Project #1

Heart vs. Stomach A Treat for Him

Today’s Project: Get a food treat for him that he’s not required to share with you or any other family member.

It’s time to think about food, glorious food.

My husband goes positively bonkers over a candy called Cherry Sours. As a leftover from his Florida childhood (from, what I can tell, was spent largely at Walt Disney World) he was first introduced to this candy and has great memories associated with them. The candy in question is a little red sugar ball – and my guy is desperately, inexplicably in love with mass quantities of them.

Which totally confounds me. They taste like the stuff your dental hygienist uses to rinse your mouth out after a particularly painful and thorough cleaning.

But, he loves ‘em, so I search for Cherry Sours whenever I can. They can be hard to locate, so when I do, I try to stock up, without Roger knowing.

When he’s having a rough time at work or I want to say congratulations for a job well done, I break out the Cherry Sours.

Is there a treat that you personally find revolting that your husband absolutely loves? Get it for him, letting him know through this small act, “This is all for you, baby…” (and if you truly don’t like the treat, he won’t feel obligated to share.)

Even if you do love it, insist that it’s all for him. Don’t let him share with you. This is something special that does not require him to share with his neighbor. (It’s perfectly acceptable to get a matching treat for yourself.)

Stumped for ideas? Here are some thoughts:

•Get his favorite pint of Ben & Jerry’s.

•Is there a certain cut of meat that your husband loves? How about having the butcher cut something just for him?

•Learn how to make his favorite dish from childhood.

•My guy loves the smell of baking almost as much as he enjoys eating the treat. Have some brownies in the oven when he gets home from work or working out. (I know, it negates the workout, but isn’t chocolate always worth it?)

Let me know what you’re going to do for your man in the comments below and one of the lucky winners will receive a “My Husband is a Hottie” T-shirt! If you want one for a treat for him for Valentines Day, order it from my store by Thursday and you’ll have it in time for the holiday!)

Plus, we have the winners from January’s What’s for Dinner Challenge:

Monday Nancy Biffel

Tuesday – Sharon

Wednesday – Regena

Thursday – Nocole Blean

Friday – Jessica Lincoln

Tomorrow we’ll be announcing the winner of the What’s for Dinner Prize Pack from the blog tour in January. Stay tunned!