want to show I love him by pampering him and easing some of his pain.
My awesome hubby gets up at 4 every morning. I try to do little things for him to make his mornings easier – pre-package lunches for him from dinner leftovers, fill up his Keurig so he doesn’t have to worry about it. I strive to make home the last place he wants to leave and the first place he wants to come home to! Really enjoyed hearing you speak at the MOPS conference, Kathi!
My husband goes to work really early so we don’t enjoy that together. So I am pre-making him breakfast. I cooked pancakes this morning and will make breakfast buritos for him to take with him to work. I also plan on getting up with him one morning and enjoying something at home before he leaves for work. 🙂 He’s the best!
I send my hubby a txt every night he works graveyard shift telling him I love him. & tomorrow night I am taking him out to olive garden for dinner. 🙂
Finally using that gift card I’ve been sitting on! Lol
I made coffee for him this morning before he took our daughter to school this morning. And when he got home breakfast was waiting for him. ( he works from home)
I just texted him that I love him and I will give him a backrub tonight – he will be so surprised!
I will unexpectedly prepare his coffee while he is in the shower.
We have a love notebook that we started when we first got married. I write a note to him and leave it on the pillow for him to read. On a day that I least expect, he write a love note to me and leaves it on my pillow. I just love looking back on our love notes to each other. I cherish getting and giving sweet affirmations from my lover!!
I am cleaning my bedroom!!! It has been a thorn in my husbands side for a while now soni am trying to get it all cleaned up before he gets home from his business trip! This includes getting all the rest of my MOPS Stuff from Dallas picked up and put away!!
I know he will be thrilled and know that I appreciate and love him!
I emailed him a verse of Scripture this morning to encourage him as he enters a new school year: 1 Cor 15:58 “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”
And now for something completely different… I definitely plan to snag your post-it note in the boxers idea this week! 😉
After a couple of very busy weeks with me working every night, I have made sure to sit next to him on the couch the last few nights – even though it meant I had to watch football. I set the table for his breakfast before I went to bed so it was ready when he came down.
I regularly give my husband a foot message and a pedicure…the other day I used essential oils instead of bioFreeze. He was surprised. ????
Batch of snickerdoodles is in the oven!
I left him a note on our family calendar telling him how much our girls and I love him and how much we appreciate all that he does to provide for our family. I also vow to not complain about having to go to his company picnic on Friday. (Ugh! So dreading this!) 🙂
I brought him coffee this morning. I will be making dinner to take to him tonight and tomorrow while he is working late. And I’m hoping to surprise him with a picnic and a ride on the Harley after church on Sunday. Thanks for doing this challenge. I try to remember to do these things, but it sometimes helps to have an accountability piece.
I am going to clean the house and make my man Chocolate Chip Cookies (his favorite). I am also going to text him.
I texted him. But I can’t say what! 😉
Today I decided to scrub the house all day and I have dinner in the crock pot… So my hub will come home today to a clean house and hot food ready… I also am going to leave him a love note he will see as he gets in the shower…And most importantly I will make more time today to pray for him <3
I tell my husband at least twice every day that I love him – and he “hates” it when I get gushy, especially on FB (he’s a very behind-the-scenes guy) – but his favorite “free” thing that SHOWS him I love him is when I massage his feet. I pledge to do that every evening this week. And make him (ugh) brussels sprouts – but only once. 🙂
He typically leads our dinner prayer asking everyone to state one thing they are thankful for–I will talk to my girls and ask them to think of one thing they are thankful for about daddy, three ladies loving on their favorite guy while praising God PERFECT
I am going to face book right now to tell my husband that I so appreciate all he did for me last night since I was falling behind.
I just wrote him a note and put it under his pillow telling him how much of a blessing he is to me and how i am grateful to have a wonderful man of God in my life 🙂 … I think I will leave love notes all around the house all week!
and decided to attach an engagement picture I have in my scrapbook 🙂
Give him a back rub/neck massage when he gets home from work.
I will be doing the pass the Rock around the dinner table friday when he gets home! Having our children and myself tell him one or two things why we think he is our ROCK!!!!!
I sent a text to thank him saying thank you for always having integrity and showing our girl how a man should treat a lady. ~blessed
I text my husband “I Love You” serveral times a week. I know how much he likes to have his back massaged, so I will try that tonight!!
Reading thru the posts, I’ll add a love note to his lunchbox
When I brought his coffee in bed to him (something I do daily) he got extra back rubs/scratches – his favorite way to wake up (go to sleep, help to relax)
I am usually still asleep when he leaves for work, I am going to get up while he is in the shower and make him his favorite breakfast and coffee!
I posted on Facebook how much I miss him since the baby and I are out of town for two weeks visiting our family.
I’m going to write him a love note on his mirror in the bathroom with an expo marker.
I made him a card that said I love you and cookies and put his bag that he takes to work.
I made him coffee with a note on his mug thanking him for going to work.
Going to brag about him in FB & text him a message while he’s student teaching tomorrow. I will tell him how mug I appreciate him and all the hard work Jes doing w/ our twins while I take care of our newborn baby boy. ????
My husband and I have been have serious communication issues recently and the greatest gift I can give him at this time and that he will appreciate the most is my full attention when he talks to me.
I texted him a flirty message to let him know I was happy he was gonna be home for dinner.
I made his lunch and have a homemade frozen dinner ready to microwave for him tomorrow, even though Wednesdays are MIY (make it yourself) nights. 🙂
I’m starting The Husband Project!!!!! (Finally!)
Tomorrow he will come home to freshly baked peppermint brownies.
He really enjoys it when I make his lunch. And I left him a nice text to wake up to. 🙂
My husband is the dish man in our household and since he is on vacation this week, I am going to make sure he doesn’t have to wash a dish the rest of the week!
I am fixing a meal to have ready for the night I will not be home because my Dad is having surgery. My hot hubby can fix a great meal but this will be one less thing he has to do.
texted him “I Love You and Miss You” while he is working the midnight shift and I cannot sleep….