Right now, at this very moment, my family is going through a crisis. My husband Roger and I are making some decisions that will affect our family for a long time to come. And I’m grateful that my husband is in a place where he is emotionally and spiritually strong enough to lead. But he would be the first to admit that he’s not always been in that place.
Roger has gone through some dark times in his life. And I know that your husband has, too.
Instead of being surprised when my husband hits those dark times, I want to be prepared. Prepared with scripture. Prepared with encouragement. Prepared with a soft place for him to land, as well as a wife who is strong because I’ve been working my prayer muscle on his behalf.
I don’t know what that dark place is for your husband, but I have a few guesses:
- · A battle with depression
- · The stronghold of pornography
- · A feeling of worthlessness
- · A dependency on drugs or alcohol
- · The feeling of inadequacy – at work or at home
- · Insecurity about his future and the future of his family
- · Fear around finances
When those times come up (or maybe most of your marriage has been in the midst of one of these,) the best thing we can do for our man is pray.
Pour over the scriptures and find the one (or dozen) that cover your husband, and pray. Pray like his life depends on it. Because to a large extent, it does.
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you would reign over every area of my husband’s mind. I pray that whoever he is without you is dead, and who he is in you is alive. I pray that his habits and hangups that he wants to be free from would be replaced by a hope only you can give.
Show him every day who he was designed to be, in you. I am so grateful for the love you lavish over my husband. Thank you for giving yourself for him.
me know in the comments below that you prayed for your man and we will choose one winner at random.
I am praying for John-fred who I have been dating for one year and eight months to become the man God has set out him to be he is emotionally unavailable at this time in his life I would really appreciate your book
My husband worries about finances. I prayed!
This was a great post. My husband deals with anxiety and there is alot of emotional disease in his family. I try to remember to pray for him daily that he can focus and stay calm and for the wisdom to handle “it all”. Would love to win this book!
Wow, this couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. My step-mom directed me to your website, not even an hour ago. I immediately ordered your “Husband Project” book, and wanted to get “Praying God’s Word” but I had to choose. Then you posted this email and it could not be more fitting for what is going on in our household right this very minute. I prayed and prayed that prayer. I’ve written it on a 3×5 card and placed it in my bible so I have it on hand always until I know it by heart. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I could not feel more blessed in this moment!
i think this is a very good idea i prayed today will pray i start from now on.
I’m sorry I didn’t do this in the past for my husband.
I don’t remember my Mother or Grandmother doing this for their husbands.
The blame games were in full swing.
I am grateful for finding the book The husband project.
I am also praying for my sister and her husband.
I prayed this for my man. May the.Lord strengthen him.
Praying today!
I prayed for him
Im catching up and I prayed for him this morning. This was a beautiful reminder and I will step it up and pray for him like THIS daily!
I prayed this prayer for him yesterday and will probably make this my new prayer for him daily. He is suffering with PTSD. It’s a battlefield in his mind that I can never understand, but I know and believe God can heal him!
Praying for my love.
Prayed for my hubby. Thanks for these reminders to pray for my man. Praying for you as well, friend.
Praying for my DH… Thank you!
Thank you for helping me to pray over my husband and reminding me to see him as God sees him.
Praying hard! My husband got out of the Navy a few months ago and just started a new job…he had huge concerns for the well-being of his family!
Prayed and praying… Thanks Kathi!
I pray for him, over him, and I lift him up to God daily.
Just heard about the 7 Days to Pray. I think it’s a great thing to do for my husband..
This was a great prayer for my husband! Thank you!
This scripture and prayer is just what we needed! Thank you!
I prayed. Thankyou.
Praying today for his emotional health through God’s word. =)
Praying for my husband. Thanks for the guidance!
Praying for my man…praise God!
I loved this scripture today and prayed for my hubby. I love the opportunity to encourage him spiritually. He isn’t very open about these discussions and it’s giving me a way to share spiritually with him. thank you!
I love todays post on praying specifically for special areas where he struggles. Thank you.
What a great reminder of how to pray for our Husbands. Sometimes I forget that he is the leader and not me. I need to remind him daily of how important his role is not only as a man but as the leader of the house as well as a father to our daughter. He is dealing with some of the struggles above (depression, addiction, financial struggles, etc.), I need to remember to ask God for strength to help him deal with these.I will pray this prayer for him right now!!
Thank you Kathi 🙂
Going through many of these struggles right now. Thank you for the reminder to pray for my husband, doing so now! I need to bookmark this site on my computer. 🙂 On a side note, I just got the “Get Yourself Organized Project” book and I can’t find the resources mentioned in the book on your website. Am I looking in the wrong places??? Thanks!
Okay…I think I’ve found what I was looking for, it was just labeled differently. 🙂
Praying for my sweetie!
I’m so grateful for these amazing prayers I get to pray for my husband, it’s so so helpful as a newlywed and is helping me to realize how important all of these things are. I need to become the soft place for him to land the way Christ wants me to be for him.
Thanks again for doing this Kathi!
Praying for him now. I really needed this today.
Praying this over my husband today. Very good post!
I really needed to see this today. I prayed this over my husband and then posted it on his fb page.
Praying hard for my Mr. Right. Thanks for giving me the words for the desires of my heart.
Praying for my husband right now! 🙂
I am praying for my husband now because of your encouraging message on this blog. It’s been hard for me lately because of what we are going through currently. Thank you.
Praying today for a Man who was created and loved by One who is all powerful.
Dark times are an ugly place…….Prayed for my Hottie!
Praying today and everyday.
Praying for him right now. :)I Thanks Kathi!
Praying this prayer for my husband this morning…
Kathi, you have no idea how timely this is for me. For us.
