Are you willing to take The LOVE YOU Challenge?

You will be required to:

  • Encourage Your Husband
  • Get a Little Creative
  • Show Off Your Mad Money Saving Skills

If so, I would love for you to take the Love You Challenge.

All you have to do is do something, anything to let your husband know you love him, however, it needs to 100%, completely free.

That’s right. No money may exchange hands in the loving of your husband.

Here are a few, totally debt-free things you could do to love your man:

  1. Make him a cup of coffee and bring it to him when he gets out of the shower.
  2. Leave a post-it in his boxers with a racy message.
  3. Text him something flirty.
  4. Take him out to dinner with that gift card that has been in your wallet since 2009.
  5. Do a chore that he normally does.
  6. Bake him cookies.
  7. Brag on him on Facebook.
  8. Call his mom.
  9. Give him a massage.
  10. Spell out “Love You” with Scrabble tiles.

Tell me what you did (or will do!) for your man here in the comments on the blog, and you will be entered to win one of my six books (I will give away  one a day over the next six days.) I’ll be picking one winner each day from August 23-28th.

I’m off to make some No=Pudge Brownies for my man.