- Menu Planning – Before I write anything in ink on the actual menu, I put the meals I
want on small Post-its so that I can move them around to accomodate my family’s schedule. No sense putting stir-fry on Wednesday night when everyone is going to be in and out of the house. Better to have a pot of Chili so people can grab-and-go.
- Love Notes – Especially on the bathroom mirror.
- Midnight Madness – When I remember something in the middle of the night, I have a stack of Post-its and a pen by the side of my bed so when the brainstorm comes along (“Don’t forget to bring silly string to the event tomorrow!”) I can just paste it on my phone where I’m sure to see it.
- Quick Filing – I have four diffenent colors of small Post-its that I use for quick filing.
- Blue – Things to delegate
- Orange – To Put on My Calendar and then in my Tickler File
- Green – To put on my to-do list
- Pink – To put in my filing system
- Prayer Prompts – I put the names of people I’m praying for on Post-its above my desk where I’ll see them every morning
Now tell me: What is your favorite way to use Post-its? Next Monday, I will randomly choose one winner to recieve a copy of my new book THE GET YOURSELF ORGANIZED PROJECT!
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I´m a German language instructor and I use them in class, for example when I teach new vocabulary. It is so much easier to remember the words for body parts or furniture etc. when you can stick the words to the objects they describe.
I wish I had one, I could use your book because I honestly have problem with organizing my papers, I want to, but I don’t get to do it, I don’t know why. So please pick me to get your book.
I use post-it as labels such as labeling boxes of clothes of my kids that are categorize by age. Also great as an instant bookmark I can take notes on.
what is a tickler file??
I use Post-its as a bookmark and then write the names of the main characters (and something about them). That way, if I “leave” a book for awhile, I have a handy “refresher course” abou the book keeping my page.
As markers in my Bible so I can flip to those uplifting, promises and truths.
Your idea for clor coding is great!
1car dashboard 2 errands 3 husbands briefcase 4 my moms lunch 5 my Bible!
My fave uses of posti-it notes: bookmarks for me and sign here or look at this spots post-it notes at work for my boss
I use them as bookmarks, that way I can jot notes, ideas and things to look up right next to where the inspiration came from. I especially use them in the books that I read aloud to my kids, that way if we come across a word that they don’t know, I can write myself a reminder to add the word to our weekly spelling.
I use them everywhere! But primarily at work I use them for each task and project, color coding to make it clear, and then they all go on the wall. When I can see everything in one place, it is so much easier for me to establish priority and I love the feeling of taking them off the wall when they’re done!
I use them to keep track of passwords & log-in names for my kids’ online game/ reading log accounts – I stick them around my computer monitor.
I love Post it Notes! I use them at my home desk every day…In fact, I have several stuck to my computer as I am typing this! Being a “woman of a certain age” I use them to remember everything… Phone numbers, email addresses, scripture verses, book titles and author name spelling, grocery lists,and the list can go on and on (preferably on a post-it!) I also use them to mark pages in a book I am reading, or an important passage in my Bible….I have been known to leave messages, and love notes on my husbands desk…in an array of of colors… My only problem with post-it-notes is that I don’t like to throw them away, just in case..;)
I use them to jot Bible verses that I want to use in a talk, journal,or in a card to someone. Also my writer mentor (Maria Keckler) has me place thoughts that come into my head for a particular project that will trigger more writing when the time comes for that chapter or article. I place them inside a folder on that subject. Then they are all safely there when I need them.
I really like your #4! That goes with what Marcia Ramsland has me doing in my office now that she did her part. (Yes, she came to my home) I can take one post it and work on that small project until all of the post its are gone and then wa-la I’m clean and organized.
As a professonal organizer, I use Post It Notes when redoing storage areas. For example, I put them on cabinet doors or drawers to indicate what will go where…much easier than continually opening each cabinet as we put items in their new homes.
painters tape is also great for this! also helps the husband know where to get stuff from and where to put it when he is done!
I use post-its to make lists and to remind myself of the last minute things I need to get in the car before I leave for the day. Usually those lists are made after I have packed and remember something else in the middle of the night.
My favorite new way to use post its: during our women’s bible study group we all write our prayer requests on post-it’s (all writing at the same time) then pass our prayer journal around to add our post it prayer requests to the book.
1. Love Notes in Sandwich Bags.
2. ABC’s on the refridgerator for the kiddos to learn the ABC’s.
3. VBS Donate Board One for Me and One for someone who wants to help donate a craft item for VBS!!
My husband and I chuckle when we remember how many sticky notes I was using when we met. For the job I had at the time, I used a clipboard for the paperwork I had to keep with me, and the clipboard full of papers ALSO had a full page of sticky-note-reminders on top … He decided that I must be a very “organized” person, since I made such good use of sticky notes. I laugh, because I’m pretty sure it’s my lack of “organized-ness” that required me to plaster my clipboard with sticky notes! 🙂
I use them to make notes for my hubby… To include to do list, shopping list, and just to say hi 🙂