Just last Friday afternoon our children found my husband unconscious on the garage floor. He’s fine now, but we now get to travel the path of “what caused this and why?” while he is not allowed to drive (and therefore continue his job in the normal fashion) for one month – and possibly up to 6 or 12.
I am so very thankful that my friend shared this on Facebook and that I decided on a whim to join. (It’s always a good thing to pray for your man, right?!) I had NO idea what I was in for and even less of an idea just how “bang on” your daily emails would be. Yesterday’s email left me in tears and today’s is just as impacting. Thank you for your obedience in doing this. You are a blessing to me.
Melanie – I’ve been praying for all the requests as they come in, but wanted to jump on and let you know specifically that I’m praying for your family.
Thanks Kathi, Our daughter is getting married in 10 days and the financial burden is weighing heavy on my husband right now. I think he feels like a failure when he has to tell our daughter no to some of her requests. I continue to pray for him and our daughter daily and that the wedding will be beautiful no matter what amount of money we spend.
We have been having struggles lately and I felt like I had nowhere to turn, and this morning I “turned” on the radio and there you were. I learned of this amazing opportunity to pray for my husband, something so simple and yet I never thought to pray like this for him. Thank you for this and the encouragement to keep faith in Him and my husband
Praying… So encouraged that we are all in this together. Thanks, Kathi, and may God bless you and Roger in your circumstances.
Praying for my husband, and love that prayer – that I will see him as our Father does! thanks Kathy!
I prayed 🙂
Thank you for reminding me to pray for my husband!!
We just retired and finances are very tight. I know this worries and concerns my husband at times. I pray that he and I continue to Thank God for our many blessings knowing that He will see us through this adjustment period. We are so blessed and are so very thankful.
Help me God, give me the eyes to see him as you see him; loved, adored, precious, cherished. In Your Precious Name and According to You will, I pray, Amen
Day 2 🙂 It is so encouraging to know other women are out there praying for their husbands, too. I am excited for how God is going to continue to move and lead my husband and our marriage. I just prayed for my hubs! 🙂
This is humbling and convicting. Thank you, thank you.
Thank you again for a great Project. I asked God to remind me to pray for my husband-friend, not only in the morning but throughout the day.
Yes praying for my hubby
Thank you for the words! Praying for my man today!
This has come at a great time for us, as my husband is really frustrated with people and circumstances at work. I literally overheard him tell someone on the phone last night that “all his confidence is gone”. Thanks for offering great words to pray!
I dislike typin on an iPod…nerve prayed scripture over my husband. Over my kids and a host of other things but never my husband! My new thin to work on thanks!!
Prayed…wow convicted…never prayed scripture
Continuing to pray for my husband and watching God do His work in him. AMEN! Thank you Kathi ????
🙂 is supposed to be there, not ???? Oops!
Thank you, Kathi. I pray, but not in this focused way. He needs me to build him up in this way.
Got started a little late on this series of blogs because I was out of town, but I’m on board now! I am praying for my husband as he deals with a chronic illness, which sometimes includes depression.
Praying for my husband:)
Love waking up to search for your Facebook post and to pray for my husband. We too are praying about a decision that will change our family dynamics. Thanks for sharing this story.
Dear Kathi,
Once again! Wow, this is perfect. Thank you so much for doing this. My husband is under so much stress right now, this is perfect timing! Yesterdays, and today’s. I am praying for my husband like never before.
Praying for his strength, emotionally and spiritually.
God, give me the eyes to see him as you see him; loved, adored, precious, cherished.
Love that last line. Important for us to remember!
Prayed for my sweet hubby.
Praying for my husband’s emotional health
I prayed that he won’t be worried about money or finances and that I can stop my bad habit of complaining about money, so that he knows he is doing a good job providing for our family.
Praying for my hubby 🙂
Praying for my husband!
This was an answered prayer! I was feeling very alone in this very area, feeling like I am praying and praying with no response. I am considering this a affirmmation to keep on keeping on…no more impatience.
Praying this w/ my whole heart
Praying for my husband today!
Thanks for the short and practical ways I can exercise my muscle. Pretty much it is the weakest one I have.
Praying for my man today!
Praying for my husband’s emotional health today. Thank you, Kathi, for your dedication to helping women build better relationships with our husbands!
Ive been praying for my husband for years and will continue to do so until there is a break thru! Thank you LORD for inclining your ear to my prayers! YOU are faithful! I wait for YOUR perfect timing. Amen
Yesterday I had music playing while I was praying for hubby and one of our favorite songs came on. It felt like God was encouraging me and giving me a soundtrack to pray to.
The wording of your prayer is perfect. I will save this one and continue to pray it regularly.
Prayed – again! Love this one today especially. Thank you!
Continuing to pray!
This is an area I haven’t prayed enough for him! So necessary! Will continue in conversation with God on this today!
I love this prayer & I hope its not too late to pray for my ex husband.
Indeed its so important to pray for yr man to be In Christ & to love him as God sees him & love him even much more. Amen
Praying. He is a wonderful, good man, but is unsaved. I pray every day that God will bring him closer!
Praying right now for him during my morning coffee and devotional time.
Prayed for my hubby! Love this Kathi! Thank you!
Sitting up on our sofa at 1:30am and praying for my husband. I’m awake in pain and JUST before your email came wss pondering that lately I am discouraged with some re occuring anxiety that he experiences and how it effects our marriage. Great Godly timing…I choose now to ise this time to PRAY for my man and not to be discouraged. Thanks Kathi
Prayed for my husband. I also shared this with a friend who needs this specific prayer for her husband right now. Amazing timing!
Praying for my sweet husband.
Thank you so much for doing this!! I prayed for my husband today!!
Praying for my husband for his protection from all that is tempting and for his clarity and strength.
Praying for my man!
amen! and amen!